EA: Crysis 2 pulled from Steam over DLC

EA has explained why Valve pulled Crysis 2 from Steam, while also revealing a little more on its plans for Origin.


Last month, Crysis 2 mysteriously vanished from Steam just as publisher EA was talking about securing more "exclusives" for its own new digital distributor, Origin. This turned out to be a rather unhappy coincidence for EA, who later explained that "Steam has imposed a set of business terms" incompatible with an agreement developer Crytek had with "another download service." Thus, Crysis 2 was ejected from Steam, EA said, not pulled. But why, exactly?

Speaking to Gamasutra, EA senior VP of global e-commerce David DeMartini has now explained the situation. Crysis 2 was taken down, he says, because its downloadable content was sold through rival service Direct2Drive, and not through Steam, denying Valve a slice of the pie.

Presumably, the "agreement with another download service which violates [Steam's] new rules" which EA spoke of in June was a DLC exclusivity deal with Direct2Drive. This would suggest that Valve's policy change was to require DLC be sold through it as well.

"That would, I guess, be a situation where two partners didn't see eye to eye, and by their choice, they were going to take that product down because they were insisting that the DLC be available through Steam," DeMartini said.

However, an exclusivity deal would be contrary to EA's "policy on selling games on third-party download sites," which was revealed yesterday, and which DeMartini introduced with a blog post.

"At EA, we believe in choice," the policy states. "We want our products in all the places gamers go to download the best games and services." With the exception of DLC, it seems.

Something's wonky somewhere. Shacknews has contacted Valve and EA for comment and further clarification.

DeMartini also revealed that EA plans to integrate its Origin platform into many of its games in future. "Every one of the significant franchises is working with us to integrate more and more between the game and Origin," he said. Presumably this will come in the form of auto-updating, friend list integration, DLC sales, and such--services already offered by Steam.

DeMartini said that while "I am absolutely not at this point saying, 'hey, it's Origin versus Steam,' It's never been about that," he does foresee more potential conflicts with Valve in the future.

"They're really smart, they've done a great job with Steam, and I just find it interesting that some of the ways they've built their business are specifically some of the areas of conflict between us on a going forward basis," he explained.

"Occasionally, you just both feel very strongly about a position that you believe in, and that doesn't mean you've lost any respect for each other--it's fundamentally you don't agree on how a certain thing should be handled." he added, "In this particular case, we feel incredibly strongly about our responsibility on a going-forward basis as it relates to our own IP."

From The Chatty
  • reply
    July 7, 2011 7:15 PM

    Alice O'Connor posted a new article, EA: Crysis 2 pulled from Steam over DLC.

    EA has explained why Valve pulled Crysis 2 from Steam, while also revealing a little more on its plans for Origin.

    • reply
      July 7, 2011 7:26 PM


    • reply
      July 7, 2011 7:28 PM

      Alright.. starting to sound like bullshit, and funky cover ups. I'm noticing that valve, being awesome, hasn't come out acting like EA are bastards.

      Valve has me 100%, and I'm sure of that. I won't be buying any game on any other game download service, ever.

      Except maybe GOG... cause they are awesome too.

      • reply
        July 7, 2011 7:30 PM


        • reply
          July 7, 2011 8:53 PM

          It's an assumption but that's exactly what I think. Valve knows it's smarter to just stay quiet. EA's in full spin control mode and I'll bet they are just chomping at the bit for ammo to make up an excuse...any excuse. Valve shouldn't give them the satisfaction.

          • reply
            July 8, 2011 12:22 AM

            I think Valve is just too busy swimming in money to care.

            EA is in the shit right now, they're losing money by not selling on Steam. It's the cries of a beaten dog.

      • reply
        July 7, 2011 9:42 PM

        Agreed. I used to like Impulse, but I don't know really now that Gamestop took over.

    • reply
      July 7, 2011 7:29 PM

      It's not "choice" when you're forced to create an EA.com account, and must buy DLC from an in-game store that requires an EA.com account. If I don't want to give personal details to EA, I can't buy their games, since they have so much pride, they don't want to send update / DLC content to Valve to bundle into Steam updates and DLC packages.

    • reply
      July 7, 2011 7:30 PM

      it takes a special kind of scumbag to take a job within a large corporate structure and buy into their utter bullshit wordplay.

      I may paint houses for a living but I dont have to treat my customers like cattle while lying like the bag of shit they are.

    • reply
      July 7, 2011 7:36 PM

      I don't understand how this situation is different than some of the other games being sold on Steam. Bioshock 2 DLC is exclusive to GFWL marketplace, Mirror's Edge DLC is exclusive to EA, Mass Effect DLC is exclusive to EA/Bioware website.... Please explain how those situations are different than Crysis 2 DLC being exclusive to another service?

    • reply
      July 7, 2011 7:44 PM

      It's about choice! Except when that choice is anything other than EA.

