Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine review

We kill throngs of Orks and battle the forces of Chaos in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine and assess Relic's efforts to bring players (and the IP) into the thick of battle.


Relic Entertainment has already proven that it knows how to leverage the Warhammer 40,000 IP into compelling real-time-strategy titles with the Dawn of War series, but Space Marine marks the first time the developer has attempted to bring players into the 40K universe at boot-level. Equal parts shooter and brawler, you'll slaughter thousands of enemies on your journey as a Space Marine.

It might seem a bit odd to lead my assessment of the game with a body-count, but using a good variety of ranged and melee weapons to leave mountains of dead enemies in your wake is the core pillar of the Space Marine experience. Many of the game's enemies are melee-only, and will rush the player at first sight, but a variety of ranged enemy types often require the player to manage both types of combat at once. The larger battles are intense ballets of decapitation and evisceration, punctuated by occasional headshots.

Space Marines are equipped with gaming's now-ubiquitous recharging shield, but health is handled a bit differently. When running low on vitality, players can stun, and then subsequently execute an enemy for a health boost. The player isn't safe from other attacks while executing a foe, however. Health also recharges when a power called Fury is activated, a mode which also makes the player's attacks more powerful. The Fury gauge is filled by killing foes. Like cover, health packs are for wimps, apparently.

There are also a few segments of the single-player campaign in which the game's protagonist Captain Titus dons a jump pack. While it limits his available weaponry, the jump pack allows the player to launch himself into the air with the option of diving down for an enemy-stunning "ground pound." I had a ridiculous amount of fun with these levels, but realized that the jump pack fundamentally changes how combat plays out. Once I figured out how to effectively "jump and pound" with regularity, progression was quite easy.

My only disappointment with the game's single-player is that Space Marine's final conflict makes use of an extended quick-time event. As with many QTE's, it looks great visually, but isn't particularly satisfying. It's especially unfortunate in the case of Space Marine, given how its great, core gameplay is nowhere to be found in the game's final moments.

It's not necessary to know all the ins and outs of the Warhammer 40,000 universe to be able to understand and enjoy Space Marine, but long-time fans will appreciate the way the universe and its characters are presented. Great performances by Mark Strong and the rest of the cast, both in-game and during the cinematics, provide a detached coolness to the Space Marine banter. It's a welcome juxtaposition to the immediate, chaotic, and relentless nature of the game's combat.

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine also features two competitive class-based multiplayer modes out of the box, with a post-release co-operative mode to be added via DLC in October. In competitive multiplayer, Space Marines face off against their corrupted, evil counterparts, the Chaos Marines.

Annihilation is Space Marine's answer to Team Deathmatch, and Seize Ground is a capture-and-hold mode featuring numerous control points. The different class types (Tactical, Assault, and Devastator - each with Chaos counterparts), really change the approach the player should take to combat, and each class has its own specific suite of progressively unlockable weapons, perks, and visual customization options.

Multiplayer matches can be quite fun, though new players should be prepared to for some initial punishment as they crawl through the first few persistent character levels. At first, the Tactical Space Marine is the only playable option. Compared to the other two classes, it's the most vanilla of the bunch. By level five, players will have unlocked the Devastator class who dons a giant machine gun (Heavy Bolter), which packs tons of firepower, and the Assault class that gets to use the aforementioned jump packs to turbo around the battlefield.

Public matches are easy to find and play, but the majority of players in the matches I joined were much closer to the level 41 cap. Since level progression is tied directly to unlocking new weapons and more powerful perks, I often found myself trying to hold my own among much more powerful players. It can be pretty annoying when a level 33 opponent is sniping your level 3 avatar from halfway across the map... especially when you haven't yet unlocked any long-range weapons.

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine is a lot of fun when it comes to its arena-based battles thanks to a good variety of weapons and the most deft implementation of melee combat in a shooter that I've experienced in recent memory. The bloody single-player campaign is an Ork-chopping good time, and multiplayer can be a lot of fun as well, provided you can grind out the first few levels without getting too frustrated. I highly recommend checking it out for yourself. If not for you, then "For the Emperor!"

[The Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine review is based on a retail PC version of the game, provided on launch day by THQ.]

From The Chatty
  • reply
    September 13, 2011 1:45 PM

    Jeff Mattas posted a new article, Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine review.

    We kill throngs of Orks and battle the forces of Chaos in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine and assess Relic's efforts to bring players (and the IP) into the thick of battle.

    • reply
      September 13, 2011 2:30 PM

      review needs more question marks

    • reply
      September 13, 2011 4:59 PM

      No mention that the multiplayer is peer to peer and thus causes many players to experience significant lag issues?

      • reply
        September 13, 2011 6:22 PM

        This! Every second match is very laggy and involves teleporting players. The matchmaker doesnt seem to care about players respective pings.

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        September 13, 2011 9:14 PM

        I have a chump DSL connection capped at 386 kb/s per ip, and I noticed little to no lag except when the host was obviously in a different country. That probably has something to do with the fact that I'm on the West Coast in the US though. If you're in Europe or somewhere else equally far away, be ready for 1 sad little red bar of latency. Either that, or you will be the host and nearly everyone else will have 1 bar and end up leaving the game. The game isn't playable like that, and it's definitely something you'll want to consider if you're living far from the US.

        The review is spot on with everything it mentions. Something that wasn't mentioned was how good the controls feel on PC. There is no mouse lag even with vsync enabled, and the default controls make sense, but they can be remapped if you don't like them. The game has full support 360 controller if you'd prefer that over mouse/keyboard.

        • reply
          September 13, 2011 9:59 PM

          Yep, I live in a rural area on the east coast and I have minimal to no lag for the vast majority of the matches I play. Ever so often I might see a guy warping a bit, but those are generally the people who are lagging, not the rest of the server.

        • reply
          September 13, 2011 10:25 PM

          Yeah no lag issues here either. Occasionally a host has a bad connection but it's rare and usually the game will drop him for a better host.

          Game is great.

    • reply
      September 13, 2011 5:31 PM


      • reply
        September 13, 2011 8:27 PM

        I'm getting up there, too! Lots of fun so far. I'm in Japan and even with some latency playing people overseas, I haven't experienced any prolonged warping that was particularly detrimental to gameplay.

    • reply
      September 13, 2011 9:27 PM

      One note: if you have a 4:3 display, the HUD elements will be compressed horizontally, so the crosshair is an ellipse stretched vertically, and all the text will be tall; however, the 3D game elements and sprites are all the proper width. I kinda like it that way; it's almost like playing a movie that's been compressed horizontally.

    • reply
      September 13, 2011 10:06 PM

      I'm surprised you found the single player that interesting, Jeff.

      Honestly, I was kind of... I dunno... disappointed? There were vast open areas, especially early in the game, where no enemies existed. I'd be walking for 3 or 4minutes without a single ork to kill. Othertimes, I'd be given an objective some where, make my way there, only to see that the "door" wont open because I missed an ork somewhere. One more gripe I had were the enivronments... sometimes awe inspiring, othertimes, very Doom 3 coridoor-esque. But even at their best, the environments lacked a certain life... they possesed a kidn of static-ness.

      Also, the health recharge system is good in theory, but in practice, I died several times while "recharging" my health by executing enemies. Space Marine practically BEGS you to go charging into combat full hog (no cover system, execution based health regen, powerful melee weapons)... but doing so gets you killed so quickly. Either by long range enemies, who pelt you while you wade into the fray, or melee range enemies who smack you when your back is turned, fighting another enemy.

      It is fun to wade into a huge battle set piece... but sometimes it feels like the health and combat systems are at odds with each other.

      • reply
        September 14, 2011 5:56 AM

        This is how I also felt. The orks were also lacking detail compared to the space marines and weren't very fun to kill. They needed to be more scary than cartoon. The game got repetitive fast so I sent it back to gamefly without completing it.

    • reply
      September 14, 2011 7:35 AM

      Will someone please think of the Orks

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