Dawn of War 3 combines DOW1 and 2
THQ core games head Danny Bilson has dropped some hints about Dawn of War 3, claiming the company is borrowing various elements from existing DoW games. We may see it officially announced at GamesCom.
Even without being formally announced, Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War III is starting to see a slow drip of details. The game is looking to combine elements from both of its previous main-series installments, along with a few elements of its own, reports Eurogamer.
"We're working on the next generation of that franchise right now," said THQ core games head Danny Bilson in an interview. "Preserving some things that have always been great about the first two generations of it, going back to 1 on some things, 2 on some things, and 3 will bring some new things."
"I feel like an ass saying it's fantastic, but it is," he said. "And we're going to do something with it you haven't seen before." Bilson also hinted that we'll see an unannounced game revealed at Gamescom in Germany when it rolls around in August, which may indicate when we'll see our first real look at the game.
Bilson had previously hinted that Dawn of War 3 might take a free-to-play approach like Company of Heroes Online, but that depended on the success of CoH.
"It all depends on how COHO does, and how it works and how people respond to it," Bilson said. "If they do that would definitely drive us to... Now Dawn of War III, either way, is going to have a much larger strategic component to it, more of a global battle going on with little tactical things, sort of MMO-like."
Steve Watts posted a new article, Dawn of War 3 combines DOW1 and 2.
THQ core games head Danny Bilson has dropped some hints about Dawn of War 3, claiming the company is borrowing various elements from existing DoW games. We may see it officially announced at GamesCom.-
Okay you need to stop. You are in danger of becoming a parody of yourself at this point. If you actually cared about the game, you'd know this from playing the latest game. Or you'd know from playing with the shackers who regularly play the game.
I'm just saying this because I think you're wrapped up in being worried about this stuff that doesn't really matter that much instead of just enjoying gaming as fun
I've been dying for a 40K game with space battles. The scale of them would be insanely awesome.
http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs49/f/2009/156/3/0/Star_Wars_Vs_W40K_by_The_First_Magelord.gif -
My hope for MP: Matches start out with a DoW2 style gameplay, but instead of a main HQ you get a mobile relay point of sorts. Basically the goal is to kill the enemy team, obvio but early on you're only capable of bringing in basic units, basic upgrades, and reinforcing no more than a squad's worth of troops. But if the battle drags out, the map starts opening up, you move your relay back since you don't want to be a stones throw away from enemy recon, you start digging in, expanding your army, opening tech trees and preparing for a much larger skirmish. You of course could end it early if you outplay your opponent well enough, or you could just play defensively and wait for the epic base building. I just want a progressive style game with matches lasting anywhere from 15 minutes to hours.
I would be willing to be some moola that the unannouced cool thing that Bilson claims they're adding to the game that "no one would expect" is a really cool 3rd-person or 1st-person action mode. Based on their work on Space Marine, I wouldn't be shocked if you could do portions of the SP campaign in 3rd-person Action or 1st-Person mode. I called it first!! :P
Good. DoW3's multiplayer needs to be more like DoW1's multiplayer. For single player, I like how you can field more units than just the 4 characters/squads you are initially given. That was a needed change. I'd like to see more unique campaigns for each race. Retribution had to reuse maps because Relic doesn't have the time or budget to do 6 unique campaigns/stories for a $29.99 expansion. What we got was still great. Sounds like they are going in the right direction for DoW3.
Oh yeah. They need to work this track back into the DoW3 campaign somehow: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQUjow3Zzew
I bet they thought DoW2 was 'fantastic' when they did it too. Considering DoW2 was basically DoW 1 combined with CoH along with a lot of corner cutting, this will probably be exactly like CoH with WH:40k units.
There is a reason I loved DoW and not CoH and it wasn't just the units.
This is putting aside all the other things that were vastly inferior to the original in 2. Including mirror balanced units, terrible voice acting, less units then the first, races that were cookie cutter, poorly balanced races, an unintuitive selection interface, a tacked on army painter, heroes that weren't really heroie, cloned heroes (each race had one that had a counterpart in another race), bases that were ill thought out, super units that lacked impact (avatar looked like a marathon runner), half the custom animations of the first one and not as good, the CG videos looked choppy and unnatural, a lot less upgrades, a lot less options, vehicles?, did I mention less units and mirror balancing?, less voice acting and not as cool, and it didn't have base building, but that seems to be personal preference.
Units are really the focus of DoW, but they really need a new level designer. After playing the first and the second they definitely need someone to spruce things up a bit.