Skyrim: Dawnguard DLC coming to Xbox 360 this summer

Bethesda has finally announced the first expansion pack for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Titled Dawnguard, the DLC will arrive first on Xbox 360 this summer.


Bethesda has finally announced the first expansion pack for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Titled Dawnguard, the DLC will arrive first on Xbox 360 this summer as part of Bethesda's exclusivity agreement with Microsoft. No word on a PC or PS3 release yet; however the original agreement specified a 30-day exclusivity window.

Unfortunately, the company offered little more than this image when announcing the expansion. At the very least, we expect Dawnguard will offer arrows and, um, glowing eyes.

Before release, Bethesda's Todd Howard said that DLC would be "more substantial" for Skyrim. "We don't know what we're going to make yet, but we'd like them to be closer to an expansion pack feel." The company has confirmed plans for at least two drops of DLC.

Andrew Yoon was previously a games journalist creating content at Shacknews.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    May 1, 2012 11:15 AM

    Andrew Yoon posted a new article, Skyrim: Dawnguard DLC coming to Xbox 360 this summer.

    Bethesda has finally announced the first expansion pack for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Titled Dawnguard, the DLC will arrive first on Xbox 360 this summer.

    • reply
      May 1, 2012 11:43 AM

      Arrows: maybe they're crossbow bolts? But those are usually worn on the hip.

    • reply
      May 1, 2012 11:52 AM

      First on Xbox? What the fuuuuuuuck?

      • reply
        May 1, 2012 1:47 PM

        This is part of Microsoft following through on their promise to focus on pc gaming. We just misunderstood what they meant by that.

        • reply
          May 1, 2012 3:29 PM

          We got the free creation kit and we can dl any fan made mod we want. A lot of which will has probably blown anything this DLC might com out with, out of the water. Still hope it doesnt take too long for it to come out on PC tho. I've been sitting at 81 (half way to 82) for the past 2 months.

    • reply
      May 1, 2012 11:56 AM

      PC love???

    • reply
      May 1, 2012 11:57 AM


      • reply
        May 1, 2012 12:06 PM

        Easy for you to say when it's you that gets the content first. I remember the outrage at the joker being exclusive to the ps3 Arkham Asylum. All of a sudden all those people that defended xbox exclusive dlc started crying.

    • reply
      May 1, 2012 12:11 PM

      THE FUCK??????????????

    • reply
      May 1, 2012 12:22 PM

      Well if I had to guess, there will be non-Falmer Snow Elves and snow elves will have Snow Princess as their leader (not unlike the Snow Prince during the initial extermination against ancient Nords).

      Being the last race to ever really know the Dwemer, the Snow Elves would have access to mechanical contraptions such as crossbows.

      There was also mention of Vampires. I wouldn't think it impossible that the Snow Princess is a vampire herself and has survived since the days of Dwemer and ancient Nords. She might be the last living person to be able to give first hand accounts on the Dwemer and what happened to them.

      • reply
        May 1, 2012 12:36 PM

        everyone has had crossbows. long bows are just better. play morrowind.

    • reply
      May 1, 2012 12:58 PM

      BREAKING: Microsoft gives game studio money to get DLC first.

      File this under non-shocking.

    • reply
      May 1, 2012 1:11 PM

      nice this should give me a reason to try out the new Kinect features

    • reply
      May 1, 2012 1:47 PM

      I feel compelled to post freddiew's skyrim video in honor of this DLC announcement:

    • reply
      May 1, 2012 3:34 PM

      DLC exclusivity is bullshit. Fuckin xbox.

    • reply
      May 1, 2012 3:44 PM


    • reply
      May 1, 2012 4:49 PM


    • reply
      May 1, 2012 5:28 PM


    • reply
      May 1, 2012 5:53 PM


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