Firefall team hires Morgan Romine for eSports focus
Developer Red 5 Studios has hired Morgan "Rhoulette" Romine to ensure Firefall is tournament ready for gamers and spectators.
Firefall will attempt to take the eSports world by storm, with Morgan Romine at the helm
Xav de Matos posted a new article, Firefall team hires Morgan Romine for eSports focus.
Developer Red 5 Studios has hired Morgan "Rhoulette" Romine to ensure Firefall is tournament ready for gamers and spectators.-
To promote the game.
With all the big name games, and sequals coming out this holiday season, Firefall has a hard fight ahead of it. It's going up against huuuuuge names, and people do not want this game to go the way of Hellgate London. We enjoy the game, and want it to thrive instead of die in a gutter, with needle marks in it's arm.
Was hoping for a little more info regarding army communication. Will there be an in-game forum setup? I'm sure there will be a chat channel, but how about messages or squad-forming tools? I remember from one interview mention of an in-game calendar system for armies, which sounds awesome- just looking for more details!
Glad they're planning to take competitive gaming seriously. With F2P element, the competition is going to be fierce. Will need to get my chops up, but I'm excited that they plan to be involved in this rapidly changing part of the gaming world.
Question if you Red5ers are out there: I understand that skill can supersede items, but at the highest level of play, every point counts. Given this, how do you plan to balance the "need" to level characters up and get top gears with the pure competitive crowd who may not want to get their hands dirty with levels/items? -
But I'm hard headed and snarky too... I have to be baited, and therefore bait them with my being baited. Also, I am trying to integrate sorta... Im hoping this thing can be better than yesterday, or the event on the 9th.
This is the thread directing us here this time, and in there I've been trying to encourage people to be cool.-
If you want to integrate --- STAY OUT THE FRONT PAGE ARTICLES.
Post directly in the chatty, where 95% of our community actually lives. You will get a much greater response from Shackers, unless your brethren continue to post shallow comments that bring nothing to the discussion.
Otherwise we'll get tired of you, collapse the thread, and whatever shit you're selling.
I wish there was some way to upvote this. The flaming back and forth is just silly. Shack people need to understand that Firefall people are genuinely just excited about the game, and trying to spread that excitement (perhaps a little too eagerly), and Firefall people need to think how they would feel if a bunch of strangers invaded a community they were a part of and spammed it with largely inconsequential posts. Take a chill pill people, we're all on the same side here.
It happened with the Gameogre poll vs CrimeCraft too, it was the same kind of thing. One of those things that's bound to happen on the internet when different communities come together. It's unfortunate but it happens. The most any of us can do is try to be understanding and not perpetuate the trolling/flaming/arguing.
The problem with this is that these posts now feel like nothing but cheap marketing. Yes, you may be excited (or you may be getting paid to do this) fuck if i know but now i dont feel like anyone is being impartial. I was also super pumped for this game, and your behavior (well mostly 'thejayde') is turning me off the whole deal.
Its like if you came to my house to sell me something and bitched me out because you were just excited about the product. Ok fine, im sure they're great knives and can cut all sorts of cans but get the fuck off my lawn. Continually antagonizing us on our own 'front lawn' doesnt help your case. And with the situation as it is (your 'boss' gummy sending you here to spam) you're making Firefall as a whole look bad.-
Not the same. Particularly for two reasons... One... most of us are actually here just to talk about the game with people that havent been exposed to the game in the same way we have. New perspectives, and insights that maybe we had not yet covered. Two... we came to your house to share our awesome poundcake that we found this recipe for, and you are getting paranoid because you think we are trying to poison you.
Two thinks that are a little off about your post as well. Grummz didn't send anyone here today. Yes, he did it yesterday, and maybe there was a lesson learned, but today is a new day. Also yesterday, I was invited to stay on the lawn a little bit and see how it feels, which is what I've been trying to do. Some of your chatty threads have piqued my interest, and I have involved myself in them the best I can, but this one has kept my attention the most because it's bout a subject I enjoy, and... well... I do enjoy a rousing conversation.
