Tomb Raider 'Caves and Cliffs' map pack announced, coming first on Xbox 360

Tomb Raider is getting its first bit of downloadable content later this month, a "Caves and Cliffs" pack that adds three multiplayer maps for $4.99. It's a timed exclusive to Xbox 360, coming March 19.


Square Enix has announced the first Tomb Raider downloadable content, coming later this month. Could it be tombs to raid, alternate outfits, or more startlingly graphic death animations? No on all counts! The "Caves and Cliffs" pack instead adds more maps for its various multiplayer modes.

The pack includes three maps: the Scavenger Caverns, which consists of underground tunnels; Cliff Shantytown, which hides deadly traps high in the mountains; and the Burning Village, in which a fire is raging in an abandoned Japanese village. The pack is a timed exclusive for the Xbox 360, coming March 19 for $4.99 (400 MSP). Square Enix didn't detail how long the exclusivity is set to last, but know this deal only applies to this first DLC.

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