The Witcher 2 patch due next week

An invert mouse option and better keyboard rebinding are due in a patch for the delightful RPG next week, along with other fixes.


A small patch accompanied The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings when it launched on Tuesday, and now developer CD Projekt RED has revealed that it expects to release another patch next week.

"It will improve the player's ability to change the keyboard map and to invert the mouse as well as implementing assorted other fixes," RED explained. Which other fixes? That's all RED has to say. For now, we'll just have to wait and see.

RED recently revealed that all downloadable content for the fantasy RPG, expansions aside, will be free. The first such freebie was a side-quest named Troll Trouble, which came out on launch day.

That's all there is to say, really. Ho-hum. Have you played The Witcher 2 yet? Jolly nice, isn't it?

From The Chatty
  • reply
    May 19, 2011 10:00 AM

    Alice O'Connor posted a new article, The Witcher 2 patch due next week.

    An invert mouse option and better keyboard rebinding are due in a patch for the delightful RPG next week, along with other fixes.

    • reply
      May 19, 2011 10:33 AM

      Amazing game so far. Probably best looking game to date as well.

    • reply
      May 19, 2011 11:05 AM

      Yay, Polish VA is up now!

      • reply
        May 19, 2011 11:38 AM

        I find the English voice acting to be very good all around (except for a few minor character ouch my ears you stupid book selling dwarf).

        It was so cute and well acted when Triss laughed at your tattoo in act 1.

        • reply
          May 19, 2011 12:49 PM

          The English VO is very very good. The guys at Giant Bomb kept saying how good it was along with the dialogue.

        • reply
          May 19, 2011 2:05 PM

          Yeah, it's not bad at all, but when given the option, I'll always play a game or watch a movie in its original language.

          • reply
            May 19, 2011 2:10 PM

            But the presentation is so nice I'd much rather listen and watch than read subtitles. Unless you speak Polish, that is!

            • reply
              May 19, 2011 2:39 PM

              Honestly, I don't really miss anything in the visual presentation. For me at least, language processes easily enough in subtitle form that looking back at things later, I often recall the dialog of subtitled movies as being in English. I'm not sure if this happens to other people, but yeah, I've never felt like reading subtitles takes any real effort or prevents me from seeing what's happening on screen.

    • reply
      May 19, 2011 11:35 AM

      Haven't played it at all so far, because it won't let me. Running in fullscreen mode isn't possible, it just won't start and goes back to the launcher. And when I run it in windowed mode, the taskbar is always on top. And if I hide the taskbar, I can still see the remnants of it (the taskbar) overlayed over the game because the game obviously doesn't redraw that portion of the screen.

      Seems like I'm not the only one who experiences this bug. Maybe ATI or Radeon 5870 specific. Sooo, "assorted other fixes" next week, eh? Ok, I'll wait.

      • reply
        May 19, 2011 11:41 AM

        I want to go through the first game before I get this. But as it immediately showed severe bugs with SLI, I went meh and closed it. :(

        • reply
          May 19, 2011 12:06 PM

          Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention that TW2 has Crossfire problems too. Why didn't you polish it more, you Polish!? :)

          • reply
            May 19, 2011 12:29 PM

            I would hardly consider blaming the developers for the shitty technology that is Crossfire/SLI.

            It's inherently going to cause problems in 75% of games just cause it's shit all around. Single GPU's are still the way to go until a better solution for more GPU powers comes about.

            Also I have a 5850X with latest standard drivers and don't have the fullscreen problem the guy was talking about.

          • reply
            May 19, 2011 12:42 PM

            There're problems with the game and nVIDIA's 3DVision drivers on one side of the river and problems with AMD's Crossfire drivers on the other side. Take your pick, both have software workarounds.

            - nVIDIA? reinstall the drivers (clean) and skip the 3DVision stuff
            - AMD? i've read on the forums that AMD is working on a new driver release to fix the Crossfire issue, but until then they recommend uninstalling/removing a GPU

            Regardless, I'm real glad about this patch, as the keyboard mapping issue pretty much screws anyone who is and/or mouses left-handed. I started off Arrow Keys (of which Up and Down can't be bound through the launcher) and eventually moved to PL:" when I started playing FPS games. Problem with the Witcher 2? You can't bind punctuation keys and I, J, M, and C are hard-coded for Inventory, Journal, Map, and Character, respectively.

