Team Fortress 2 goes 'free to play'
Valve is preparing "the most ambitious update in the history of Team Fortress 2." And what's one feature of the update? The game is going to be free to play.
Valve is preparing "the most ambitious update in the history of Team Fortress 2." And what's one feature of the update? The game is going to be free to play.
Robin Walker told Develop that the team has been toying with the idea ever since the Mann-conomy update, which introduced an in-game store to the title. The game will be monetized entirely by the various trinkets that can be purchased from the store. "We're not doing any kind of subscription, nor are we taking any features away," Walker insisted.
Valve is hoping that the free-to-play update will encourage a new audience to try the game, something that will also help veterans of the nearly four year old game. "The more players, the more available servers in your area, the wider variety of other players you'll find, the greater the opportunity for new experiences, and so on," Walker explained.
The update also benefits Valve, in that it should expose a larger audience to the Steam platform, and more importantly, the Steam Wallet. "Any player who buys something in TF2's store will then be familiar with the purchasing process used in all these other games, and that removes one of the biggest barriers to entry for them buying something in those other games, and vice versa."
The update is now available.
Andrew Yoon posted a new article, Team Fortress 2 Free to Play.
Valve is preparing "the most ambitious update in the history of Team Fortress 2." And what's one feature of the update? The game is going to be free to play.-
If PC and PS3 players could play against each other? Because the standing issue with putting multiplatform multiplayer between PC's and consoles is that the PC players just completely decimate the console players. This isn't me being snarky, it's just that the control scheme favors quicker reaction times. Portal 2 did it because Portal 2's MP was co-op so it wasn't people trying to kill each other quickly.
In any game with hitscan weapons like a sniper rifle or railgun, mouse users destroy controller users. Complete decimation. I haven't seen a real public study about this but this is the anecdote you're referring to.
I'm actually curious what the original TF2 release profiled memory-wise on the PS3.
The amount of content that can potentially now be loaded at the same time is significantly higher than it was when it launched, if they were anywhere close to hitting max RAM previously they'd have to do some serious work to get all this content running now. -
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there are vanilla servers. there have always been. of course, they are extremely unpopular so there's probably 4 of them total. but admins have that option to turn on vanilla mode and restrict the game to how it launched.
I wonder what other MP games people would demand vanilla mode on with such vigor. it's pretty hilarious to see people so pissed off at TF2 because they don't play it and don't have the weapons, but still want to complain anyway.-
You know - when they first started announcing all these new weapons, I thought it would turn into the inevitable MMO patch process of constantly changing buff/debuffs attempting to balance them out.
But honestly, you don't see many (if any) posts claiming X item to be overpowered or players demanding that a certain build be nerfed into the ground. I think I've only seen a handful of patch notes that change the item from the original specs as well.
I'd say they do a fantastic job of making the items balanced - especially considering how many there are.
Almost all of those items are completely situational.. Maybe better for your playstyle or role, but not in general. The only one that I would tend to agree with is the sandvich.
The Wrangler is good out in the open, but if you have a turret guarding a corner chokepoint it's kinda worthless. Plus you lose the pistol. GRU I usually have equipped, but that's because I almost always have my brother as a medic when I'm heavy - otherwise I would generally use fists o steel. Vita Saw is good, but that -10hp can go a long ways, etc.
so you prefer the counterstrike style, where people prefer that nothing changes?
TF2 and counterstrike are the most popular FPS games per steam stats. There's room for both types of evolutions of games. and valve has proven they can support both.
so basically we just need a lot of idiot whiners to shut the fuck up.
For those who bought TF2 before it became free, check this out: