Diablo 3 'Runestones' system revealed

Blizzard has unveiled Diablo III's 'Skillstones' system, the latest iteration of the skill-customisation options initially introduced as 'Skill Runes.'


Back at BlizzCon in 2008, Blizzard unveiled a system for Diablo III named Skill Runes, which would allow players to customise their spells and abilities. A lot can change at Blizzard in three years, and so the developer has now revealed the latest iteration of the system--Skillstones.

Runestones will change the way a skill operates, adding secondary effect such as stunning or an increased area-of-effect radius. They'll come in five different colours, each affecting every skill in a different way. Runestones will also have power ranks, applying more intense effects the more powerful the stone is.

A Golden Runestone applied to the Sweeping Wind skill, for example, will make it increase the monk's Spirit regeneration. An Obsidian Runestone, however, would cause Sweeping Wind to also create a whirlwind around the monk, damaging enemies who touch it.

Runestones will apply different effects to different skills, too. While an Obsidian Runestone applied to the demon hunter's Cluster Arrow skill will make it rain grenades, on the witch doctor's Acid Cloud it'll spawn slimes to attack nearby enemies.

The initial Skill Runes system did sound a little more straightforward, with each rune seeming to applying a similar effect to every skill. 'Multistrike,' for instance, would always make it affect multiple targets, while 'Lethality' would simply amp up the damage in some way. Still, if you can count on anyone to rework a system until it's perfect, it's Blizzard.

The developer also recently revealed Diablo 3's Follower system, a nifty replacement for the mercenaries from previous Diablo games.

Blizzard expects Diablo 3 will enter external testing in the third quarter of this year. Company president Mike Morhaime said earlier this month that the development team is "working hard to try and launch Diablo III this year," but this certainly should not be mistaken for an official release window. Activision has said that if no Blizzard games this year, we should see two in 2012. The other's expected to be StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm.

From The Chatty
  • reply
    May 26, 2011 11:00 AM

    Alice O'Connor posted a new article, Diablo 3 'Runestones' system revealed.

    Blizzard has unveiled Diablo III's 'Skillstones' system, the latest iteration of the skill-customisation options initially introduced as 'Skill Runes.'

    • reply
      May 26, 2011 11:18 AM

      While an Obsidian Runestone applied to the demon hunter's Cluster Arrow skill will make it rain grenades, on the witch doctor's Acid Cloud it'll spawn slimes to attack nearby enemies.

      Needs fixing

    • reply
      May 26, 2011 11:59 AM


    • reply
      May 26, 2011 1:33 PM

      Unless those runestones come with LAN support, they can shove them up there.

      • reply
        May 26, 2011 1:50 PM

        I think LAN support is dead, my friend.

      • reply
        May 26, 2011 6:55 PM

        Oh for FARKS sake, give it up!!
        Who plays LAN games these days...Pirates using Kamachi!
        no on else in their right mind bothers, we have this thing called Broadband, you know!

          • reply
            May 26, 2011 7:12 PM


            • reply
              May 26, 2011 7:15 PM

              i'm interested in larger lan parties where expecting to have usable broadband for 300+ attendees isn't reasonable and local lan support and dedicated servers is a must.

              • reply
                May 27, 2011 5:47 PM

                If you're at an event that hosts 300+ PC's. Its not Blizzards responsibility to ensure a proper connection to the internet for that event, but rather the hosts responsibility to ensure an adequate connection for those 300 PC's. If they have any experience they will know what games are popular and will be played and how said games connect with each other and plan accordingly.

        • reply
          May 26, 2011 7:31 PM

          LAN parties are far from dead my friend.

          Wait, not friend, what am I looking for? Oh yeah, SCREEN LOOKING FAGGOT.

          That's right, that's what we always call each other at LAN parties.

          • reply
            May 26, 2011 7:33 PM

            Annual participation LAN party events...
            Annual participation in online gaming 100,000,000
            Do the maths

            • reply
              May 26, 2011 7:36 PM

              sitting by yourself in front of a computer

            • reply
              May 26, 2011 7:38 PM

              It's not like supporting LAN is all that difficult to put in once you've already set up multiplayer support.

              And it's not like Blizzard is lacking funds.

              • reply
                May 29, 2011 8:25 AM

                I'm pretty sure it's a strategic decision to prevent people to pirate/crack their games from being able to play any form of multiplayer, LAN/local or otherwise.

    • reply
      May 26, 2011 2:03 PM

      Hooray! I can't wait for the Diablo 3 release out! I'm currently playing the Diablo 2 LOD. ;)

    • reply
      May 26, 2011 7:34 PM

      I somewhat foolishly reinstalled DII today. If anyone feels like hopping on US West and get a lvl 1 character rush on, let me know.

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