Dragon Age 3: Inquisition announced

After months of hinting and teasing about a new Dragon Age game, BioWare has finally announced the next installment in fantasy RPG series, Dragon Age 3: Inquisition


BioWare hinted about a new Dragon Age game at PAX East, and even asked for feedback on the series from fans. After all that, BioWare has finally announced the next installment in fantasy RPG series, Dragon Age 3: Inquisition.

"The Dragon Age team has been working on Dragon Age 3: Inquisition for almost two years now," said Aaryn Flynn, general manager of BioWare Edmonton and BioWare Montreal. "We've been poring over player feedback from past games and connecting directly with our fans. They haven't held back, so we're not either. With Dragon Age 3: Inquisition, we want to give fans what they're asking for--a great story with choices that matter, a massive world to explore, deep customization and combat that is both tactical and visceral."

The game will use DICE's Frostbite 2 engine, and is expected to come out in late 2013. Curiously, no platforms were mentioned in the release. Executive Producer Mark Darrah said in a post on the official blog that they still have nothing to show, but fans can expect "a more expansive world, better visuals, more reactivity to player choices, and more customization."

Contributing Editor
From The Chatty
  • reply
    September 17, 2012 8:27 AM

    John Keefer posted a new article, Dragon Age 3: Inquisition announced.

    After months of hinting and teasing about a new Dragon Age game, BioWare has finally announced the next installment in fantasy RPG series, Dragon Age 3: Inquisition

    • reply
      September 17, 2012 8:33 AM


      • reply
        September 17, 2012 8:34 AM

        DA2 wasn't the clincher for you?

        • reply
          September 17, 2012 8:46 AM

          DA2 pretty much killed me, playing all ME games back 2 back brought back some faith. Im probably the only person that loved the ending to ME3, minus the extended cut which ive yet to play.

        • reply
          September 17, 2012 8:50 AM

          lol thats what i was thinking. me3 was supposedly a good action "rpg" with a horrible/asstacular ending but da2 was a blatant moneygrab that shat on is predecessor and ruined the reputation of the franchise. something that even EA marketing with marilyn manson "this is the new shit" marketing didnt manage. they are desperatly trying to put down the flames but for most folks the days of bioware games being met with open arms and no skepticism are over.

          now everyone expects a turd, and even if its good there have been many bridges burned the way they handled da2/me3.

        • reply
          September 17, 2012 9:14 AM

          The contrast between DA:O and DA:2 is startling. No way in hell I'm touching DA:3 until lots of reviews (from reputable people/places) come out.

      • reply
        September 17, 2012 10:39 AM

        oh come on! me3 was good. it's da2 that was shit

        • reply
          September 17, 2012 11:49 AM

          They were both shit IMO. Maybe DA2 was worse but I liked the mass effect setting more,
          so it was much more disappointing to me.

          • reply
            September 17, 2012 12:57 PM

            you may say i'm crazy, but i liked me3. a lot

            • reply
              September 17, 2012 3:01 PM

              That's fine. We don't have to agree about everything.

    • reply
      September 17, 2012 8:39 AM

      So, it was expected?

    • reply
      September 17, 2012 8:57 AM

      Makes it like Dragon Age 1, don't make it look like ass and I'll actually try it this time. I completely ignored DA2 from the changes made and opinions afterward

    • reply
      September 17, 2012 8:59 AM

      "In development for the past two years" scares me, because that could mean that parts of this game could be locked into that Dragon Age 2, Mass Effect 3 mentality of BioWare, before 2012 came along, and most of BioWare's fans increasingly were pressuring BioWare to take a long hard look at themselves, and identify where they went off the rails in terms of DA2, ME3, and SW:TOR.

      I'm an outsider looking in on this situation, as someone who hasn't bought BioWare games but has read the reviews and controversy from their past 3 games. It makes me wonder, "Have they learned almost nothing? Are they merely committing to it because DA3 has been in the pipeline, and SW:TOR is hemmorhaging subscribers, and Mass Effect is sunsetting in terms of ongoing content?"

