Skyrim gets HD texture pack, Portal 2 Space Sphere

Canny Steam users had spotted records indicating an official high-resolution texture pack might be the surprise teased for the launch of Skyrim's PC mod Creation Kit, and it did indeed arrive today, but there's something else too--Portal 2's adorable Spac


Bethesda had promised a surprise alongside the launch of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim's PC mod Creation Kit, and it did indeed arrive today. The PC release now supports an official high-resolution texture pack. But there's something else too--a new friend in the form of Portal 2's adorable Space Sphere. On top of that, Skyrim's on sale on Steam, down to $40.

Fall of the Space Core, Vol. 1 is the very first Skyrim mod on the Skyrim Steam Workshop. The joint effort from Bethesda and Valve sees Portal 2's friendly little orb following you around, doubtless dispensing space-y nuggets of joy.

In future, the Workshop will house the mods of anyone who fancies putting them there, where they can be viewed, rated, and easily downloaded. For now, though, it's just that lonely little space-ball.

The high-resolution texture pack is actually released as free downloadable content, so you'll need to head this-a-way to get it. The patch jazzes up Skyrim's textures with bigger, prettier versions and as it's official, you won't have to worry about textures looking different, or resembly lumpy, over-sharp lava, as several community-made mods do. You'll want a better PC than Skyrim's recommended specs to use it, though, with Bethesda recommending at least 4GB of system RAM and a graphics card with 1GB of RAM.

If you don't have Skyrim at all, you can snap it up for $39.99 (33% off) in the Steam mid-week sale.

To start making your own mods, grab the Creation Kit from the Tools section of your Steam library. Bethesda's also kicking off a new video tutorial series to ease you into it, which you can see below.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    February 7, 2012 11:30 AM

    Alice O'Connor posted a new article, Skyrim gets HD texture pack, Portal 2 Space Sphere.

    Canny Steam users had spotted records indicating an official high-resolution texture pack might be the surprise teased for the launch of Skyrim's PC mod Creation Kit, and it did indeed arrive today, but there's something else too--Portal 2's adorable Spac

    • reply
      February 7, 2012 11:39 AM


    • reply
      February 7, 2012 11:47 AM


    • reply
      February 7, 2012 11:52 AM

      Pure awesome.

    • reply
      February 7, 2012 11:59 AM

      I need screenshot comparisons!

    • reply
      February 7, 2012 12:02 PM

      A quick comparison shot I just took:

    • reply
      February 7, 2012 12:04 PM

      Oh. My. God.

    • reply
      February 7, 2012 12:12 PM

      the space core link is broken - did they take it down?

    • reply
      February 7, 2012 12:20 PM

      I hope every pc game in the future offers this.

    • reply
      February 7, 2012 12:32 PM

      FYI, coupons stack with deals.
      So, if you have a coupon for so much off Bethesda titles, it takes whatever the percentage is off the sale price, ie:

      $40 normally with the deal, $30 with a 25% off coupon.

      Just in case anybody here didn't know before :)

      • reply
        February 7, 2012 12:33 PM

        I like that I have a coupon for % off a pack that doesn't exist anymore.

        • reply
          February 7, 2012 12:35 PM

          Ooops, never mind, it's back up. Last time I checked the FEAR Collection no longer existed.

      • reply
        February 7, 2012 3:10 PM

        Wow that's awesome Skyrim for 30$, too bad I already own it.

        • reply
          February 7, 2012 10:31 PM

          Yeah, I finally went and bought it this time. I played a bit of it with a friend's account back before any of the patches, but I refuse to buy a game for $60, never have never will. Just a personal decision.

          Anyway, the new patches have made performance so much better. Solid 60s while roaming, no lower than 30 in-town, everything maxed 1920x1080 with a 6870. So much nicer.

    • reply
      February 7, 2012 2:17 PM

      Wonder if this is going to kill off the Nexus. I actually really like their mod manager, it's pretty sharp and works well.

      • reply
        February 7, 2012 2:37 PM


      • reply
        February 7, 2012 5:05 PM

        It is very likely Steam will not allow porn mods so Nexus will still be around.

        • reply
          February 7, 2012 5:18 PM

          Very good point: Valve can selectively remove Workshop content if it fails AUP terms or the like.

          A good question is: does the Workshop at least recognize mods you've gotten and installed through Nexus but not Workshop? (Much how Steam recognizes full-conversion mods as long as they are installed in the right place within the Steam folder)

        • reply
          February 7, 2012 9:59 PM

          You can get child killer mods though. So why not porn mods

    • reply
      February 7, 2012 5:07 PM

      Very very nice of them to do this. I'd love to see this kind of stuff take off on the PC. If this does flow some money back to mod makers then it could be the start of a whole new business model. It's wonderful that Valve and Bethesda are willing to collaborate on this. Gay for Gabe and all that but I just love what Valve continues to do for the gaming industry. I don't think you would ever see something like this from the larger traditional outfits.

    • reply
      February 7, 2012 5:16 PM

      Does this fix the main problem with the game in that the install size is less than 6 gigs?

    • reply
      February 8, 2012 4:05 AM


    • reply
      February 9, 2012 6:00 AM

      This is really the version I wish I played - apparently I played the beta version :(

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