Rage video review

By now you've already ready the Rage review from Shacknews staff writer Jeff Mattas. Today, we present our first video review, featuring some additional thoughts from Mattas on id Software's latest game.


By now you've already read the Rage review from Shacknews staff writer Jeff Mattas. Today, we present our first video review, featuring some additional thoughts from Mattas on id Software's latest game.

Despite a few hiccups throughout the experience, Mattas was positive on Rage, writing: "In spite of its shortcomings, fans will be pleased to note that id Software still has what it takes to still make meaningful and fun contributions to the genre they created. All told, Rage delivers an incredibly solid experience that’s an arcade racer and a FPS wrapped in Mad Max’s dusty, leather jacket."

Shack Staff stories are a collective effort with multiple staff members contributing. Many of our lists often involve entires from several editors, and our weekly Shack Chat is something we all contribute to as a group. 

From The Chatty
  • reply
    October 5, 2011 2:00 PM

    Shack Staff posted a new article, Rage video review.

    By now you've already ready the Rage review from Shacknews staff writer Jeff Mattas. Today, we present our first video review, featuring some additional thoughts from Mattas on id Software's latest game.

    • reply
      October 5, 2011 2:15 PM

      This is amazing! I will watch everyone you make great to see more of what I love about WC come to Shacknews! Ah amazing work. Great editing. Fantastic. Jeff good work on the review. Can't say enough good about this. Very excited!

      • reply
        October 5, 2011 2:24 PM

        Thanks! Our video guy Ryan Calavano also deserves big props for doing such a great job putting it all together.

        • reply
          October 6, 2011 4:53 AM

          Liking the new video review format, Jeff - Hope they continue! :)

    • reply
      October 5, 2011 2:46 PM

      By now you've already ready!

    • reply
      October 5, 2011 2:48 PM

      Great video review. Glad to see Shacknews is doing these now. (and I agree that the "already ready" typo is distracting).

    • reply
      October 5, 2011 3:02 PM

      Good job :)

    • reply
      October 5, 2011 3:08 PM

      Suggestion: Rather than coming across like a junior high student standing at the front of the class reading from a piece of paper, it would be nice if you spoke as if you were in a conversation with the viewer directly.

    • reply
      October 5, 2011 3:12 PM

      This game is so bad though. The attention to detail is horrible. Sure the landscapes look awesome...at a distance, but imo they skipped in SO many areas.

      Right off the bat, you are presented with a couple different views that when looked at are barren of detail. Look up close in the first room you enter and you see horrible mapping and blurred textures that took me out of the game right away. Then you open the door and it helps somewhat to pull you in, until you actually look at the sky. A textured mess that doesn't move, I could spend all day out there and there would be no movement of the light(a common Id theme, they like to paint the textures with what they deem should be the shadow cast ala Doom 3 in 2004).

      Then you get to the next scene and you see a buggy move in awkward movements towards you and you enter a vehicle that is driven by a poorly modeled joe with a poorly modeled and textured dashboard. When the vehicle takes a HUGE turn, the wheel is still pointed straight....ugh. Some bad voice acting happens(he makes it sound like you are going to be in danger due to what you are wearing and then...nothing). You get to his garage and you look down at what you can only imagine was supposed to be a crushed beer/pop can on the WOWZA horrible texture of a ground, to look around and see the same horrible textures all around.

      Scene happens then you get on the quad and you can't move your head around to see anything but forward....Done....I'm not even interested anymore(which I'm sure you aren't in my rant since it's so long).

      This looks like Quake 4(which I liked for it's time) done in 2011 tech...GTFO.

      You want an engaging game, Deus Ex:Human Revolution. Now that game has attention to detail!

      • reply
        October 5, 2011 7:48 PM

        All the things you described are from the first hour. I think you should give it more of a chance than that.

      • reply
        October 5, 2011 10:19 PM

        i had to read this a few times to get it, but i get it now: it's extremely dry humor.

      • reply
        October 5, 2011 10:37 PM

        Why don't you actually TRY the gameplay first?

      • reply
        October 5, 2011 10:44 PM

        Comparing RAGE to DX:HE is a very poor comparison considering the game stopping bugs that existed in DX:HE...they were so bad I stopped playing the damn game.

        It doesnt sound like you played RAGE much at all.

        • reply
          October 6, 2011 12:02 AM

          He was comparing them in attention to detail, not gameplay.