    • reply
      September 17, 2012 9:01 AM


    • reply
      September 17, 2012 9:18 AM

      >and combat that is both tactical and visceral
      Looks like they haven't learned anything then; I'll stick to Project Eternity thanks.

      • reply
        September 17, 2012 9:22 AM

        I liked the combat of DA2, it was actually fun. Only I hated everything else about the game.

        • reply
          September 17, 2012 10:09 AM

          Combat was fun and the character dialogs were decent. The final act and shitty repetition of scenes was terrible though.

      • reply
        September 17, 2012 11:27 AM

        The combat change was not the problem of DA2. It was the unpolished unfinished state the game was in. Reusing of maps, constantly sending insta spawn waves, lack of content maker tools, the fact that the game's choices are more or less reduced down to a choice you make at the end of the game. It has been rumored that the game was released at late Alpha state. and rushed out to meet deadline. I can't confirm this, but I certainly can see it plausible.

    • reply
      September 17, 2012 9:33 AM

      this is gonna be so shitty~

    • reply
      September 17, 2012 9:39 AM

      I really hope they spent time deconstructing the problems with Mass Effect 3 and Dragon Age 2. In RPG or RPG-Like games I expect the player choice to matter in a good story and fully explorable worlds. I think Bioware historically knows what is needed to make a good game but lately seems to lose sight somewhere in development of the last few games.

      • reply
        September 17, 2012 9:51 AM

        I have to wonder how leadership churn affects this; a lot of the former leads of DA1 and ME2 aren't there anymore. Additionally, there's the effects of focus groups, overtutorialization, and mass-marketization of what used to be a relatively niche franchise.

        As someone whose favorite genre (PC FPS) has been mostly corrupted into banality by the factors I mentioned, I empathize. I see a parallel between "every FPS aping Call of Duty" and "every BioWare title chasing after action, ditching player agency". I know it's a business chasing after maximum profit, but EA and BioWare look like they're suffocating the golden goose.

        • reply
          September 17, 2012 10:45 AM

          It's like if the MLB, NBA and NHL all changed their sports' rulesets to be more like NFL football.

      • reply
        September 17, 2012 2:00 PM

        ME3 Tuchanka * 10 please.
        ME3 Endgame nothx.

    • reply
      September 17, 2012 9:54 AM


    • reply
      September 17, 2012 10:05 AM

      I can't get excited for this. I still feel so burned by Dragon Age 2

      • reply
        September 17, 2012 10:18 AM

        I only played the demo, and I still feel burned by DA2.

        • reply
          September 17, 2012 1:42 PM

          I just watched OTHER people play and i still felt burned!

    • reply
      September 17, 2012 10:18 AM

      Expect the first trailer at the VGAs. Sounds like a prime candidate for that.

      And by the way, to hell with you people, I really liked what Dragon Age 2 did with its character development and storytelling. It doesn't get enough credit for that.

      • reply
        September 17, 2012 10:26 AM

        hahah you already threw away a npc family member within the few minutes long shitty demo. brilliant writing/story telling my ass. also you are free to enjoy mediocre sequels, no reason to get butthurt.

        • reply
          September 17, 2012 12:56 PM

          they did do a good job with the storytelling, IMO - awesome things were done with the voice acting and interacting with the NPCs.

          where it fell on its face hardcore was the actual story itself, and the incredibly limited and repetitive scope/environments. the limited customization was another big hit, but none of those are related to how they told the story

          • reply
            September 17, 2012 12:57 PM

            oo yeah, and the ninja-wherever-spawning combat + no clipping. :| i had made myself forget about that.

    • reply
      September 17, 2012 10:30 AM


      • reply
        September 17, 2012 10:39 AM

        DA2 really can't be classified as being good. It did a few things well, but the vast majority of the game was crap.

        This is in contrast with ME3, which did a lot right but fucked itself over with terribad endings.

        • reply
          September 17, 2012 12:07 PM

          The writing in ME3 was dismal. Not just the endings, there were entire characters and story arcs that were look-over-your-shoulder-to-make-sure-nobody-is-watching-me-play-this levels of bad.

