Players have plenty of customization options in Brink.
Garnett Lee posted a new article, Brink review.
We run up and slide through the world of Brink and come out on the other side with our final review on the new shooter from developer Splash Damage.-
The biggest problem is that I don't feel like I'm accomplishing any objectives, or when I am, I don't feel important; besides the 'escort' objectives, I don't feel there is any point other than to just kill.
I play medic the most because I am able to revive and heal people. I played Engi but found myself not doing much; mines were sweet when I got kills, but turrets were useless. I didn't feel weapon buffs did anything. Nothing really for Soldier except ammo refills. I feel operatives are pretty useless, especially disguising; there's really no big incentive to get behind enemy lines.-
I disagree. A well-placed turret can be very effective, including on offense. It is not, however, the gun of uberdeath that the TF2 turret can be. It won't do shit to people zipping across a narrow field of view, and is easily disabled if you try to have it stop assaults head-on.
Put it in a flanking position, with a good field of view, and it will do good damage. If your allies are keeping the attention of the enemies, it will rape faces.
Almost every map has an Engy specific task since Engies are the only ones who can remove bomb and hack objectives.
Engies give the team damage, damage mitigation (kevlar) which can sway any fire fight (assuming both sides have medic buffs too). They also have zone lock-down with turrets and mines which are most useful on defense.
Operatives in disguises are good to because they can spot mines and players (with an ability) while disguised. They can also use Comm Hacks ability to reveal almost the whole enemy team on the minimap.
Operatives are very good anti-Engineer which is need when Assaulting. -
Use the objective wheel to change to the appropriate class when needed. For example on container city, provided my team isn't overrun with soliders, I'll start as a solder so I can blow the gate, then switch to Engineer to fix and escort the bot, or if it's another map, switch to operative to hack the needed points.
I think that's the major difference with Brink and say another class based game like TF2, players need to be encouraged more to change classes rather than stay with a set class the entire map, that's the advantage of control points.
Although the control points are another issue, I've found in online games some people feel the need to capture control points more than achieve the primary objective.
That's the problem with this game still, people don't know how to play, although that's starting to change, every now and then I'll join an amazing public game where people are working together, and every time that happens the game is amazing. Other times I'll join and every one is playing TDM as a medic and only healing themselves, which makes me promptly rage quit. -
I'm kind of upset I bought this game. It feels console'ish (PC version); the gun-play and guns remind me too much of Call of Duty, I honestly cannot stand that game. Just another shooter in the hundreds that have been released in the past few years that has not impressed me what so ever. The movement is kind of neat though I will give it that. Having a character that I can customize is kind of fun too. The game seems like it has a lot of potential. Brink feels as if it's only 60% done.
this article is almost excactly what i posted on my squads site... lol, first thing out of my "mouth" was that it has a steep learning curve, but once you get the hang of it; it starts to shine... i do feel the guns are underpowered a bit, and the most frustrating thing is getting players on your team that don't help with the objective...
this commment in the article nailed it as well for me, "The firefights get plenty intense, but the down-the-sights action in Brink is sterile." -
The more I play the more I'm enjoying it. It definitely has a bit of a learning curve, but now that I'm starting to figure out what the classes actually do, it's been a lot of fun. My one big annoyance is the fact that they don't do a good job of letting you know that beating the challenges (and getting the associated unlocks) is pretty much required if you want to be in any sort of position to be competitive.
Game would have been awesome if only the would have sold a completed game instead of a pre-alpha game. There not patching the game their still writing code. This game is wash. It had 1 week to make an impression and it did. The impression was awful. It made promises and it had good intentions, but it failed to deliver. Other more capable devs will pick up where they left off and complete this work in other games much like Borderlands made good the promises of Hellgate: London.
That's it.
Fuck this game. -
am i the only one who felt the screenshots over the years are false advertising? the ingame graphics blow, even with 1920 x 1080 and all settings on high... extremely low res textures everywhere and blocky - low pixel models with small small small (trash level) console maps. mixed with the botched FOV and i just cant help but feel these people sold us a different product .. wheres that clear, hi res image?