I'm Sorry you and I cannot agree, and that you can't find something in my words that is civil or intelligent, but if that's the way it's gotta be, Im not going to loose any sleep over it. -
Nothing you said disagrees with anything in my post that you were replying to. I agreed that many of the Firefallers are a little too eager to praise the game in places such as this, and that I totally understand the annoyance of the Shacknews regulars, I would probably feel the same way in your place. The only thing to remember is that, even if you do think that people are posting here only to please Grummz (which we could dispute the validity of all day and probably not agree), the base motivation is still that they are genuinely excited about the game. After all, why suck up to the CEO of a company whose product you have no interest in?
So I just ask Firefallers to be understanding to how annoying it is to the Shacknews regulars to have their turf invaded, and the Shacknews people to not let themselves be turned off of a potentially awesome game just because of that annoyance.
Although manufacturing "social proof" to persuade your audience to purchase a product is not a new concept, since shacknews is such a close knit community, newcomers are instantly recognized on the website and therefore the illusion of "massive" hype is instantly shattered. If known shackers participated in the hype, I'm sure the effect would be way more effective.
I think the Firefall folks should focus on less defined communities. Like say.... 4chan or NeoGAF.
I don't think it was singlehandedly. We couldn't have done it without the great help from those avid readers of Shacknews.
Anyway the hate is pointless, this isn't like Battlefield 3 vs. Modern Warfare 3 here where there's actually a tenuous reason for rivalry. This is a community of people focused around a gaming news site and a community of people focused around a game. I make a venn diagram of that and it makes a happy face. (Kinda)
You know, every time we post a feature about a game we hear the same thing. It's just something that happens... I remember posting a feature about Halo's story before Reach and some Shackers freaked out.
It comes with the territory. If someone isn't interested in the game, any posts about it seem unnecessary. It's the way it goes for any title.-
Not all of the Firefall crowd game here with intentions of staying or reading other information on other games, or even look into your forum. I was one of them, but... I ended up posting a bunch of things last night, and may end up staying longer. I've read a bunch of other threads and the like as well. I can attest to the expansion of prople reading other content... even if I'm just one.
Looking at 60 of these posts, I would like to point out that currently, there are more postings here from the Shack, than there are from the Firefall Forums. At this point, you guys are actually trolling yourselves, which I kinda think is rather funny.
The forum from Firefall actually understood your issue with the previous events that have taken place, has not bombarded this thread, and it doesnt matter. Firefall may (or may not) have made a mistake, and instead of approaching this new chance for US to make it right, you guys bombard your own postings. I find this actually rather funny.
Eh, standard community forum. I get the idea, and understand WHY it's happening, but Im trying to point out to those that use thier higher brain function more often, what exactly is happening. I know when I'm acting in a way I don't normally want to act because of anger, or rage, I like it when people tell me what is up.
Yeah it's not hurting their revenue or anything, I think what he's saying is that the complaint is "the Firefall articles are being flooded with comments", then today a new article comes out, and now the people doing the complaining are the ones flooding it with comments.
I mean it is pretty cool as a self-perpetuating meme sort of thing, but I wouldn't expect anyone to take my complaints seriously if I were complaining about my own behavior. So yeah, a bunch of joke posts doesn't hurt anything, but the people who are crying "please make it stop!" over and over again are half the problem.
Glad you're planning to take competitive trolling seriously. With F2Post element, the trolling is going to be fierce. Will need to get my posts up, but I'm excited that they plan to be involved in this rapidly changing part of the posting world.
Question if you posters are out there: I understand that trolls can supersede posts, but at the highest level of troll, every postcounts. Given this, how do you plan to balance the "need" to get your post count up and get top trolls with the pure competitive crowd who may not want to get their hands dirty with trolls?