      • reply
        July 8, 2011 6:19 AM

        Or D2D or Impulse or hey, anyone that isn't dropping Crysis 2 from their selection.

    • reply
      July 7, 2011 8:18 PM

      So when exactly did Valve change their Terms? Especially considering that other EA games get their DLC from outside Steam namely Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age. So does that also mean Dragon Age 2 will be pulled since it has new DLC coming out in 2 weeks?

    • reply
      July 7, 2011 8:48 PM

      Looks to me like Valve is just looking out for their customers (us). If I buy a game from steam that I like a lot but then the DLC is from DirectDrive then I'm screwed right? I would have to get the game all over from DD to get DLC (assuming I really want it), or am I wrong?

    • reply
      July 7, 2011 8:54 PM

      EA is so full of shit. Blows my mind how some people give their Origin service the benefit of the doubt.

    • DM7 legacy 10 years legacy 20 years
      July 7, 2011 9:19 PM

      Maximum Bullshit

    • reply
      July 7, 2011 10:11 PM

      EA's new " Just buy our games on the consoles" strategy

    • reply
      July 7, 2011 10:56 PM

      Still not passing the smell test. Their contortions are becoming ever more amusing though.

    • reply
      July 8, 2011 12:40 AM

      You guys can't all really be that brain dead can you? Are you so up Valves ass that you believe that they can't do anything wrong. The evidence suggest that it was Valves doing.

      If EA are lying then they are likely to get sued to death and it really isn't worth it especially for a PC release.

      • reply
        July 8, 2011 12:45 AM

        What evidence? And who would sue them?

      • reply
        July 8, 2011 1:15 AM

        I distrust EA based on reputation alone. And the fact that the PR bullshit they've been putting out is demonstrably false.

      • reply
        July 8, 2011 1:37 AM

        The only 'evidence' so far has been a bunch of sketchy EA press releases and forum posts.

        • reply
          July 9, 2011 7:16 AM

          That's evidence enough. Valve are keeping their mouths shut while all the Steam apologists are brainlessly defending Valve based on what? Because you like Steam.

          EA have made a statement, Valve have not. Until Valve do, the sensible thing to do is to either trust EA on this or shut up and wait for more evidence to come in. I'm not saying that EA aren't lying, I'm just saying that the evidence presented (in the form of their statements) suggest otherwise.

          Calling EA's lier's based on "I like Steam Valve will never do anything wrong" is just plain idiotic.

          Not that I care either way but some of the the comments here are just scary.

      • reply
        July 8, 2011 1:40 AM

        They may not be outright lying, but they are certainly spinning the story.

      • reply
        July 8, 2011 1:56 AM

        I don't really care whether Valve ejected the game or EA pulled it. For me, the question that isn't being answered acceptably is why Crysis 2 was removed while other games that don't offer DLC through Steam (Fable 3, the Mass Effect and Dragon Age franchises, etc.) are untouched. If DLC exclusivity was the sticking point then quite a few other games would be gone as well...but they're not. The fact that EA has repeatedly failed to provide a straightforward answer to this question is less than encouraging and a big reason why people are shitting on them.

        • reply
          July 8, 2011 5:14 AM

          Fable 3 DLC is available on Steam. Where have you been?

      • reply
        July 8, 2011 2:27 AM

        Currently there is no evidence and this is not a trial. EA is going on and on about defending themselves and pointing wobbly fingers at Steam - instead of just being clear as in "We broke the Crysis 2 contract with Steam because we made a DLC exclusivity deal with D2D whilst offering Crysis 2 on Steam as well, thus neglecting the new terms of Service. That is why Crysis 2 got removed from Steam."

      • reply
        July 8, 2011 3:49 AM

        l o l

      • reply
        July 8, 2011 4:37 AM


      • reply
        July 8, 2011 6:30 AM

        Evidence? You should have pressed the Doubt button, but you can still back out!

      • reply
        July 8, 2011 7:29 AM

        valve did 911

      • reply
        July 8, 2011 9:51 AM

        These are the type of people joining since the gamefly take over.

      • reply
        July 8, 2011 2:24 PM

        I gotta start more posts with "You guys can't all really be that brain dead can you?"

      • reply
        July 10, 2011 12:41 AM

        what evidence? EA has a history of being douchebags, valve does not. that is the only evidence i've seen

    • reply
      July 8, 2011 1:04 AM

      If this goes on a few more weeks EA will accidentally admit to killing someone too.

      • reply
        July 8, 2011 5:32 AM

        And blame it on Steam's policy change.

    • reply
      July 8, 2011 2:22 AM

      If EA believes in choice, why won't they let us choose OnLive? I would rather get my games from them instead of having to upgrade my system this year.

    • reply
      July 8, 2011 6:31 AM


      • reply
        July 8, 2011 8:14 AM

        Man.. it's gonna be hard for me, but I'm not gonna buy it. Fuck EA to hell.