          • reply
            October 6, 2011 2:15 AM

            DX:HE certainly wins in the most details cardboard box department.

    • rms legacy 10 years legacy 20 years mercury super mega
      October 5, 2011 3:12 PM

      Big thumbs up. More of these please!

    • reply
      October 5, 2011 3:17 PM

      Just made it to Wellspring. Holy. Shit. The graphics are so good, and the framerates are so smooth I can't play very long before my eyes are nearly bleeding. And my graphics card is 3 years old (GTX 260).

      The graphics are so good it's actually distracting. I love it. The sound effects are crisp and clear as well - walked through the sheriff's office and I could hear the ticking of the air conditioning - it totally brought me back to some lost childhood memory and I could almost feel the cold air coming out of it. Amazing. Also, the shotgun is totally worth the $60 spent on this game!

      The neatest part about the graphics, and most unlike other games, is that these graphics look best when moving. I've never really seen this effect in a video game before - usually I have to stand still to admire the scenery.

      I only just started this game, but I know I'm going to be sad when I get to the end of it.

    • reply
      October 5, 2011 5:16 PM


    • reply
      October 5, 2011 7:44 PM

      i know its the first video but right is there a way to embeded the video? maybe upload it on youtube for now. i want to embed it on my site NOW.

    • reply
      October 5, 2011 8:01 PM

      Nice! Video reviews are a big plus in my book. I still see that shack hasn't fixed the full screen video controls issue yet which is annoying. Also the dialogue pacing isn't so great but I bet you will get better over time. Keep up the good work.

    • reply
      October 5, 2011 10:32 PM

      good review. If I could provide one small critique, it would be to Jeff - the reading was a bit flat; the information was good, and well told, but a little animation in the relay would be well served! other than that, I enjoyed the review.

      • reply
        October 6, 2011 5:03 AM

        Being on camera is really tough. You think you're being outgoing and upbeat, but then you watch it and you're flat as a board. He'll warm up.

      • reply
        October 6, 2011 5:33 AM


    • reply
      October 5, 2011 10:42 PM

      Quick tip: You can quick tap the right shoulder button to cycle through weapons without having to select via the wheel/diamond.

    • reply
      October 5, 2011 11:11 PM

      great review, love video reviews. small gripe though, is that i noticed you played the same clip of combat with the 1-armed tentacle dude who vomits, twice, back-to-back (~3:45-4:22)

      • reply
        October 6, 2011 5:49 AM

        Not only that, but most of these clips looked identical to ones that I saw in pre-release official teaser footage. The fight w/ the tentacle guy, the turret-bot thingy that climbs over the box, a few shots of you throwing the boomarang thing at guys as they run at you... Shouldn't the video review have video of you actually playing the game?

        (sorry if this is actually you playing, but it looks more like clips from the teasers for the most part...)

    • reply
      October 6, 2011 1:58 AM

      Nice one Jeff, the Shack needs more Video Reviews! I welcome them :)

    • reply
      October 6, 2011 4:10 AM

      It's pronounced "AYE-DEE" not "Ihd".

      So irritating.

      • reply
        October 6, 2011 4:26 AM

        No. It's not. At least according to the company's co-founder John Carmack.

      • reply
        October 6, 2011 4:49 AM


      • reply
        October 6, 2011 4:56 AM

        I pronounce my nickname as d-u-r-a-j-i-m

      • reply
        October 6, 2011 5:12 AM

        They haven't been ID for a long time, like since the Keen days.

      • reply
        October 6, 2011 5:15 AM


      • reply
        October 6, 2011 5:38 AM

        i pronounce it Throat Warbler Mangrove.

        • reply
          October 6, 2011 6:25 AM

          Nice Monty Python reference there.

          • reply
            October 6, 2011 6:33 AM

            Nobody ever fucking notices.

            • reply
              October 6, 2011 7:14 AM

              Maybe try referencing something not from 40 years ago, grandpa.

              • reply
                October 6, 2011 7:27 AM

                Aren't you like, 38?

                • reply
                  October 6, 2011 7:30 AM

                  I'm 34, with the maturity of a 16 year old and the intellect of a 9 year old. And the eyes of an angel.

                  • reply
                    October 6, 2011 7:39 AM

                    It is you who is the one who is the grandpa, sir. I'm 24 with the maturity of a 16 year old sometimes and an 84 year the other times. Intellect is the same as you.

        • reply
          October 6, 2011 7:25 AM

          You are a very silly man, and I'm not going to interview you.