Ha, you're showing your ignorance. I dont think you understand how pissed people are. This is the kind of thing that will move your game from "try" to "avoid like the plague and torpedo at every possible opportunity." Its become a joke, a bad joke that pisses everyone off. You need to come to the realization that you fucked up, badly, and should probably apologize for your actions, instead of making idiotic and hard headed posts saying that you "may not" have made a mistake. Honestly, who the fuck do you think you are? You've fueled the fire, now enjoy the burn :D
See how you're handling Monday Night Combat. There are no monday night combat roboposters. We have an 'exclusive' with them, its awesome, and you write awesome stuff im pumped.
This is just weird man. Again, i was SUPER pumped for firefall till thejayde showed up. Now im just gonna wanna scroll on by. Its not you, its grammyz/gummyz/ whatever calling for roboposts from his site to ours.
Xav, i love your articles, and having an exclusive in was actually REALLY INTERESTING (like how valve gave us an exclusive steam for mac sneak preview image that was JUST THE SHACKS) but the forum trolling has completely undone any of your good work. This crap from them is no better than any other robot ad posting.
I will still read your articles, but this shit is just annoying.
Awesome to see that they care enough about making their game competitive that they hire a person who's only job is making it an eSport. This game is looking really amazing, just curious though as too what games she played "professionally" for Frag dolls. Also curious as to what leagues they plan on partnering up with.
Why is expecting an intelligent discussion about a game here lame? I though Shack was supposed to be one of the better websites out there for gaming related stuff...?
Perhaps I was wrong about my assumption, and seeing some of the "discussion" here and elsewhere on this site does seem to indicate something is lacking...-
We just don't buy your bullshit that you are here for anything rather than rabid fanboy-ism for Firefall. If a ton of COD or BF3 guys came over and started thread-shitting about how much they love their games we would be equally annoyed. Its the equivalent of mormons at your door, yeah yea you are nice people that is cool. I still don't want anything. Bye.
Just want to say this is a sharp move by Red 5 and I fully support/endorse the embracing of a "build into the game" competitive design...I ESPECIALLY encourage a shoutcasting/spectator type of viewing system (similar to Starcraft 2, but much more refined/easy to use). Watching those better/more skilled than I am (of which there are many) tends to encourage me to strive to be better...
And to folks like Hemotoxin, be thankful this site has such traffic. The new design (ahem) installed a few months ago for Shacknews effectively ended my checking it daily for news...the Firefall coverage is the only reason I have returned. Without traffic the site will die.
I got my ass handed to me at PAX one year playng Rainbow Six Vegas (1 or 2, I can't remember). The FragDolls were very professional and fun to play with/against.
This seems like a hire that makes sense to me, and I welcome it even though I don't personally like PvP at all.
Also, money tournaments for Firefall? I'm really curious to see how well that plays out. I guess we'll see over the next couple/few years. -
Morgan was a community manager on Shadowbane before creating and founding the FragDolls for Ubisoft. They play very competitively and Morgan has a tremendous amount of experience in tournaments, organizing matches, and has a lot of contacts in the e-Sports community. Plus, she is shrewd entrepreneur and businesswomen - Its not easy to create a gaming group and keep it going for years to draw in nearly 1.4 million followers. All of these things we need as we create an e-Sports program specifically dedicated to Firefall. A mere pro-gamer would not have sufficed, we need all the other skills as well.
Morgan actually worked with us as a contractor for community for many years. She helped us find Phobos, for example, as our community manager. I've been trying to get her to join Red 5 for years, but she was busy with the FragDolls and her PhD in Anthropology (specializing in online game communities and development teams).
I hope you guys don't have preconceived notions just because she happens to be a wonderful, warm and charming woman. I would ask yourself if you are pre-judging, and if so, why.
We have big plans for eSports, and Morgan will fill you in on them as we go along.
