Minecraft 'Pistons' patch coming soon

In his latest blog update, Minecraft creator Notch reveals that the Pistons patch is coming early, but that it might be a long wait for the Adventure update.


Minecraft players have already made impressive constructs with the tools the game provides. Soon, though, they'll have a powerful new toy to play with. Pistons introduce the ability to move blocks, opening up a number of potential new inventions ranging from simple doors to complex motion-driven machinery. Count on this: Minecraft players will quickly figure out how to do more with them than initially considered.

Pistons will arrive as part of patch 1.7, which the game's creator, Notch, says will be out soon in his latest blog update. To get it out, though, that's about all 1.7 will have besides a couple of new bug fixes. The long-awaited 'Adventure' update has been moved to 1.8 and Notch says. "it might be a long wait, but it will be worth it."

Beyond that, the development team will be getting down to readying the full release of Minecraft for November. When exactly that will be hasn't been set but Notch says that it will almost certainly be sometime the week after 11/11/11. "We want to make a big spectacle out of the release where we involve fans and celebrate it properly," he says.

Oh, and apparently he likes F.E.A.R. 3.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    June 27, 2011 4:45 PM

    Garnett Lee posted a new article, Minecraft 'Pistons' patch coming soon.

    In his latest blog update, Minecraft creator Notch reveals that the Pistons patch is coming early, but that it might be a long wait for the Adventure update.

    • reply
      June 28, 2011 2:54 AM

      I've decided to stop playing Minecraft until there's mod support like Notch promised, I really am sick of fresh installing Minecraft, waiting for the relevent mods to update and then installing them again! All the while trying to continue playing the game...

      • reply
        June 28, 2011 7:27 AM

        I stopped playing when I bought Terraria. It gives me the same sense of satisfaction with the sandbox but is a much better experience overall.

        • reply
          June 28, 2011 8:00 AM

          Terraria is more of an actual game is a ton of fun... but I don't find the actual building quite as satisfying as it is in Minecraft. 3d building is just a lot of fun.

          • reply
            June 28, 2011 8:08 AM

            I can understand that. I've seen some absolutely amazing things built in minecraft that aren't possible in Terraria. However, for my skill level and creativity level, Terraria is perfect.

          • reply
            June 28, 2011 8:28 AM


      • reply
        June 28, 2011 3:31 PM

        actually mods seem to be doing a lot more then notch these days http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndVVrZqHqA8&feature=feedu - definitely looking forward to adventure mode and pistons though

    • reply
      June 28, 2011 3:42 AM

      There's obviously money to be made in the mining/ crafting genre. We need a clone of this game by a major studio.

    • reply
      June 28, 2011 8:15 AM

      needs a Minecraft "Pistons-Pacers Brawl" patch

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