      • reply
        October 6, 2011 5:43 AM

        Now do 'gib'.

      • reply
        October 6, 2011 5:50 AM


      • reply
        October 6, 2011 5:51 AM

        I D on't think so

      • reply
        October 6, 2011 6:00 AM

        find something else worth getting irritated for...

      • reply
        October 6, 2011 6:27 AM

        Also the Sun is purple, and Dogs walk on the ceiling.

      • reply
        October 6, 2011 6:27 AM

        wow still having this debate?

      • reply
        October 6, 2011 6:29 AM

        Don't worry about these guys dude, a lot of us grew up calling them i.d. but I know now what the word means and how it's pronounced. I still call them i.d but I don't get pissed when people say id.

        • reply
          October 6, 2011 6:39 AM

          I pronounce it I.D. too

        • reply
          October 6, 2011 7:22 AM

          I was also late to the party. Realized my wrong ways when heard the guys from id spelling it "id", now my friends do not understand me when I'm saying "id software" instead of "I.D.".

        • reply
          October 6, 2011 8:01 AM

          the more you know!

        • reply
          October 6, 2011 8:02 AM


      • reply
        October 6, 2011 7:17 AM

        You're definitely not right about that.

      • reply
        October 6, 2011 7:20 AM

        +1 troll.

      • reply
        October 6, 2011 6:23 PM

        id: noun Psychoanalysis - the part of the psyche, residing in the unconscious, that is the source of instinctive impulses that seek satisfaction in accordance with the pleasure principle and are modified by the ego and the superego before they are given overt expression.

        Whatever that means :-\

    • reply
      October 6, 2011 4:12 AM

      Why do we always see console gameplay and not PC gameplay?

      • reply
        October 6, 2011 6:16 AM

        Why do you keep making stupid comments and then disappear from any replies that are made? Chill!

    • reply
      October 6, 2011 4:52 AM


    • reply
      October 6, 2011 5:29 AM

      Great job on this, guys. I have two suggestions:
      #1: Shorten the Shacknews intro. I know it's important to brand these, but try to keep your audience's interests in mind. They want to see it start up to the interview as fast as possible. (The worst of these are Screwattack and Gametrailers, both have huge and obnoxious intro trailers). 1-2 seconds is just about perfect.

      #2: At the start you're talking over game dialogue. Try to always 100% mute game dialogue when you're talking. It's very difficult to hear your dialogue if you have a hearing aid even with 70% muted game audio. The hearing aid picks it all up, and it's distracting for people with good hearing or spergy-types. :)

      All in all, this was great to see. DO MOAR!

      • reply
        October 6, 2011 5:30 AM

        -interview +review

        The worst part is I corrected that twice as I typed :/

    • reply
      October 6, 2011 7:44 AM

      1.) it's pronounced "id" like in "LID" without the L.

      2.) Dislike the static-style intro and outro sound, not that awesome.


      Cmon guys, it's not like you ran that news -_-

      On the other hand: Good decision to throw us video reviews!

      Have you ever thought about implementing a rating system?

      • reply
        October 6, 2011 7:51 AM

        No ratings, ever.

      • reply
        October 6, 2011 1:27 PM

        Our review was only based on the Xbox 360 version, as that was the only version provided to us for review. We've run stories about the PC issues; however, cannot speak to them as we did not play that version for review.

        This information is also available in the comments of the original written review.

    • reply
      October 6, 2011 8:02 AM


    • reply
      October 6, 2011 8:40 AM

      Loved it, keep them up!

    • reply
      October 6, 2011 12:18 PM

      a good idea in general, but I would like to see some original footage, recorded by you guys.

      the scenes in this video seem to be all from marketing materials released a while ago

      and the compression, ugh.

    • reply
      October 6, 2011 2:12 PM

      I like video reviews but I felt that this one was a bit slow paced and the narration was bit unengaged. I'm nitpicking but maybe you want feedback. The editing was really good though.

    • reply
      October 6, 2011 4:19 PM

      Awesome review!

    • reply
      October 6, 2011 4:20 PM

      Thanks for all the feedback! It definitely helps with making better and better video content for you all. -Ryan

      • reply
        October 6, 2011 4:21 PM

        Also, check out the Weeked Confirmed youtube channel! (shamelessplug)

    • reply
      October 9, 2011 1:00 PM

      Shacknews video reviews for the mother fucking win!

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