Interesting to have many options as we can but hope we will have the same suport for BIG scales wars I mean In big battle are we going to have a chance to have a options to merge differents army in the battle to have Big scales copetitive battles as well ? an exemple in MAG (( big scales games )) we were not able to make clan alliance to stay unic and our own clan an play toghuether whith anothers allies clan just for a few battles in domination for an exemple !
So any chance to see firefall suporting Massive Copetitive battle ? In my point of view its much more interesting to watch but also there is a lots of strategies involved !
Allow us to have multiple (( army clans alliance to compete in Big scales battles ! -
Can we return the favor?
It's as much of a time sink for us as it is for them. I'm just collapsing the thread now and skimming past it, aside from anyone that directly responds to this, I'd recommend the same to any other Shacker of sane mind. If the firefall folks want to integrate, they should stay off the front page and join the chatty with some quality talking points / images / video.
I'M NOT A FF TARD!!! I think is a good way to stand out in the sea of craptastic posts on here...
Anyway, stuff like this is great, but Blizzard had very similar plans and they didn't break a whole lot of ground besides their own tournaments and online viewership. It's quite sad that after all this time the biggest take on real life esports, as in you actually meet the people you play against, is Quakecon.
Just making a game and marketing it as a 'professional tournament oriented game' will not make it so. I'm not going to spill the secret sauce, but stuff like this has already been done and hasn't done so well because it's just marketing fluff and ideals that doesn't turn out so well IRL.-
And I never heard about this. I played LoL, but only heard about the tournament because I was wondering why I got a free version of Kayle. This is my whole point.
It's great and everything to have little niche things, but this wont change anything. You can't have a localized tournament in a back room of a office building and expect the world to change because of it.
Yes, it takes a lot of work to make it happen. A few things we have or are building into the game for e-Sports:
1) Spectator Mode - Made with the input of Shoutcasters (already in)
2) Replay Mode - Already in, but final version to be released next year
3) eSports tuned maps for competitive play and modes
4) Automated ladder and tournament systems so clans can run their own tournaments (next year)
5) Clan support build in (naming, tracking, stats, etc., etc.)
6) Reaching out to clans and building our relationships with the e-Sports community (ongoing)
We are also looking for ways to streamline and make streaming matches easier. We are also allocating millions of dollars to a a worldwide series of competition for Firefall, and are talking to potential partners now.
While we are a server based game, we are looking for ways that regional tournaments can be supported via local servers that then upload their data to the main servers.
4/5 here. They got a -1 for their playerbase. Been watching this game for awhile, I hope having a Tribes Dev on the team means it will be a good game, but that is unlikely to have a great impact. The only thing I can say I have hated about this game so far is the armor styles, they are so damned stupid it makes my brain hurt.
*laughs* I rather like the armor styles. Seems more interesting to have large and fairly unwieldy frames then it does to have sleek and typical armor styles. Most games I see either have the super sleek look or the giant mecha of clunky look. Kinda interesting to see someone take the middle ground and incorporating a sleek but clunky look for there mecha suits. :p
There are a couple good reasons for that.
First and foremost, reaction time. I used to work in a freezer, and even my jacket and gloves made working with small instruments kind of difficult, and that was cloth, not metal. When aiming a gun quickly, you don't actually want to have too many restrictions on your upper torso.
Second, metal bends, and breaks, and while it does add for decent armor, an arm shot isn't necessarily fatal, and though it can be, the wound may need to be attended to immediately, and with armor on, that is impossible. Also, if your arm is covered in metal, and something heavy were to crush it, such as a falling vehicle, or more likely a bug biting your arm it could bend the metal into a wound making the repair on the damage much more complicated. The torn metal could also cut your arm completely off instead of just having a broken bone.
Sidenote: Exosquad had exposed arms too. = ) -
*shrugs* I'm not gunna pretend it's practical. This is a game after all so practicality doesn't -have- to apply. I think it's cause it looks appealing in it's own way. Sure, it's not a common thing to see and thus will generate reactions like your own (and very understandably). I think it works pretty well for the style though given it's considerable nod to the Anime style of design.
