Mass Effect 3 coming March 6
EA has announced that the Mass Effect trilogy will come to an end on March 6, 2012.
EA has announced that the Mass Effect trilogy will come to an end on March 6, 2012.
Mass Effect 3 is scheduled to arrive for the PC, Xbox 360, and PS3 next year. Commander Shepard and his merry band of world-savers will combat the reapers in the upcoming game, putting to an end a war that gamers were first introduced to in 2007.
Earlier today, BioWare revealed that the Xbox 360 version of Mass Effect 3 will have exclusive voice recognition features using the Kinect peripheral.
Xav de Matos posted a new article, Mass Effect 3 coming March 6.
EA has announced that the Mass Effect trilogy will come to an end on March 6, 2012.-
You can have fun with the IP with some genre shifting. I'd probably play a straight up FPS as a SPECTER agent. Other action games in the vein of would probably work as well. It's a smart cool universe. Hell, I'd even be up for a sandbox title based on the Mass Effect IP that lets me fly around to different planets, bases, and outposts so I could either follow a main story line, do some goofy side quests, or just walk around fucking shit up.
I'm spent!
Thinking about ME3 gives me worry, ME2's dlc approached gouging levels. Some was the best DLC ever released then you had the horse armor.
With EA's "origin" system, i hope they don't force exclusivity of digital downloads/dlc/pre-order items. But who am i kidding some of that will happen and it'll probably be worse than ME2
Bioware, you should of never sold.