Aliens: Colonial Marines day-one patch detailed

If your gripes with Aliens: Colonial Marines revolve chiefly around its doors, you'll love the day-one patches! Gearbox has detailed exactly was in those updates dropped on launch day: performance improvements; a lot of love for doors; and other assorted bug fixes. You'll want to go online and download the patch if you haven't already.


If your gripes with Aliens: Colonial Marines revolve chiefly around its doors, you'll love the day-one patches! Gearbox has detailed exactly what was in those updates dropped on launch day: performance improvements; a lot of love for doors; and other assorted bug fixes. You'll want to go online and download the patch if you haven't already.

Door-oriented changes including fixing some doors not openly properly, certain doorways blocking shots even when the door's open, doors bugging out if an alien's killed while it's being opened, and the Raven sometimes glitching through welded doors.

There's more to it than doors, of course. The three platforms' patches are almost identical, with the console versions simply having fixes for their splitscreen mode too, but here: full patch notes for PC; Xbox 360; and PlayStation 3. On all platforms, the patch will download automatically when you launch the game while online. Maybe you have it already, maybe you don't.

Of course, bug fixes can only do so much for a game game agreed to have far deeper flaws.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    February 13, 2013 5:00 PM

    Alice O'Connor posted a new article, Aliens: Colonial Marines day-one patch detailed.

    If your gripes with Aliens: Colonial Marines revolve chiefly around its doors, you'll love the day-one patches! Gearbox has detailed exactly was in those updates dropped on launch day: performance improvements; a lot of love for doors; and other assorted bug fixes. You'll want to go online and download the patch if you haven't already.

    • reply
      February 13, 2013 5:33 PM
      If this fellow is to be believed, and honestly this story rings true, Aliens was sacrificed by Gearbox for Borderlands after it turned out that TimeGate couldn't make a very good single-player game (no surprise there given their track record) and Gearbox had to slap the game together and get it out the door before Sega slapped a lawsuit on Randy's desk.

      At least Aliens: Infestation that Wayforward made in 2011 was surprisingly good. Anyone with a DS or 3DS should really check it out if you're feeling down about this game.

      • reply
        February 13, 2013 7:54 PM


      • reply
        February 14, 2013 12:29 PM

        Oh man, this comment is amazing!

        Pitchford: Look, those two releases are worth millions to the licensing division, right? Now, if you're smart, we can both come out of it as heroes, and we will be set up for life.
        Throwawayacm: You're crazy, Pitchford, you know that? You really think you can get dangerous bugs like that past Microsoft certification?
        Pitchford: How can they fail it if they don't know about it?
        Throwawayacm: Oh, but they will know about it, Pitchford. From me. Just like they'll know that you were responsible for the loss of one hundred and fifty seven thousand fans!
        Pitchford: Wait a second—
        Throwawayacm: You sent them to that E3 walkthrough!
        Pitchford: You're wrong!
        Throwawayacm: I just checked the company blog, directive dated 6/6/2012, signed Pitchford, Randall S. You sent them out there and you didn't even warn them! Why didn't you warn them, Pitchford?
        Pitchford: Okay, look. What if those bugs didn't even exist? Did you ever think about that? I didn't know! So now, if I went and made a major security situation out of it, everybody steps in. SEGA steps in, and there are no exclusive rights for anybody; nobody wins. So I made a decision, and it was wrong. It was a bad call, Throwawayacm. It was a bad call.
        Throwawayacm: Bad call? These fans are gone, Pitchford! Don't you have any idea what you've done here? Well, I'm gonna make sure that they nail you right to the wall for this! You're not gonna sleaze your way out of this one! Right to the wall!
        Pitchford: Throwawayacm...! You know, I... I expected more from you. I thought you'd be smarter than this.
        Throwawayacm: I'm happy to disappoint you.

    • reply
      February 13, 2013 6:42 PM

      Randy is such a joke, his circus act at selling garbage is getting mighty old... Thanks a lot GearBox for ruining an Aliens game that could of been awesome... Just let this game die, and go on and make 5 more borelands games that's about the extent of any talent this company's got...

      • reply
        February 13, 2013 6:48 PM

        "Gearbox Software - giving Troika a run for the medal of 'Worst Quality Assurance' for a Certified Gold title."

        • reply
          February 13, 2013 8:01 PM

          WTF, Troika does not deserve hate...they made amazing games in short time frames.

          • reply
            February 13, 2013 8:23 PM

            They made games with amazing premises and interesting gameplay mechanics that were plagued and ridden with bugs. If you actually made it through any of their titles without a game-breaking bug (which happened to me in both Arcanum and Vampire: Bloodlines, ugh) - you are a rare breed, sir.

            The longevity of their games is due to the feverish fan-base that has kept releasing unofficial patches.

    • reply
      February 13, 2013 8:12 PM


      • reply
        February 14, 2013 8:20 AM

        They could play the opening of the new Jerk Store.

    • reply
      February 13, 2013 10:14 PM

      Is the game that bad? I bought the last Aliens vs. Predator game and thought it sucked(mp stunk). Is this worse?

      • reply
        February 13, 2013 11:57 PM

        This game is NOT that bad. I don't get why it's being tra-oh wait yes I do. Due to place like Reddit, gamers are becoming more and more like mobs. Either you please them and you they praise you or anger them and they will do everything in your power to destroy you. Destructoid gave it a 2.5/10 thats only .5 better than DUKE NUKEM FOREVER. The reality is, this is a game that has a short and sloppy singleplayer campaign. Early on there were some bugs, but they were patched the first day. The multiplayer is where the game shines. A lot of people are crying about balance, but the game is balanced. Aliens have to work in teams to take out marines, you can't usually go in there solo and expect to survive. All the complaints about the game are minimal. The game has a disappointing SP campaign and that's about it.

        The game is a solid 7/10 in my book.

        +Fun Multiplayer with goodies to unlock
        +Easy Matchmaking
        +Campaign supports 4 player Coop

        -Graphics aren't stellar
        -P2P can cause issues
        -Singleplayer Campaign story is dull and short

        • reply
          February 14, 2013 12:17 AM

          I dunno man, everything I've seen looks pretty fucking terrible and nothing I've seen looks even remotely like an Aliens game should.

        • reply
          February 14, 2013 3:56 AM

          I bought this game specifically for the SP. That is where my disappointment lies. This game was supposed to be canon for the series, instead we got the bait and switch. I'm somewhat glad I only paid $30 for the game, but my anger is still burning.

          I'd like to try MP as I know there are many that agree with you and claim MP is not bad. I need my anger to subside first to at least get some value for my money.

        • reply
          February 14, 2013 7:42 AM

          you are wrong, just like the people defending Duke Nukem were.

        • reply
          February 14, 2013 7:47 AM

          A few people said the same thing about DNF, I'll wait till it hits the $3.99 bargain bin in a couple of months to see for myself. Only an idiot would pay $60 for something that pretty much everyone says is a turd

        • reply
          February 14, 2013 8:36 AM

          Stockholm syndrome in action.

    • reply
      February 14, 2013 7:49 AM


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