            Here's hoping that part of the control revamp puts panel in the in-game options that at least shows what keys/mouse buttons/controller buttons are bound to what.

            • reply
              May 19, 2011 12:44 PM

              For 3D vision you can just straight up uninstall them from the control panel. No need to reinstall the drivers.

              Good tips though. I'm glad the fixes have permeated the internet!

      • reply
        May 19, 2011 2:16 PM

        No, I encountered it as well. The way I fixed it was to set my desktop resolution to something lower than 1900*1200 and then it will launch. Retarded, but it works. If you check the steam Witcher 2 forums, you'll find a whole bunch of people with the same problem and a whole slew of different solutions.

    • reply
      May 19, 2011 12:29 PM

      I haven't had any technical problems and the game is amazing.

    • reply
      May 19, 2011 12:40 PM

      Not a single issue running on a newer laptop I5 Quad core, 8GB ram, Windows 7/64, and GTX460M with the latest 3d beta driver. The game has run flawlessly for me so far. Takes some getting used to from Witcher but hands down one of the best rpg's to date but then I said that about the original even with its bugs. Bye bye Bio junk and Bethvomit, there's a new RPG king in the house who seems to know what its all about it. YOU ROCK CD!

      • reply
        May 19, 2011 12:50 PM

        Damn, that tears it. I need to upgrade my RAM and Graphics card in my laptop. 3 gigs and a GTX285M do not cut it with this one. I've got a desktop i7 Dual Quad core in it so that's not the problem.

    • reply
      May 19, 2011 12:55 PM

      No inverted mouse out of the box? Gadzooks; guess I'll focus on LA Noire this weekend and anxiously await the patch for W2 before firing it up and fighting with re-learning how to operate a mouse.

      • reply
        May 19, 2011 12:58 PM

        There are strange oversights. It sucks I have to wait till next week but whatever.

        • reply
          May 19, 2011 1:19 PM

          At least it's coming relatively quickly. Lesser developers would just say 'sorry about your luck, thanks for the cash'

          • reply
            May 19, 2011 1:24 PM


            • reply
              May 19, 2011 1:35 PM

              "You can add this yourself by editing the User.ini file (in your User directory!) and changing the Mouse X and Y values to negative, as appropriate."

              - dpgagnon

              • reply
                May 19, 2011 1:40 PM

                The entries are MouseSensitityX and MouseSensitityY. If you don't them listed, add em.

                example: MouseSensitivityY=0.163462
                becomes MouseSensitivityY=-0.163462

                Not to be confused with just MouseX or SensitityX or whatever the other variable is called.

            • reply
              May 19, 2011 1:37 PM

              Right you are; you edit a config file and set it to negative values. I'll do that for the time being

          • reply
            May 19, 2011 2:25 PM

            I just hope I haven't beaten the game by that point. At the rate I'm going it could very well be the case.

      • reply
        May 19, 2011 1:10 PM

        Inverted mouse? Really? I thought everyone had given that up.

        • reply
          May 19, 2011 1:21 PM


        • reply
          May 19, 2011 1:38 PM

          I've never found a good reason to learn non-inverted. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Every game worth anything has an invert option. Shit, it's a global preference on the X360 which is pretty cool.

        • reply
          May 19, 2011 1:40 PM

          Everyone except the 50% of us who have been inverting since flight sims and Duke3D/Quake1.

          Cannot. Unlearn.

          • reply
            May 19, 2011 4:42 PM


          • reply
            May 19, 2011 10:36 PM

            no way are 50% of people inverted freaks!

            • reply
              May 19, 2011 10:38 PM


            • reply
              May 20, 2011 5:29 AM

              I wouldn't doubt if it's 50/50, I have been playing inverted since doom/duke days, although in those games when I first played I never used a mouse too look around till a little later

        • reply
          May 19, 2011 2:22 PM

          Burn the heretic!!!

        • reply
          May 19, 2011 3:11 PM

          Here we go again.

        • reply
          May 19, 2011 4:40 PM


        • reply
          May 19, 2011 10:27 PM

          Lol, y'all are an excitable bunch. I have nothing against inverted. I remember unlearning it after years of TIE fighter and Doom. I just assumed that modern shooters had rubbed that out of most people, like happened to me.