Basically it's made to look appealing for both Eastern and Western preferences so it's caught somewhere in the middle of the two. It has a fairly functional look like seen in most Western products while still giving a pretty decent nod to human appeal like seen in a lot of Eastern products.
Personally I think the showing of more human characteristics give a better sense of the human aspect to these characters instead of making most the focus on the machine exosuits. Helps identify with the characters more than say... Gears of War with the giant battle suits and only the head exposed. Least this way I can see more of the human underneath all that armored goodness.
But of course that's purely my opinion. I can see why it might not appeal to others.
what's with all the WTF tags on this thread??
so much purple -
*shrugs* That's okay mate. Still , others might think you're missing out if it's a good game. You yourself might not since yeh never experienced it and might have no sense of missing something you've never experienced, but others might. Oh, don't take my responding as something trying to convince yeh to play. If yeh want to play, yeh want to play. Just letting you know the view others might have on it (even though you probably won't care and that's okay too).
Hmmm... Your dumb fucking marketing idea is backfiring, maybe you and Xav should take it down several notches?
Come back with some beta keys if you want people to post opinions. "I love pets I love red 5 thanks for existing" is not content, it's not relevant discussion of the game, it's just fucking spam.
Also, Xav, making fun of you for shilling this game is a bannable offense now? That's how much you love this generic pre alpha anime shooter, or whatever the fuck it is? Come on! Have some balls... If you're going to shill some dumb shit, people are going to make fun of you. This is the shack. Don't start pissing off long time users for whatever testicle fondling they're giving you under the table to shill this thing.-
... PffftttttBWAHAHAHAH!!!!! Oh man... All the anger in this... it's just so... Ugh, I'm sorry! I know I shouldn't laugh but I just can't help it! Feel free to get pissed at me even more for this, and rightfully so, but your venomous defense of your "turf" is just... Freaking funny to me in the saddest of ways.
Nobodies trying to invade your Shack. They're just reporting on games like usual. Only difference is that a concentrated dose of the fans came to join and state their enthusiasm for the game. I really don't get why you are acting like these 3 little articles are completely undoing the fabric of this site and converting it into something it's not. It's -just- 3 articles. They'll eventually disappear beneath the folds of other articles as they come along... just like usual. To get so defensive over only a few days of rabid posting is just... Funny and sad.
People feel free to hate. I know I deserve it for my insensitivity in this matter. I just can't seem to get myself to feel bad for the situation when it's so insignificant to me. It's like you guys are -trying- to turn this straw house into a castle of a problem when it's not. It's -really- not. Give it a week or two and things will go back to normal.-
I think I'm turning off about the same number he's turning off from Shacknews with his little comment insulting Grummz and Xav. However much that might be I don't know and don't really care. People who are interested in the game will play it because they're interested in the game, not because I said mean and hurtful things. Sure, I might be an asshole at times... but that hardly means whoever plays will have to deal with me all the time if they play. It's no skin off my back and none off yours either to simply ignore my existence and play with your friends.
My point was, Weaties already took things to the 12th grade:
"dumb fucking"
"just fucking spam"
"Have some balls"
"testicle fondling they're giving you under the table"
I am saying that Wheatloaf up'd the antagonism. No TheJirue.
I am not saying that TheJirue is correct on his points. Just that he didn't do anything to make it worse.
Read this subthread:
*nods* I'll admit my comments have been mostly contentless. But that's cause you guys aren't giving me much to work with. I can't state my enthusiasm for the game or the features the article is talking about because you guys will accuse us of shilling if I do. And I can't have a decent conversation with you guys because your throwing insults and accusing us of shilling instead of trying to ask anything about us. Give me something to go on and I'll go with it.
*nods* I know, I'm sorry and I feel bad for laughing... It doesn't seem right for me to be amused at this since you guys are obviously very upset about it. But I also felt it isn't fair to not accurately describe my reaction to it since he's been more then fair about sharing his reaction. That's why I'm perfectly okay with you guys getting pissed at me for it cause I do deserve it.
