Lost Planet 3 preview
After thirty minutes of hands-on time, I would say Lost Planet 3 is the game I always wanted Lost Planet to be.
Fighting aliens off your face requires great reflexes
Watch the Shacknews E3 2012 page to follow all our coverage of this year's show. This preview is based on a hands-on demo shown at a pre-E3 event.
Andrew Yoon posted a new article, Lost Planet 3 preview.
After thirty minutes of hands-on time, I would say Lost Planet 3 is the game I always wanted Lost Planet to be.-
You have to play on the easiest difficulty and unlock better weapons and then work your way up to the harder difficulties once you have better equipment. It's actually designed to be played through multiple times in a pseudo-action-rpg way.
And it's vastly more fun to play with friends than it is to play alone. Plus some things, like combining mecha into mobile mecha tanks, requires two players to accomplish.-
multiplayer in LP2 was awesome. I remember have a 3 man team where we did superhero poses with some secret button combo (start + back + left trigger and right trigger or some shit like that) and all 3 of you pose in the most ridiculous way you can imagine then a giant fireball comes out of the sky and obliterates everything