    • reply
      September 17, 2012 10:31 AM

      In my mind, Mel Brooks laid claim to the word Inquisition for all time


    • reply
      September 17, 2012 10:44 AM

      Sorry but I've put my money in Wasteland 2 and Project Eternity.

    • reply
      September 17, 2012 11:03 AM

      Bioware used to make amazing new IP after amazing new IP. KOTOR, Mass Effect, DA, Jade Empire, anybody remember those days? Now it's just sequel after sequel.

    • reply
      September 17, 2012 11:28 AM

      will buy it just to see the continuation of the enchantment dwarf's story.

    • reply
      September 17, 2012 11:41 AM

      DAO was an amazing game and the ME series wasn't bad (nor good imo) but after DA2 and Bioware's recent behaviour towards its community and my growing dislike for EA, I'm out. Anyway didn't one of the lead writers on ME1 and 2 move to 343? Remember him introducing himself during a Halo panel either in the Rooster Teeth Expo thing or one of this years PAX events. Anyway that and the rumors that one of the writers on ME3 just went ahead and wrote the ending themselves without consulting the other writers working on ME3 really does nothing to make me interested in another Bioware game.

    • reply
      September 17, 2012 11:44 AM


    • reply
      September 17, 2012 11:46 AM

      Whelp, even though I never finished DA2, I'm a shamless Bioware fanboy and will watch this with interest. They get way too much shit these days.

    • reply
      September 17, 2012 12:18 PM

      I struggled to get even 30% through DA2. I like the characters, and didn't mind the combat, but the scope felt too limited. I didn't being confined to mostly just the city and the repeated dungeons really grated on me.

    • reply
      September 17, 2012 12:48 PM

      Frostbite 2? Unannounced platforms? Sounds like DA3 will be quite the looker if nothing else.

    • reply
      September 17, 2012 12:59 PM

      Bunch of whining little girls up in this here thread. Sure, the new Bioware games aren't exactly Planescape: Torment or Baldur's Gate, but come on now.

      • reply
        September 17, 2012 1:01 PM

        They were before being bought by EA. Hence the bitching.

      • reply
        September 17, 2012 1:57 PM

        I think its fair to expect better for something priced at a premium. Some of people in the thread might be whining but others are just voicing concern. The way things are now people will only accept so many $60 duds before they move on.

    • reply
      September 17, 2012 1:08 PM


    • reply
      September 17, 2012 2:08 PM

      Fuck yes. DA:O was amazing, DA:2 was ok (fuck the haters, IT WAS FUCKING OK). ME series is obviously awesome. They said pretty much everything I wanted them to say to make me get an erection that blasted through my desk.

      Frostbite 2, listening to community, giant world, great story, and customization.

    • reply
      September 17, 2012 2:28 PM

      Dragon Age Origins worth five quid on Impulse?

      It's either that or FTL i think.

    • reply
      September 17, 2012 3:26 PM

      After DA2, SWTOR, and ME3's ending I don't think all the cynicism swirling about the Bioware is the work of vocal haters. Bioware's reputation has deservedly sunk low. Most of the goodwill is gone. I'd rather back Obsidian's Project Eternity for $25 despite the fact that kickstarter projects offer no refunds or assurance that the product will even be released. It tells you something when I have more faith and interest in a maybe release from Obsidian than a new entry in Dragon Age.

      I liked this post from neogaf because I think it illustrates how Bioware's once ardent fanbase feels about them: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=42229786&postcount=212

    • reply
      September 17, 2012 4:08 PM

      Oh I'll buy it.

    • reply
      September 17, 2012 4:56 PM

      And not a single fuck was given.

    • reply
      September 17, 2012 6:12 PM

      Better visuals ... thank God, those games looked atrocious.

    • reply
      September 17, 2012 7:59 PM

      Meh not expecting much

    • reply
      September 17, 2012 8:01 PM

      def not buying on day 1, probably wait for a sale before thinking about this one.

    • reply
      September 17, 2012 8:13 PM

      Haha fuck your bullshit. By the time this comes out there'll be three Kickstarter RPGs to play as well, and it's almost guaranteed every one of them is going to have better quests and gameplay.

    • reply
      September 18, 2012 7:17 AM

      i have no confidence in da3 at all

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