Most Anticipated of 2012: Garnett's Picks
The editorial team at Shacknews outlines their most anticipated games of 2012 individually. Next up we've got editorial director Garnett Lee and his list of top 2012 titles.

Xenoblade Chronicles from developer Monolith Soft

BioShock Infinite from developer Irrational Games
Shack Staff posted a new article, Most Anticipated of 2012: Garnett's Picks.
The editorial team at Shacknews outlines their most anticipated games of 2012 individually. Next up we've got editorial director Garnett Lee and his list of top 2012 titles.-
Great picks, i agree with you except maybe Journey, though i am warming to it, i would also have to RE-BUY a PS3... though if i am thinking about getting the PS Vita i might also get a PS3 again because i find it easier to browse the store on it then on a handheld. i just have to figure out if i think $250 is worth it and if there will be great RPG's on it like the PSP. It's between getting the PS Vita and a 3DS and the one that holds the better RPG's wins for me.
Good picks, Sound Shapes along with the Persona 4 remake are the 2 games that'll probably make me get a VIta at some point.
Little unsure about Mass effect 3, though. I was fairly underwhelmed by Me2, and with all we've seen of Me3 I'm uncertain if they can really deliver. It feels like they're trying to mimick the Uncharted esque setpiece moments, like they did in some of the DLC and it just feels and looks super bad with that engine.