PlayStation Vita cross-game chat, online modes detailed
PlayStation Vita has a number of online connectivity features. However, with all the buzzwords being thrown about--Near, Party, LiveArea, and Activity--it may be difficult to understand exactly what Sony's next generation portable is really capable of. Th
Imagine user A visits locations one to ten through that day, and they get home and sync with the server and it uploads to the Near server your ten locations that you've been to. User B comes along, does the same thing, but at some point in User B's day they passed User A's location five, which means they're now able to collect gifts that that user's dropped.Some games will allow users to specify what kind of gifts they want to broadcast, and how to receive it. You may be able to gift items, "dropping" it virtually for someone to pick up. You may be able to leave a challenge to other players at a certain location. Each game allocates up to 100KB of data for Near.
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From The Chatty
Andrew Yoon posted a new article, PlayStation Vita cross-game chat, online modes detailed.
PlayStation Vita has a number of online connectivity features. However, with all the buzzwords being thrown about--Near, Party, LiveArea, and Activity--it may be difficult to understand exactly what Sony's next generation portable is really capable of. Th -