Deus Ex: Human Revolution DLC teased

The "special message" that appeared in Deus Ex: Human Revolution was recently cracked, likely revealing clues for the game's first downloadable expansion.

On August 29, a special message was delivered to players via the Deus Ex: Human Revolution menu screen, directing them to visit the game's official website for updates. The message was accompanied by a mysterious alphanumeric string. The gaming community banded together, and a few days later, the code was cracked. Could this puzzle be a tease for upcoming downloadable content? The initial code released with the "special message" is as follows: okM8-+Ds4Dui?lMh$Mzvm14SBqe7;G.l6=u74b?mkh-45Ki60d+98XBpCku7 While all users apparently received the above code, Blue's News reported that some folks had discovered a follow up to the code, which appeared to be a cipher: 5 – / ! f / f q / x c / q y / d 3 / ? x / t $ / j # A follow-up report later revealed that the code had somehow led enterprising sleuths to website
The background image on has GPS coordinates in its header. If you use Google maps to locate the coordinates, they lead to Ayers Rock.
Ayers Rock is also known as "Uluru".
The Morse code is "11m13clinic".
Using "uluru" / "11m13clinic" as the L/P when clicking on the illuminati all seeing eye in at yields this image:

What's happening on Sunday?

A cursory look at the image reveals a time-stamp in the lower-left corner that could be an indication that more information about the mystery will be revealed this Sunday. Gaming site VG24/7 also posted a new report from an unnamed source today, alleging the upcoming DLC will take place on a floating prison-ship of sorts. Prisoners are being experimented on, and the player is cut off from tactical support, meaning that there won't be any friendly radio chatter in Jensen's ear to fill him in. It's not known how the DLC would fit into the Deus Ex canon. The unnamed source also mentions having seen a build of the DLC, in which players could either import a save file from Human Revolution, or start from scratch with a fresh augmentation loadout. How this unconfirmed information about DLC fits in to the larger puzzle is still somewhat mysterious. VG24/7 tries to connect some of the dots, noting that "PMC organization Belltower Associates, which played a prominent role in Human Revolution, is known to have an office in [Australia], and the Deus Ex canon makes mention of a civil war in Australia." "Uluru," also known as Ayers Rock, is also in Australia. We'll continue to keep you up to date on the Deus Ex: Human Revolution speculation and announcements as more information becomes available.
From The Chatty
  • reply
    August 31, 2011 2:15 PM

    Jeff Mattas posted a new article, Deus Ex: Human Revolution DLC teased.

    The "special message" that appeared in Deus Ex: Human Revolution was recently cracked, likely revealing clues for the game's first downloadable expansion.

    • reply
      August 31, 2011 3:56 PM

      Awesome news, more Deus Ex is always a good thing.. This game is amazing!

    • reply
      August 31, 2011 4:54 PM

      Finally beat the game after a week, but the game has very little replay value.

      • reply
        August 31, 2011 4:55 PM


        • reply
          August 31, 2011 5:27 PM

          I do kind of want to murder every civilian and hobo with dumpsters.

      • reply
        August 31, 2011 6:08 PM

        As soon as I finished it on medium I started again on hard. For some reason i'm just not feeling any boredom from it and i've already played 35 hours :S.

      • reply
        August 31, 2011 6:28 PM

        As far as sp FPS's go, i'd say it has quite a bit more than a little replay value.

      • reply
        August 31, 2011 6:29 PM

        Disagree. Maybe not as much as the original, but I'll definitely get another two runthroughs out of it in the next two weeks.

      • reply
        August 31, 2011 7:18 PM

        It's one of the few games I've replayed almost immediately.

      • reply
        September 1, 2011 1:29 AM

        I'm replaying it as I'm playing it. You're wrong. I've replayed almost every level I've gotten to just to try different things. It's the MOST replayable game I've seen in a long time.

