Dishonored sales 'far exceeding' predictions

A few years ago, the idea that the sandbox-y first-person stealth-ish shooter could ever find a second wind would be met with sorry sighs. Delightfully, after Deus Ex: Human Revolution last year and now Dishonored, the future's looking grand for the genre time almost forgot. Dishonored publisher Bethesda Softworks has said that sales of Arkane's sneak 'em up are "far exceeding" expectations, and dubbed it "a new franchise."


A few years ago, the idea that the sandbox-y first-person stealth-ish shooter could ever find a second wind would be met with sorry sighs. Delightfully, after Deus Ex: Human Revolution last year and now Dishonored, the future's looking grand for the genre time almost forgot. Dishonored publisher Bethesda Softworks has said that sales of Arkane's sneak 'em up are "far exceeding" expectations, and dubbed it "a new franchise."

"I can tell you that Dishonored is far exceeding our sales expectations, which is especially cool considering it's new IP facing a host of well-established franchises this quarter," Bethesda marketing man Pete Hines told Destructoid. "We did terrific numbers again this past weekend, both in stores and on Steam, where Dishonored was listed as the #1 selling title over the holiday weekend. And Dishonored has really sold well overseas."

Being discounted to half-price in the Steam Thanksgiving sale helped hugely with that, mind.

Hines added, "So, we're very pleased and appreciate all the fans that have supported Dishonored and Arkane. We clearly have a new franchise."

Arkane's not done with Dishonored yet, currently working on three DLC packs. The first, the $5 challenge mode Dunwall City Trials is slated to launch on December 11. Two story-driven add-ons will follow.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    November 28, 2012 6:45 AM

    Alice O'Connor posted a new article, Dishonored sales 'far exceeding' predictions.

    A few years ago, the idea that the sandbox-y first-person stealth-ish shooter could ever find a second wind would be met with sorry sighs. Delightfully, after Deus Ex: Human Revolution last year and now Dishonored, the future's looking grand for the genre time almost forgot. Dishonored publisher Bethesda Softworks has said that sales of Arkane's sneak 'em up are "far exceeding" expectations, and dubbed it "a new franchise."

    • reply
      November 28, 2012 6:56 AM

      It's getting a sequel! Woo

    • reply
      November 28, 2012 7:08 AM

      I love it. I still haven't beaten it (pretty close), but I am taking my time and peeling this onion a layer at a time. I am playing with the intent on keeping a high level of chaos without simply being run and gun. I am being OCD about finding everything and exploring the entire levels, and I am stealthy even when I kill. I will definitely play again with a low level of chaos (with maybe a perfect no-kill run).

    • reply
      November 28, 2012 7:26 AM

      Love the game, taking my sweet time through it!

    • reply
      November 28, 2012 7:32 AM

      Really awesome news. I love to see a new IP doing well.

    • reply
      November 28, 2012 9:29 AM

      This is one of my favorite new IPs of this generation, so I am ecstatic to hear it is doing so well.

      I chose Dishonored over XCOM when they both launch, thanks to the steam sale I am finally playing XCOM and neither would have been a bad choice.

      I think Dishonored and XCOM are the two best games to come out this year. Every other game that came out this year did not meet my expectations (except guild wars 2). Then again it might be because didn't really have any expectations for Dishonored or XCOM

    • reply
      November 28, 2012 9:43 AM


    • reply
      November 28, 2012 9:52 AM

      Also helps it hit $25 so fast.

      • reply
        November 28, 2012 10:21 AM

        You do realize it was only on sale for $25 because of black Friday. It's already back to $60.

        • reply
          November 28, 2012 10:46 AM

          Still, i'm sure that helped a ton! I know I bought it when it hit $25.

          • reply
            November 28, 2012 1:07 PM

            same. instant purchase. gotta get going on it this weekend hopefully

    • reply
      November 28, 2012 10:24 AM

      Woooooo good for them and I'm glad one of bethesda's publishing risks were successful.

    • reply
      November 28, 2012 11:05 AM

      Sadly, I still need to pick this one up, went for the new Hitman's fun, but I'm sure not as fun.....

      • reply
        November 28, 2012 1:03 PM

        Just started HItman, it's a mixed bag for me so far extremely linear compared to Blood Money. But I am enjoying it. It's nothing like Dishonored though and I'm glad the game sold well the developers deserve it! Can't wait for them to make another one and for the upcoming DLC...

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