Most Anticipated of 2012: Jeff's Picks
The editorial team at Shacknews outlines their most anticipated games of 2012 individually, starting with staff writer and indie expert Jeff Mattas.

Borderlands 2 from developer Gearbox Software

Hitman: Absolution from developer IO Interactive
Shack Staff posted a new article, Most Anticipated of 2012: Jeff's Picks.
The editorial team at Shacknews outlines their most anticipated games of 2012 individually, starting with staff writer and indie expert Jeff Mattas.-
I'm curious about the comment concerning Mass Effect 3, "I just hope the trilogy's climax isn't as gob-smackingly silly as the ending of Mass Effect 2" ... what exactly are you referring to? The Paragon ending, Renegade ending, or the 'I'm not doing any side missions and everyone dies ending.?' Thanks...didn't realize Borderlands 2 was planned!!!
I think it was overproduced. The core shooter mechanics were excellent, but they hyped up the racing and combat rally so much, and those ended up being duds. And their crusade for perfect twin-stick controller usability left keyboard and mouse in the dust, at the company that started the deathmatch first-person shooter.
Bioshock Infinite is hardly same and safe. Borderlands 2 is a sequel but hardly to something overdone, Borderlands was probably the first game to successfully do FPS + Diablo with a reasonable amount of depth in the Diablo part. Likewise, Hitman is obviously a sequel but to a game whose style is pretty much not done by anyone else. ME3 is the only space opera RPG out there. GTA5 is probably the most samey/safe game out of those.
Then why the reliance on same names and IPs? They serve only to make the audience feel familiar with what they already know. I'm not saying they won't make improvements but the core of all those game will be the same as their predecessors. Look at their respective developers history of games they made too.
You know why, because a good game doesn't sell itself, marketing is a necessity, and pouring $10s of million in marketing into a brand only to throw it away and repeat the process every 3-4 years is a losing proposition. Like I said, yes, there's some degree of sameness in those titles, but many are unique in their own ways or their IP is unique next to most of the rest of gaming. No one is bemoaning all the copycat Hitman games. The last one came out years ago and there's no one else putting out gameplay like that. If the core concept of Hitman was safe and samey you'd see more copy cats. Instead it's just one developer honing this type of gameplay that people like and no other developer is satisfying. Call out MW or AC or some other franchises for cashing in more than necessary, but I don't think many of those 5 in the article are in anywhere near the same league.
Grand Theft Auto 5 should be a great game so long as Rockstar doesn't bow to the whims of the bloated, corrupt and every other year criminal organization that is the LAPD and LASD. If Los Angeles police are portrayed as violent, sadistic "officers" then I can tell you as a life long Los Angeles residents its because its TRUE. The mind of a cop and rapist isn't that different, they want POWER and CONTROL. In the rapists case its over their victim, in the case of a COP its over an entire population.
I'm just saying I hope Rockstar does whatever they want regardless of empty, idiotic and baseless lawsuits by an organization(LAPD) who has evolved from a Law Enforcement department into just the largest, most well financed GANG in Los Angeles.