Guild Wars 2 pre-orders give beta access; Collector's Edition unveiled
With Guild Wars 2 now committed to launching in 2012, publisher NCsoft has unveiled the Collector's Edition and pre-order bonuses--which include guaranteed access to all of GW2's beta weekend events.

All the wonders of the Collector's Edition
Alice O'Connor posted a new article, Guild Wars 2 pre-orders give beta access; Collector's Edition unveiled.
With Guild Wars 2 now committed to launching in 2012, publisher NCsoft has unveiled the Collector's Edition and pre-order bonuses--which include guaranteed access to all of GW2's beta weekend events.-
only 3 of the items are single use
Chalice of Glory = one time boost of Glory.... I'm thinkin 1000 or so
Golem Banker = 5 days of masive loot collecting
Tome of Influence = dont be the ONLY person in the guild NOT applying this boost to your guild
3 VERY worthwhile perks if ya ask me.....
also the Hero's Band is not a 1 time use :)
What do you mean remove them?
Pretty sure it's the same book that's been out:
Let's face it, games cost more to make than 10 years ago, take longer to produce, have larger teams, and the price of PC games hasn't increased in 10 years...inflation would dictate that games should cost at least $80, not $50 or $60.
Personally, I'll buy perhaps one or two games at full price per year, but then buy another 3-5 games on sale for less than $10 each, such as Dues Ex: HR. Games that have a multiplayer focus are best bought early on, as that's when the community is getting started/growing, and it's more enjoyable to play when people are doing all the early to late missions around the same time as you, because then you don't need to get an NPC to help you. I played Guild Wars when it first came out, great fun, lots of groups to play with and new guilds to join. I tried playing again perhaps a year ago, and NOBODY was in the early missions. Not a soul. At that point, the focus was PvP.-
That's also not to mention that you typically get about 10-80+ hours out of each game, depending on the style, replayability, etc., but compare that to any movie you rent or when you go to a movie theater, and the hours of fun vs cost is phenomenal. 80 hours for $20 when I got divinity 2: Dragon Knight Saga, and it was one of my favorite games of all time. That's 4 hours per dollar. Not bad...