Curious what they've done that's different then any other game, really... They talked about features... they got a community hyped about it... got said community involved in talking about it. How is this any different then any other company? It is cause they're new and don't have a history of this yet that it's insulting? No, I'm being serious here. Please tell me what they've done that's so different from other companies that you feel compelled to think they're insulting you.
I agree. Sort of.
I believe that the PR department for FireFall wanted to drum up some noise for the game. So they encouraged a bunch of fans to come here and spam. Though they didn't phrase it that way, exactly.
As a side-effect, 2 or 3 of those fans found the Shack to be a bit more 3 dimentional than the FireFall forums were. So they hung around a bit longer.
We have a right to be outraged against usury and shilling.
But a few of these newcomers could be given the benefit of the doubt. I don't really think their goals were nefarious. Even if the PR guy's goals were. -
Hmmm... can't say I'm familiar with the term shilling. I keep seeing it thrown about but have no clue what it actually means. Please explain.
As for the spam accounts, that's easy to explain. The CEO of Firefall has stated how he likes Shacknews as a gaming information site. Says it's his favorite in fact. Se he figured he'd generate interest in the site by getting the Firefall community interested in it via the Firefall Preview article. Even made a goofy poster reward for people who left a comment. Understandable since they're an online game that's free to play with no second hand markets like Walmart or Gamestop standing between them and the players so they talk to the players directly and rely on them spreading the news via word of mouth instead of spamming advertisements for it all over the place like you see on the edge of this site.
Thus that's how the huge influx of new people came to be. They're all real people just genuine interested in Firefall. Grummz later got called to Shacknews for a direct interview because of the generated interest we showed in the Preview. And since these new interviews carried some information we hadn't heard of before we figured we'd discuss it on Shacknews since (as said before) Grummz likes this site as a news source so showing interest in it via the site seemed like the best way to show our support.-
You may not know it, but you were used.-
*shrugs* I'm aware we were used to generate interest in the game. But I'm okay with it since I'm genuinely interested in the game and want to talk to others bout it who might not have heard of it. Don't feel like I was used at all...
Thought it was only shilling if we were getting paid for it... least that's how the definition from Urban dictionary sounds.-
We don't care if you feel used. We care if you were used to make us feel used.
If you genuinely end up being a member here, good for you. Welcome.
But keep in mind that you rode in on a horse of pestilence. You will be judged by your horse until you have put in enough years to be judged separately from your horse.
Statements like "Just a huge excited fan base" don't help your cause. That is Shill-speak.-
Heh, alright. That's cool mate. Not sure I'm gunna remain here long anyways since the only reason I came here was because it had new information on Firefall anyways. Still, glad to see the journalists give coverage to something I'm extremely interested in. Site does seem a bit interesting, though the disdain for anyone trying to generate interest on their game seems a bit weird since it -is- a game informing site...
But anyways, have fun with the rest of the site. I'm probably only gunna pop up again if they do more coverage on Firefall later. Admitted it's the only game I'm really excited for at the moment.-
You seem to have a hard time seeing things our way.
For example: What if a bunch of people ended up on the FireFall forum claiming that Dawn Dishwashing Liquid was awesome?
What if you found out that the CEO of Procter & Gamble was giving out a free poster if a bunch of Shackers went to the FireFall forum and proclaimed their love for Dawn?
It doesn't matter if we loved Dawn, or not. (personally, I think it is a great product. Gets grease out of my way.) You would feel used. Like a commercial had just walked into your living room and sat in your lap.
Like I said before, I don't think your personal goals were nefarious. (wiki it) I think you are honestly a fan of Dawn. I mean FireFall.
If you stick around and chat about Diablo, Space Marine, Rage, Skyrim, $300 jeans, how crazy females are, irritating neighbors, milquetoast or insane politicians, and oxford commas, then we would be happy to have you on board.
