Kinect Star Wars
Xav de Matos posted a new article, E3 2011: Kinect Star Wars.
We grab our lightsabers and get plugged into the world of motion gaming with Kinect Star Wars, exclusively for the Xbox 360. Is the Force strong with us or is the game destined for the Dark side?-
I just don't get it(well I kinda do). Why do they have to go "all out kinect"? Why not make a decent/great star wars/any game, and throw in some kinect action on the side. How about just using some force powers push/pull ect with the kinect, then switching off/saying bye bye to quick time events, and pit you one on one vs some big enemies/bosses via "all out kinect" saber/force duels. I can dream on I guess.
"All this stuff does sort of feel to me like we're getting back into sort of... this could be the new version of a CD-ROM, or 3D, or full-motion video, of just like, 'Every game's doing this bullshit for 2 or 3 years!... games are ruined forever!', and then, 'Oh, okay, actually, this is now just a thing that you can have in a game.'" -- Jake Rodkin, Idle Thumbs E30 (E3 2009)
"If gaming is going through puberty, then motion controls are its first period." -- Yahtzee Croshaw, Zero Punctuation E3 2010 special
Unfortunately, it seems you'll have to wait a few years for the novelty of Kinect to shake off. Kinect sold far too well in the non-gamer casual crowd to avoid companies jumping in on the hype bandwagon like the FMV days, or the early "2.5D engine" days. It's a lot worse when the platform holder is stoking the fire. It's far far worse when Microsoftian marketing enthusiasm is stoking the fire.
I think movement, and anything NOT on rails is the big problem with anything 'motion-based'.
Until they come up with some kind of tread mill, track pad for your feet, it's really tough to simulate movement (unless still using a thumb stick to move your feet).
Even if you run on the spot, the ability to determine if you're intending to run forwards or backwards would be an obvious issue.
If you want a motion game, it's pretty much GOT to be on rails, or the movement (as was even said in this review) will be painstakingly awkward.