Mass Effect 3 Datapad now available on iOS
If you've been wholly absorbed by the Mass Effect universe lately, the newly-released "Datapad" should be up your alley.
If you've been wholly absorbed by the Mass Effect universe lately, the newly-released "Datapad" should be up your alley. The Universal app--compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch--will give you access to codex entries from across the entire Mass Effect trilogy. You'll also be able to access "breaking news" from BioWare and the Alliance News Network, as well as messages from characters in Mass Effect 3 after you interact with them in the game.
The free app (available here) also includes wallpapers you can use you on your iDevice.
A bonus mini-game included with the app--"Fleet Commander"--will also increase your Mass Effect 3 Galactic Readiness Rating by deploying fleets of ships. However, Touch Arcade points out that the mini-game adds "about 0.90% to your galactic rating every four hours," which all things considered, is "not very rewarding."
Andrew Yoon posted a new article, Mass Effect 3 Datapad now available on iOS.
If you've been wholly absorbed by the Mass Effect universe lately, the newly-released "Datapad" should be up your alley.-
^^^^ Completely wrong. Why do people keep spreading that lie? Android has the bigger market share. You are confusing number of iphones sold to number of android phones.
and even though in nov '11 ios was trending up (, it's still neck and neck to android. I hate that apple has you all's irritating.
Your first point has nothing to do with anything regarding this free app. I swear, any time anyone brings up something refuting IOS love, someone has to set up lame straw men regarding a completely different thing like 'but but more people buy on ios'.
Yes QA is probably higher, but probably not as high as you'd like to believe.
No it's just generally shitty. The Galaxy at War section has this weird switch to lower res whenever anything is moving. Like it's a bunch of high res stills stitched together with FMV sequences.
It's bizarre and unresponsive.
The Codex seems ok for me though, and that's the only part I'm likely to use I think.