Study: 51% of console owners bought DLC in 2011
According to a new study from EEDAR, 51% of console owners purchased DLC in the last 12 months, compared to 40% in 2010 and 34% in 2009.
Analysts at EEDAR surveyed 3500 gamers in the United States and Canada and discovered an increasing acceptance of downloadable content amongst HD console owners. According to the study, 51% of console owners purchased DLC in the last 12 months, compared to 40% in 2010 and 34% in 2009.
Based on EEDAR's estimates, the growing console DLC market will generate over $875 million in revenue in North America this year, and will pass $1 billion next year.
While a majority of gamers have embraced downloadable games and add-ons, there's still a sizable percentage of gamers that have yet to buy content from the PlayStation Store and Xbox Live Marketplace. According to EEDAR (via VentureBeat, if the industry could convert the 49% of consumers that don't download DLC, the industry could generate an addition $600 million in revenue.
So what's stopping gamers? The main reason is "privacy," according to the survey. Although EEDAR says the PlayStation Network breach earlier this year influenced results only marginally, it highlights the practical reasons why consumers should be concerned. Other reasons for not purchasing DLC include the lack of a return policy, and the high cost of content.
Andrew Yoon posted a new article, Study: 51% of console owners bought DLC in 2011.
According to a new study from EEDAR, 51% of console owners purchased DLC in the last 12 months, compared to 40% in 2010 and 34% in 2009.-
I'm trying to think really hard here and I'm not coming up with a single DLC for a game that I've paid money for. I've bought a bunch of downloadable titles on PSN and XBL, but the cost of the DLC is usually enough to take the thought of purchase out of my head.
Okay, after more thought I came up with the DLC for Scene It and L.A. Noire that I definitely purchased. Dammy you, sammyl.
I'm a cod player and I fucking can't stand the stupid DLC map pack things. It separates the players into compartments and ends up clearing full servers in no time when a new map rolls into the rotation. Hands down, the best servers are the ones that don't use new maps.
Give us the maps in one HUGE DLC (what an expansion pack used to be) and I'd bet it'd be better received.-
Or do what Epic did with UT2004 and UT99, and release them for free. They could make paid map packs free after a time period, but that would open up a whole different can of worms with value versus time.
Multiplayer map packs and game modes are among the easiest things to make quickly after sending the game off to console cert and package into DLC a month later, but the easy way out isn't always the most valuable proposition for the customers. DLC should exist to expand the game experience, not merely as a "mandatory bullet point" to extend the revenue lifecycle of a release. I personally would rather go for campaign expansion packs, but those take a good portion of time to build.
I still haven't bought DLC after purchase for a game, mostly because it hasn't been for an expansion. I never bought any of the Fallout 3 DLC because I didn't sign up for GFWL. I never bought any of the CoD:BLOPS map packs, nor the Brink "Agents of Change" pack. I haven't played enough of DX:HR to want to buy the expansion for that; I might jump on it after I finish the game. -