      • reply
        September 1, 2011 4:07 AM


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          September 1, 2011 5:14 AM

          people here would replay any linear shooter 1276871263 times and talk about replay value which is misleading from the point of view of a person that has games like the original deus ex, the witcher or vampires;bloodlines in mind.

          there is a difference if you like a game very much or if a game has content you will only see if you replay it.

          the witcher 2 has 1/3 of the games content reserved for a second play-through in a completely different zone.

          i played quake/doom/wolf3d/prince of persia a million times but they don't have replay value in the sense people talking about it use the term for.

      • reply
        September 1, 2011 4:09 AM


    • reply
      August 31, 2011 10:23 PM

      i'm torn, i LOVE the game, i beat it twice, i've got the 1000 xbox fake points, and i am not sure if i want more or not. i could trade the game in and get credit (amazon) or i could keep it and play what a 4 hour DLC maybe? who knows, i just am not sure if i want to play more. maybe i will just buy the book and get more out of the world that way.

      It makes me wonder if the DLC will be interesting enough to keep the game longer or not. Makes me think about what i loved most about the game, i enjoyed the mechanics, combat/stealth, but do i just want 2 more hours of different puzzle rooms about killing/knocking out the enemy, or do i just want to have more story in that world. I guess after loving mass effect so much but then getting burnt by the first games DLC basicaly being just more combat rooms and no real story, i dont want to fall into that same trap.

      • reply
        September 1, 2011 1:39 AM

        It sounds like a rather easy problem to me. DE:HR has been the only game that wasn't made by Valve that I've played that I've felt like I underpaid for, since I bought Warcraft 3. I welcome some new DLC, even if it is cut stuff from the original that has been cleaned up.

        Whatever they release I'm sure it'll have a rich story and if the mission is 4 hours of gameplay, I'm sure I'll spend 8 hours playing it because of all the junk everywhere to read and poke around at :)

        If you've completed it, you'll know there is a fair bit of back story that needs to be fleshed out for certain characters, it'd be cool if that was explored

    • reply
      September 1, 2011 12:08 AM


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        September 1, 2011 1:06 AM

        I have a feeling it would be weapons. Doesn't make any sense for them to spend a shitload of time making a new hub, or a DLC mission that couldn't be accessed through the normal campaign. Unless it was a standalone mission launched from the menu, but then what happens to your character and inventory?

        • reply
          September 1, 2011 1:22 AM

          weapons would be nice, but i'd like new augs. i dunno what tho.

            • reply
              September 1, 2011 1:44 AM

              Yes. That calf-deep water ain't gonna fuck with me no more.

              • reply
                September 1, 2011 2:43 AM

                I was thinking something agent 47ish. something that lets you disguise yourself as a guard, rather than invis.

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                September 1, 2011 3:44 AM

                Didn't you play Deus Ex? That Aug was equally as useless in the original, I'm pretty sure it was there as a joke

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            September 1, 2011 3:37 AM

            Something that lets you get more than 1 battery.

            • reply
              September 1, 2011 3:46 AM

              I realised there are two things that regen your batteries, the power bar things and the thing you can buy from the LIMB clinic that refills all of them - But I really want an aug that lets you automatically refill more than one bar - I don't want to have to be a walking fridge with all my power bars :(

              That said, I rarely use power, maybe I would if I did a all-guns-blazing play through

        • reply
          September 1, 2011 1:58 AM

          This is something I think is worth discussing in the grande scheme of DLC for linear titles.

          With a game like Fallout 3 or Oblivion or similar, you can have DLC that kinda fits the old "expansion" mindset, but you can also release much smaller things that work either during or after the main campaign without really fucking up the flow of things.

          But in a game like Deus Ex, I'm not sure how they'd release new storyline-related stuff unless they attach it to the end of the story, but given the data on how few people finish games, I'm guessing that's not as financially exciting as just pumping out some more weapons which I assume far more people are likely to buy.

          I definitely miss expansion packs for these kinds of games.

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