But you will have to deal with suspicion at first.
For the moment, you still smell like Dawn.-
Honestly? I'd wonder why they're talking about dish soap on gaming start at first, ask them this, listen to their reason, debate it a bit if I disagree with their reason or support it if I agree, and then ask them if they're interested in Firefall and if that's why they thought to post Dawn adevertising on it's website. The comparison of Dawn soap though doesn't fit this description though since it's something completely unrelated to gaming.
Shacknews on the other hand is a site meant for gaming coverage, so for people to express their interest about that game in that particular game's interviews and reviews but then get insulted for that even though they ONLY expressed that interest in that game's reviews and not on the other game reviews seems really stupid to me... and in that sense, yes. I can't understand why you guys are ticked about people talking about a game on a gaming site in that's particular games reviews only. It makes absolutely no sense to me.
Living in South Korea, I can see this getting some mileage with the kids here. As a F2P game, offering Firefall up as a potential esport game might get some attention in Korea. A bit of cable TV programming is dedicated to competitive video game matches (Starcraft being the king) here. Firefall having a toe in the competitive esport pool likely will go a long way promoting it in Asian markets, with sponsored televised matches essentially being advertising.
Ahhh, good old thread necromancy. However I think many people fail to realize how big Korean esports is in the entertainment industry here.
I don't know. The whole esport angle for USA I see as pretty weak. But I do expect Red 5 is looking to promoting this game in other international markets. Getting a little buzz that this is the next 'big thing' in competitive video games might pick up some interest elsewhere, especially in asia. Folks over here are all over cash shop games.
Yeah, pushing the esport bit for the US is likely just a lot of promotion and advertising. But there are other markets out there that love games with this focus. -
Hey man it's a no buy game for all the "shillers" too. You can get it for the low low price of free, good to see you're keeping up.
Anyway, really? "Shillers". The first step to mass hatred is to give the other side dehumanising names. This may go a little 'Godwin's Law' but what you're doing is similar to the British calling the Germans "Huns". By creating labels like that all you're doing is promoting an us vs. them mentality.
Incidentally I thought this could be a cool website but all this 'hating' has turned this into an absolute no read (Except no, I'm still going to peruse this "chatty" thing once I figure out how it works)
Someone should fill out their wiki with the latest news on the lawsuit and more info on firefall. -
Right now, this entire thread is just name calling between two groups of gamers who would probably get along just great if it were not for this thread. That's unfortunate.
So, I'll just take full responsibility. I love shack, and I love Firefall, and it was in earnest excitement that I asked our community to ask questions about Firefall so that I could answer them here. I asked for intelligent, non-spammy comments right from the get-go. But apparently that doesn't happen all the time, and not all contributions to the thread were valid. My fault. Did I want to get Firefall noticed, Yes. Was it a cheap marketing ploy? No, at least not intentionally. The intent was to provide value by adding information to articles and show people we had a strong community.
I wanted to provide value, so I stayed and answered questions about the game as much as I could. I did not promote our game as great, I just tried to provide information on features relevant to what the article covered about the game.
Angering the Shack community, which I've been part of for many, many, years, was never an intent. I apologize. I'm not a marketing person, I'm a game maker, and this was my fault and my fault only. The people here from our community are genuine, real gamers who you should get to know. It breaks my heart to see you guys argue when they are just like you. I hope the mudslinging can stop. If you want to take it out on someone, e-mail me at since I am the one who made the mistake.
Mark Kern,
CEO, Red 5 Studions, Inc and Shacker-
Nope...but you can start offering the olive branch. Nobody did anything more than get baited by each other. Start contributing to chatty and show them you are a real gamer with real interests. Shakers can help by just giving these newcomers a chance to integrate. It's not too late.
FYI, we do plan on running some ads on shack for the crystite challenge. Buti assume that's all legit, shakers. If not, email me and let me know what you would like to see...but let's take it off the threads.
grummz (Mark Kern) is no longer in a position to deliver: