Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer preview
Shacknews jumped into a rotating hopper to bring you our impressions of Modern Warfare 3's 'Kill Confirmed' mode as well as test out some of the major changes made to the game's multiplayer mode.

Modern Warfare 3
Xav de Matos posted a new article, Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer preview.
Shacknews jumped into a rotating hopper to bring you our impressions of Modern Warfare 3's 'Kill Confirmed' mode as well as test out some of the major changes made to the game's multiplayer mode.-
I read it, it sounds like MW2 and Black Ops but instead of Killstreaks we now have strike packages. Big deal, I used to love the COD franchise. The setting hasn't changed much since COD4 and now we have another copy of the game we played 4 years ago. How about a call of duty game set in the future? Or maybe a different franchise made by the same team?
I wouldn't mind so much if they changed the engine and worked on some new features, but to add a couple of game types and some weapon skins doesn't warrant paying yet another £45 for it. After Battlefield 3 I'm done with modern combat settings in games, it has been butchered by the gaming media just as bad as WW2