        • reply
          July 8, 2011 8:17 AM


        • reply
          July 8, 2011 10:22 AM

          I don't see a reason to boycott EA games but I don't see a reason to pay the $60 premium to help them fund their desperate little anti-piracy fortress or whatever you want to call it. When BF3 is cheap enough, I'll buy in. There are plenty of companies out there making great games that actually provide value to the end user whereas all EA is doing right now is trying to benefit themselves.

          • reply
            July 8, 2011 11:07 AM


            • reply
              July 8, 2011 11:38 AM

              BF3 on PC is going to be the ticket, why not give it a shot when you know it's going to be the superior platform?

            • reply
              July 8, 2011 6:39 PM

              I'd rather deal with horrible DRM than play an FPS on the console when I have the option of playing it with a kb/mouse...but to each his own.

          • reply
            July 8, 2011 12:34 PM

            You mean like every other Publisher? They aren't charities, and they aren't doing anything that Valve hasn't done.

    • reply
      July 8, 2011 10:10 AM

      I don't have any problems with Valve pulling the game. EA made an exclusive deal for DLC and Valve is saying if you want your game on OUR platform then make it all available. Valve developed STEAM, is paying the money to run and support the service and promote games like Crysis 2. In turn they get a cut of sales. Quid pro quo EA. If EA doesn't want to play the game then they have to deal with the consequences. Its Valve's platform.

    • reply
      July 8, 2011 10:12 AM

      "At EA, we believe in choice,"

      HAHAHA, right.

    • reply
      July 8, 2011 10:21 AM

      What load of bullshit. Looks like EA is trying retake its place as the "Asshole Publisher of The Century" from Activision. Not just by beating them in sales but by employing the same business tactics as they do too. First they insult the modding community and now they're lying through their teeth. I have already written off Battlefield 3 and The Old Republic because of this. Go eat shit and die!

      • reply
        July 8, 2011 11:52 AM

        You know, I haven't bought a single Bioware game since the buyout, this wasn't intentional but is an interesting correlation.

    • reply
      July 8, 2011 11:00 AM

      i'm so glad i don't buy EA games anymore... and now with origin being something forced i will definately stay away for good.

    • reply
      July 8, 2011 11:26 AM

      You had to buy Mass Effect DLC from the EA website. I'm still not sure what the problem is here.

      • reply
        July 8, 2011 11:40 AM

        Steam = good, EA = evil, if you believe that then these bullshit threads kind of make sense

        • reply
          July 8, 2011 11:58 AM

          Information is being withheld. If either side would explain why it's ok for Mass Effect DLC to come from the EA website, but that's somehow not ok for Crysis 2, then I would at least understand what the actual problem is

          • reply
            July 8, 2011 12:32 PM


          • reply
            July 8, 2011 12:45 PM

            I dont see either as right or wrong in this case. Valve changed their policy to have anything new with DLC have it possible to be bought through steam.

            A valid point for Valve: I bought Battlefield Bad Company 2 on D2D on a sale once, and went to go buy Vietnam when the summer camp sale on steam came out. I could not. Only valve copies of BF:BC2 can use the valve copies of the DLC and thats shitty. A lost sale for everyone (as its not worth the 15 dollars i'd have to pay from D2D or EA for it.)


            A valid point for EA: It's their fucking content and they can do as they please. If they do shitty things that fuck over the end user, they'll probably hurt for it in the end.

            • reply
              July 8, 2011 12:47 PM

              I think part of the problem is the theory that someone has to be right and someone has to be wrong, which you hit upon. In reality no one's wrong, it was business decisions all around.

            • reply
              July 8, 2011 12:56 PM

              Isn't that policy change similar to something Apple did a few months back, that caused all sorts of ridiculous nerdrage?

              • reply
                July 8, 2011 1:20 PM

                no, the apple in-app subscription thing was that you could ONLY do it through the app-store. They eventually changed it to say that if you do it outside the app store, then you have to have the ability to do it inside the app store as well. The latter is what we are talking about with the steam policy (apparently?). If you sell the DLC outside of valve, you also have to sell it inside of valve (or at least that's my interpretation of what squigilwams said).

                Also, yes. Fuck the whole EA points bullshit. That said, there was a way to do it such that you could buy all the Mass Effect DLC without having points left over (but you had to go through the Dragon Age section of the store to buy points in different denominations). It was completely stupid that you had to work at it to only spend the amount of money you wanted to spend.

    • reply
      July 8, 2011 11:23 PM

      Valve got this one wrong.

      I can vouch for the fact that Crysis 2 DLC sales do not go through Direct2Drive.

      Crysis 2's DLC store is powered by Direct2Game, Gamespy's in-game commerce engine, (which should be obvious by our logo all over the in-game DLC store).



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