Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 preview
From the first moment in the demo I saw, Treyarch's intentions were clear: they were dialing the intensity up as high as possible.

Los Angeles is under attack

Inside BO2's futuristic aircraft

Drones will change the feeling of multiplayer
Garnett Lee posted a new article, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 preview.
From the first moment in the demo I saw, Treyarch's intentions were clear: they were dialing the intensity up as high as possible.-
I just wish they would give us higher resolution textures, don't care about DX11. I like the Q3 based engine since it is smooth and responsive. Nothing wrong with it, just slap some high rez goodness in there ffs. I hate the new engines with their oversaturated bloom, hdr and bull**** overbright lighting. They need to concentrate on high rez animations and textures not overloading out screens with useless gimicky **** that gets in the way of the shooting
I've actually started playing a lot of COD again after mostly playing BFBC2 & BF3 over the years. Had enough of the vehicle spam and just feel like tight small scale infantry combat. Even started playing Quake live too.
Saying that though if there was an engine for them to upgrade to, the RAGE engine would be the ideal choice IMO.