BioWare opens dialogue on Dragon Age

BioWare is soliciting feedback for the future of Dragon Age, with a monthly question on what fans would like to see out of the Dragon Age franchise.


Dragon Age: Origins was a beloved throwback to classic PC RPGs, and fans rallied around it. Dragon Age 2, not so much. Many fans felt the game had changed too much. So as BioWare prepares for Dragon Age 3, it's soliciting feedback from its vocal audience.

A post on the BioWare Blog says the team is going to be asking a series of questions about what fans would like to see from the series. "Consider this a conversation between fans, the community team, and the developers," it reads. "Everyone at BioWare is incredibly excited about the future of the franchise but we're interested in what you have to say." Questions will be posted monthly, and fans will have a week to reply. The post states this feedback will be used for the universe as a whole, so that could include things like novels or animated features.

The first question, which starts today, is very lore-based: "What kinds of things would you like to discover and learn about the Dragon Age world?"

"However, it's worth reminding that we're not making promises, we're talking about ideas," the blog states. "We won't guarantee that things we discuss will materialize and we’re not showing anything until we're ready."

We don't know much about a potential Dragon Age 3, but BioWare did cancel a Dragon Age 2 expansion to explore "other opportunities." At PAX East 2012, BioWare hinted at more open spaces (without repeated assets) and bringing back full equipment options for party members.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    May 16, 2012 8:15 AM

    Steve Watts posted a new article, BioWare opens dialogue on Dragon Age.

    BioWare is soliciting feedback for the future of Dragon Age, with a monthly question on what fans would like to see out of the Dragon Age franchise.

    • reply
      May 16, 2012 8:25 AM

      Calm down.

    • reply
      May 16, 2012 8:29 AM

      More of DA1, forget DA2 exists or anything you did with it.

    • reply
      May 16, 2012 8:44 AM

      "What kinds of things would you like to discover and learn about the Dragon Age world?"

      Nothing unless there's some way they can make it not incredibly generic.

    • reply
      May 16, 2012 9:12 AM

      I know what they were trying to do in DA2 - they were trying to make an interesting story without making that story an end-all-be-all epic game where the fate of the Universe hangs in the balance. They tried to make it more personal.

      That was all fine and good while i was playing - I enjoyed it - it was refreshingly different! The problem is that there was no payoff at the end. The game kinda ended just as the plot was becoming interesting - like BioWare cut off the ending in order to sell you the ending via paid DLC, or release another game even.

      That's a pretty shrewd thing to do, and probably very effective in a business sense, but it makes for a lot of upset gamers when the reach the end of the game.

    • reply
      May 16, 2012 9:17 AM

      i'd just like the world to be more open and them to not re-use dungeons over and over again.

      • reply
        May 16, 2012 9:39 AM

        well then you are looking at skyrim. we need dragon age to get the oomph of the original back.

    • reply
      May 16, 2012 9:27 AM

      sell all your properties to CDP RED and then we'll talk

      • reply
        May 16, 2012 9:55 AM

        Haha. Those boys have certainly raised the bar for what an RPG should be.

    • reply
      May 16, 2012 12:34 PM


      • reply
        May 16, 2012 8:15 PM


      • reply
        May 17, 2012 3:53 AM

        Now take my money just make sure no one finds out about it.

        BioWare has transcended "guilty pleasure" and entered the realm of "transvestite prostitute."

    • reply
      May 16, 2012 1:02 PM

      I find RPG stories confusing. So is gameplay. Is there a way I could just press a button to skip the cut scenes or gameplay parts? In fact, I'd prefer to not have to press buttons at all, but just vaguely wave my hand periodically so I can continue enjoying my hamburger helper.

      • reply
        May 17, 2012 3:54 AM

        Then you need to play it with Kinect!

    • reply
      May 16, 2012 6:22 PM

      I guess this proves how out of touch with their core audience BioWare has become, and how they're not fostering a new group of fanatics with their most recent polarizing titles (Mass Effect 3, Dragon Age 2). It felt like there were signs of this leading up to Mass Effect 2, with the reaction to the Subject Zero video. So now they're giving up on "silo mode PR" (or whatever it's called), and are going out asking the community what they think? Isn't a game developer supposed to be engaged enough with its fans to know what they like, and what needs to be improved? It's good, but it feels like too little, FAR too late.

      • reply
        May 16, 2012 6:31 PM

        They have been creating awesome since 1998, and all of a sudden around 2010 they forgot how to develop games. When shit like that happens you can generally thank upper management.

        • reply
          May 16, 2012 7:27 PM

          Management, and talented people leaving the company. It's important to remember that no matter what a company's pedegree, it's only as good as its employees.

      • reply
        May 16, 2012 7:26 PM

        My question with this is, how in the world can you make effective decisions as a game designer if you're working off a vague crowdsourced idea? When it comes down to important decisions it's still up to the designers, which means they need to have a good sense of what they're making. "Hmm, well what did the poll say" is not an option at that point.

        • reply
          May 16, 2012 8:04 PM

          I agree, but when there's not a "vague crowdsourced idea", but an ocean of complaints almost in unison of "NO! Don't do that!", it would be foolish to tune that out entirely.

        • reply
          May 16, 2012 8:19 PM

          You're taking a very negative view of things. Some gamers do know what they want, even if they can't articulate it properly. Like the 1999 mode in Bioshock Infinite, or the Borderlands 2 PC stuff. that's good stuff.

          But I doubt Bioware is doing that. Bioware is a fucking EA company and they don't pull stuff like what 2K did with those two games pretty much ever. the point of this is to make the community feel listened to and then release whatever fucking game they want.

    • reply
      May 16, 2012 6:37 PM

      It's face-palm material if they have to solicit feedback for DA3. I'm basically reading that as they don't want to go back to dragon age gameplay, but instead want to stick with DA2.

      Short of getting kicked in the nuts, how much more feedback could they possible need that DA2 is inferior to DA?

    • reply
      May 16, 2012 6:39 PM


    • reply
      May 16, 2012 6:51 PM

      I'd like to have at least four different colored endings. A orange ending for killing all the mages with a fireball, a blue ending for killing all the templars with a frost spell, a green ending for killing all the elves with an acid cloud, and a pink ending for turning everyone gay.

    • reply
      May 16, 2012 7:13 PM

      The fact that they have to ask (and that they still don't get it, even now) is pretty telling.

      Also, more DLC please. Activation codes, Launch Day DLC, $15 map packs with recycled maps, and pay to win are obviously what we all want.

      • reply
        May 17, 2012 3:57 AM

        In fairness, the pay-to-win in Mass Effect 3 helps not only you but the other players on your team and doesn't detract from anyone's experience who isn't personally invested in their spot on the leaderboards.

    • reply
      May 16, 2012 7:17 PM

      I'd like to see more of what they were doing with Dragon Age 1.

    • reply
      May 16, 2012 8:15 PM

      I don't want them to make a better game. They're never going to make a good DA3 at this point, and I kind of got everything I wanted out of that series with the first one, so a merely mediocre game would be a non event.

      But if they put out something atrocious like Dragon Age 2 again, then oh man here come the awesome comedy gifs, youtube vids of despicably retarded dialogue and best of all the indignant talimancer types getting all in a huff to defend the game. Can't wait!

    • reply
      May 17, 2012 12:45 AM

      I see no reason why you need to press a button for something awesome to happen. Awesome things should be constantly happening.

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