Field Report: Mass Effect 3 'Citadel' DLC
While I had no problem with how Mass Effect 3 ended Shepard's story, Citadel is a more formal—and wholly welcome--farewell that doesn't insult the finality of what's come before it chronologically and through the narrative. Bravo, BioWare.
The past year's been tumultuous for Commander Shepard and the crew of the SR2 Normandy. With this last Mass Effect 3 downloadable content pack, "Citadel," the current Mass Effect saga comes to a close, giving the heroes we've grown to love some much deserved rest and relaxation. Like the add-on missions before it, Citadel takes place an undefined time before the assault on The Illusive Man's base. The key difference between this mission and the preceding add-on packs is it doesn't feel at all like something left on the cutting room floor, it's miles above Mass Effect 2's lauded "Lair of the Shadow Broker" and every other piece of downloadable content released before it.

Click through for Citadel DLC images
This Mass Effect 3 'Citadel' DLC Field Report was based on Xbox 360 code provided by the publisher. The add-on is now available for $14.99 (1200 Microsoft Points) on Xbox Live Marketplace, PlayStation Network (PS3), and Origin (PC).
Timothy J. Seppala posted a new article, Field Report: Mass Effect 3 'Citadel' DLC.
While I had no problem with how Mass Effect 3 ended Shepard's story, Citadel is a more formal—and wholly welcome--farewell that doesn't insult the finality of what's come before it chronologically and through the narrative. Bravo, BioWare.-
This DLC is surprisingly good. I was laughing out loud many times while playing it, the writers really saved the best for the last. Many things were very meta ("I should go", for example) but the fourth wall was never trully breached, thankfully.
It's fan service to the max, but in a good way. Worth every penny. -
Personally my "head cannon" is that the events in this DLC are an epilogue that take place after I chose the Destroy option, was picked up from the rubble, and am having one last party with my space buddies. Nothing anyone says will change my mind.
Its does sadden me to know that all of ME3 could have been like this had Bioware had given the game more time for development :(