      • reply
        May 19, 2011 1:42 PM

        I don't have the game, but I've been reading some posts. Apparently, the game does support invert mouse, but there aren't any options in game to adjust it.

      • reply
        May 19, 2011 2:22 PM

        No kidding. How the hell they can release the game without vital features like that boggles the mind.

    • reply
      May 19, 2011 1:09 PM

      This game gets much less polished after the prologue. I just started Chapter 2 but the amount of little pissers that need to be fixed up in Chapter 1 even... I'm tempted to wait for the patch to see what kind of improvements there are.

      • reply
        May 19, 2011 1:30 PM


        • reply
          May 19, 2011 1:52 PM

          Okay, not spoilers:

          -people's pants are missing a lot. they're walking around in their UW. just dudes unfortunately.
          - rain doesn't show up on screen a lot. just the sound.
          - having to reload every boss fight to before it starts, and go through dialogues again, just because there's no other way to tell when you use potions until after you're ambushed and reload.
          -somel sound design flaws, i.e. an empty inn sounds like it's still full of people


          -Letho fight- MASSIVE difficulty spike in a tiny arena. And I didn't have grapeshot.
          -There was a timer thing to go investigate the top of the Inn. I failed because Dandelion wouldn't get out of the way and because it wouldn't let me walk through the door he used without the door closing and me opening it again.
          - Saving 3 elf chicks from dying from a fire... I had to repeat it a bunch of times because it only it only works in a certain order for no reason whatsoever. Doing it in a different order and you burn to death. Or maybe a script trigger is missed I don't know.
          - Some huge shifts such as town vendors being gone kills your other quests without warning. Troll DLC for example, isn't doable towards the end of Chapter 1.

          All in all little things, but especially when they result in continual death or quest failure/dead end it gets annoying.

          • reply
            May 19, 2011 3:13 PM

            Erm the missing pants has to be a driver issue lol. All my dudes have pants lol.

    • reply
      May 19, 2011 1:39 PM


    • reply
      May 19, 2011 3:45 PM

      I don't know much about the Witcher games, are they playable with a controller? As in, do they have controller configs available or is it entirely keyboard? Or are the inventory management screens and gameplay geared towards m+kb? Just curious.

      • reply
        May 19, 2011 4:33 PM

        First game had no controller support. Witcher 2 has 360 pad support built in and works really well with it. Although I still find the menus clunky to navigate, compared to the mouse.

    • reply
      May 19, 2011 4:35 PM

      Jesus Christ Letho was an incredibly difficult fight. It took me probably 20 tries and I was about to lower the difficulty to easy but I finally got it. I wanted to break my damn controller

    • reply
      May 19, 2011 5:22 PM

      they need to ad support for 5:4 4:3 monitors and start fixing some design atrocities in their gui. the map is fucking useless, as is the inventory system.

      its baffling why you can one button pick up loot with a goddamn controller but can't ctrl+click with the mouse. crafting making multiple items is an exercise in patience as well.

      worst of all are the minigames where you have to fucking drag the goddamn switch for the amount of money instead of being able to single click on it. the wonky input in the minigames i can tolerate.

      there is so much console aids going on gui wise in this game that is PC ONLY at the moment that as much as i love it and have praised it can't ignore that the gui in this game is a giant step backwards.

      i'm all happy for them if they make a killing once the console version is out and having a working controller support is nice for those that use it but the things said above need to be addressed. if you release a pc game pleasme make a pc control scheme and gui. you had it in the last game.

      • reply
        May 19, 2011 10:34 PM

        There are a variety of things in the UI that could be improved. This is true of most games. I will happily take those lumps for the truly impressive game that The Witcher 2 is, and to continue my support of a talented studio developing specifically for my favorite platform.

        There are a lot of people ragging on some seriously minor shot in this game.

    • reply
      May 21, 2011 8:17 PM

      Is anybody else having trouble getting their DLC to download and install? I have the collector's edition and while I was able to register the game and redeem the roche commando jacket and mysterious merchant pack DLCs, it won't download. It keeps giving me the "Connecting to Server" or "Verifying" messages but it just won't install. I wanted to use the jacket from the beginning and don't feel like waiting till sometime next week for their patch. Are there any fixes? I searched for about 2 hrs w/o any luck.

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