Dragon Age 3 hints dropped at PAX panel
BioWare's not yet officially talking about a third Dragon Age--one's yet to be announced, for one thing--but it has dropped some heavy hints addressing common calls from fans: for "decisions that matter," "equipment for followers," and to "stop reusing levels."

Dragon Age: Origins
Alice O'Connor posted a new article, Dragon Age 3 hints dropped at PAX panel.
BioWare's not yet officially talking about a third Dragon Age--one's yet to be announced, for one thing--but it has dropped some heavy hints addressing common calls from fans: for "decisions that matter," "equipment for followers," and to "stop reusing levels."-
done with Bioware, so I don't even care anymore.
They've basically run their franchises to the ground, have become nothing more than corporate shills and seem to have lost all semblance of a quality focused studio. That they green-lit the ME3 ending should be enough proof for all to see that the Bioware of old is dead and gone. There's a blatant DLC advert at the end of ME3, come on, how fucking arrogant is that.
Fuck them.-
Buy this game [Drakensang: The River of Time] http://store.steampowered.com/app/33770/?snr=1_7_suggest__13 with the DLC http://store.steampowered.com/app/33780/?snr=1_7_suggest__13
and thank me later its probably what you wanted DA2 to be, Drakensang: The River of Time is a amazing game totally over looked :( I would of thought DA1 fans would be all over it.-
My Review http://www.shacknews.com/chatty?id=25117860 dug this up, the reply has the main review.
I didn't play ME3 or DA2 yet but I really just don't get the impression that Bioware can or wants to make decisions more difficult and impactful. The ME style gives a more obvious feedback loop (here's some good guy points!) and caters to a more mass market style. I'm not sure I see them going to The Witcher's style and making people straight up not know who the good or bad guys are when choosing, and hiding/delaying results of that choice for long stretches.
Even though at the time you defended it to the hilt. So funny to watch people stand beside a turd and try to pass it off as a piece of gold...you're only fooling yourself.
I'm thankful for DA:O and Awakening, might buy Witch Hunt some day, but I doubt I'll buy another Dragon Age title, unless it's the second coming and they knock out something as good as Baldur's Gate! -
The noises they were making about this were pretty much: "Ok, we will give you some minor stuff like not copy pasting levels and follower customization, but we aren't changing the gameplay back to the Origins style or even acknowledging that the wave system sucked tactically"
So its basically going to be DA2 with a little bit more customization and more bland empty but unique corridors. -
The amount of ongoing Bioware hate is pretty astonishing. They're still one of he best game developers we have, and frankly there are so few even decent RPG developers that we should be grateful. those games are huge and hard to make, stop expecting them to be perfect of the same very time.
For the record, I'm enjoying the fuck out of my Imperial Agent story in SWTOR, it's fantastic and I'm astonished at the time, co-ordination, talent and effort that went into this game.-
We hate them because they are not living up to expectations. They had such a long pedigree og amazing games, but are ruining themselves by cranking out sup-par sequels like DA2, not taking their own products seriously like the hastily cobbled together ME3 ending, and showing that they are losing their innovative touch with SWTOR. I really hope they can turn this around, but I fear that train has already left. They got too big, too corporate.
I totally agree. They sold their soul a while ago, and we're really starting to feel the consequences these days. ME3 is such an amazing game, it is a atrocity that they did not take the time to finish it properly. Plz Bioware, stop trying to belch out annual sequels and shitty dlc schemes, and get you pride back. Yes it will mean less money short term, but you'll avoid losing the rest of your once great reputation.