Rainbow Six Patriots coming in 2013
Ubisoft has officially confirmed Rainbow Six Patriots, due on PC, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 in 2013. The game will see the Rainbow team take on a group of domestic terrorists.

An early, leaked look at Rainbow Six: Patriots
Steve Watts posted a new article, Rainbow Six Patriots coming in 2013.
Ubisoft has officially confirmed Rainbow Six Patriots, due on PC, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 in 2013. The game will see the Rainbow team take on a group of domestic terrorists.-
It got turned into an awesome indie game.
I think we both misunderstood each other. Not trying to be a dick -- my last two posts are in response to the literal translation of "You haven't played anything else then" which might have implied deeper meaning in your mind but did not carry over into the actual words you wrote.
If you give me examples of games Vegas is "exactly like" that would help me understand your point better. Somehow I doubt your examples are really going to strike me as clones, but more a hodge podge of similar cherry-picked elements.
I'd need some examples of games it directly apes that you think are so rotten to the core.
I played through nearly all of Gears of War 2 coop with a friend. I didn't think it was the pinnacle of entertainment, but I enjoyed it for what it was.
The Vegas games have the best cover system by far of any cover-based game I've played.-
Vegas 1/2 is just another GRAW 1/2 as it's just another Blood on the Sand as it's just another psuedo military cover shooter with scripted events.
They are ok, they can be fun, especially in multiplayer or co-op. But that is not what Rainbow Six is. Rainbow isn't supposed to be some bland variant on the cover shooter, it's supposed to be insanely technical and tactical. With hundreds of guns and toys to choose from...
... not a kill 50 enemies in the next 15 minutes action shooter.
It should be a spend 30 minutes planning, and 90 seconds executing a dozen enemies game like the originals.-
Well, I hated the little I played of GRAW. Blood on the Sand...no idea why a 50-Cent vehicle created as a mimic of cover shooter games would be an example of why I shouldn't enjoy Vegas.
I really don't understand why you'd use mediocre games to attack a good one. Just because Corridor 7 was lackluster didn't mean Duke3d wasn't an awesome game, even though they were both FPS games with non-regenerating health and an action focus.-
I'm not saying you shouldn't enjoy something. I'm saying that game should not carry the license.
Some people like the video game equivalent of a Michael Bay flick, but don't go out and rip the license of Saving Private Ryan just so you can make a sequel that will pull more tickets.
This is no longer a R6 series, this is something else searching for a recognizable name in the generic action shooter market.-
Have you read any of the Rainbow Six Clancy novels? 10 pages into Rainbow Six the main character kills like 5 terrorists face to face on an airplane. He wasn't slinking around like a ninja or sitting in the Economic Class bathroom drawing a battle strategy on toilet paper.
Read any actual spec ops book and those guys dynamically (and sometimes drastically) change their plans on the fly depending on the situation.
The idea of a perfect plan staying intact until the first bullet is fired does not mesh well with pre-planning everything like a Rube Goldberg Machine.
This is a little disturbing actually...
A revolutionary group against special interests and the people they bought into the government sounds exactly like what's happening and where we're headed. Those ARE patriots,and they've historically been labeled as terrorists by the puppet media.
Rainbow Six Fascists? -
R6 is the last franchise/property in Ubisoft's stable that I follow with any intense interest. It has been way too long since the last R6 game. R6 Vegas may have been a cover shooter with regen health and a far cry from the original R6 games but it was one of the most fun shooters to hit the shelves this generation. I really hope this is a next gen R6 Vegas. I really want them to carry forward the controls, cover system, and character customization options from Vegas.