Diablo 3 skill videos fight fire with fire

Blizzard unveils its next installment of videos showcasing class abilities for Diablo 3.


As Diablo III rapidly approaches release, Blizzard is releasing more information to keep already eager gamers salivating. To go along with previous blog installments, a new set of class ability videos have been revealed, focusing on the destructive skills.

In this installment, 10 videos have been posted, with the Witch Doctor getting the most love with four abilities showcased. I'm kinda partial to the Fetish Army and Wall of Zombies.

The Monk's Way of the Hundred Fists looks particularly deadly, while the Demon Hunter's Fan of Knives is reminiscent of the Warden ability of the same name in Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne.

Diablo 3 is scheduled to be released May 15.

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  • reply
    March 29, 2012 8:15 AM

    John Keefer posted a new article, Diablo 3 skill videos fight fire with fire.

    Blizzard unveils its next installment of videos showcasing class abilities for Diablo 3.

    • reply
      March 29, 2012 4:42 PM

      More witch doctor love, good, he is going to be my first character.
      demon hunter looks OK, but, ugh, the NAME, surely they could have sat around a able eating donuts, and come up with a better name then that...isn't everyone a Demon Hunter???

    • reply
      March 29, 2012 7:17 PM

      are these videos loading ridiculously slow for anyone else?

    • reply
      March 31, 2012 10:10 PM

      Wow, what a difference a release date makes, a Diablo 3 topic, with only 3 replies after 2 days!
      And, no, those videos loaded perfectly fine for me

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