Brink gets patches, lag investigation promised
Brink's game director details some of the fixes that have already gone live on all three platforms, and details patches currently in the works to address other issues.
Brink has only been on the market for a couple of days, but it's been inundated with players complaining of lag and other issues. Game director Paul Wedgwood has responded to the concerns in a new blog post, explaining that they're working to squash the bugs.
On the Xbox 360, Splash Damage has already issued one game update to address some issues from reviews. Mostly it deals with texture loading and multiplayer rubber banding, and fixes a freezing bug. The PlayStation 3 version also received a day-one update to fix the same issues, and you can get the update even though the PSN is still down. Wedgwood says they're "urgently investigating" lag on the Xbox 360, and will "closely monitor" player feedback on the PS3 once PSN returns.
The PC patch improves crash reports so the team can track and address problems faster, and it fixes an issue that could corrupt character data if you close the game during start-up. Players are reporting low frame rates with many ATI graphics cards, so Wedgwood also promises that the team is working on another PC patch, and keeping an eye on hardware compatibility issues.
Steve Watts posted a new article, Brink gets patches, lag investigation promised.
Brink's game director details some of the fixes that have already gone live on all three platforms, and details patches currently in the works to address other issues.-
Damn. Some interesting quotes here by Carmack with regard to Nvidia/AMD
As far as I can tell, betas don't do much. Battlefield: Bad Company 2 was a mess in it's Beta, it was released in almost the same condition as when the Beta closed and then required a few patches. Open betas also require funds, and a large team. Splash Damage is a pretty small studio by modern standards, and it looks like they were running short on funds. Basically, open/closed betas aren't always an option. Games have always shipped with bugs too. I remember having issues with Quake 2 for awhile when it was released.
Bad Company 2 doing this and still becoming a very popular PC title certainly gives dev houses a bad benchmark, IMO. Long term game sales do get hurt by releasing buggy games and not patching them quickly. As a multi-player focused game, Brink needs to maintain a large playerbase, so now they need to fix the game and repair the image. Brink isn't as awesome as BC2 was though, and it's counter-trend of the arcadey military sims.
At its heart, the Shack has deep Quake roots. This is a quake descendant. Quake mod team -> RTCW:ET -> Quake Wars -> Brink.
I remember when BF2 was coming out, the shack did some serious threadshitting on every BF2 thread claiming that Quake Wars was going to blow it out of the water.
Quake Wars was delayed a year and then came out to a poor reception. Too little too late.
Its pretty polarizing. There are some quake die hards which will defend ET to the death, and then there are people who don't get the 'unfounded' praise and decide to drop their opinion.
Historically the shoe was on the other foot so maybe this is just karma.
This logic is so flawed. There are tons of shitty movies or movies with poorly fleshed out stories.
You don't deserve to steal it just because it is bad. You just don't buy it or go see it. Simple.
For the people bitching about no demo. No one was forced to buy this day 1. They could have waited a week and read the harsh reviews.
I bought it day 1 and got what I deserved.-
Creating a shitty product is not stealing. I saw Thor the other night. Wasn't a huge fan. OMG MARVEL FUCKING STOLE RIGHT OUT MY POCKET.
No. They created a mediocre product that I wasn't a fan of and now their reputation with me has been damaged to the point where Captain America now becomes a wait and see.
There is no hypocrisy . Fucking entitled gamers is why this demographic gets shit on by all other parties.
Next time, wait 2 days and read a fucking review. Splash Damage and Bethesda did not feel entitled to take their customers money before delivering a finished product. They just delivered a mediocre product. Companies don't have to look out for the consumer (unless its going to cause actual harm), consumers have to look out for themselves.
In essence, you are advocating piracy by supporting this ass backwards argument.
I've had the game crash to desktop about 3-4 times (over the 14+ hours I've played so far.) but haven't really had any other problems. My girlfriend and I have been having a blast with the game over our LAN. We haven't played with anyone over the Internet as of yet because most of our friends don't like these types of games, (ET, ET:QW, Battlefield 2/2142 etc.) because they feel they are too complicated. Too bad for them. That said, I'm confident that SD will get everything fixed in quick order.
I'm disappointed that this game has polarised people the way it has, some see the true nature of the game as a fun team game and others see it as a fairly weak FPS. Personally I'm really looking forward to playing it and plan to buy it as soon as my exams are over; the first online game I ever played was Enemy Territory and loved it. Left 4 dead 1/2 and Enemy territory are for me in a class of their own when it comes to online games I truly enjoy, but still I would be happy if it was a better "game" by the time I get it.
It is a really NICHE game. If your online name is some version of "-=SK8RB0|=-" you are probably going to hate it. Running and gunning will get you nowhere. If you like teamwork, and would rather heal your buddy than get a kill, you are going to love it.
That being said, I can understand the poor reviews. The general public wants to shout racist epithets, not cooperate, and reviewers have to write for the general public. This is not a casual game.-
I wonder if there will be HUD mods for brink like their are for TF2. the objective reticle and I are about done already, and I don't know if I can even play anymore until the FOV hitching gets fixed.
TF2 and WolfET are so fun to play with objectives, it's very fluid and very obvious where the team at large needs to go. Brink is a constant A.D.D. struggle with each player and the objective reticle in a little micro-game.
I really should record Mumble while we are playing. For now we're all in the same channel regardless of team, so a lot of hilarious stuff is said. "DON'T YOU SEE THE YELLOW GUY? MEDICS REVIVE HIM NOW" " NO I SEE SOMETHING ELSE" "GOD DAMMIT" hahahaha it's so awesome.
at least brink has a few push leetle kart type of maps. some engineer go fix the leetle kart for me. I will push leetle kart. I played TF2 and it was a breath of fresh air -
1) Its an attack/defense game at its core. It has variations from map to map on attack/defense, along with multiple side objectives to complete that vary from map to map. I'm not quite sure what you expect.
2) map objectives often require an engineer at all times, the damage and armor boosts are also incredibly valuable. Operatives are essentially useless outside of objective requirements right now, but that will probably evolve as the game grows.
3) would you rather them be 100% accurate all the time? this just doesnt make sense.
4) On a server with two good teams it is much closer to being balanced. Defending is easy, but an attacking team that knows how to take advantage of map design (which most dont yet) buildable shortcuts, and capturing supply posts will always even the battle.
This game is hardly casual, and has a very steep learning curve. TF2 is insanely easy to get in to but is still hard to master. You write of Brink and hold TF2 on a pedestal as the pinnacle of competitive gaming, which it really isnt. -
Engies and Ops have a ton of uses, but they're less obvious. Playing on a high level map you'll see disguised ops marking VIP enemies, essentially giving their team wallhack. The caltrops are seriously vicious- I'm frankly surprised how much damage they do, and how much map control they give.
Turrets need good placement and serious babysitting, but a couple engies with upgraded turrets can make chokepoints a nightmare- they're also great for defending attackers flanks on escort missions, they just need to get ahead of the group.
The gameplay is very different when you have a team full of people with rank 5 abilities.
Its super niche and flawed in many regards but still fun. At the same time it offers a poor value proposition as there are smaller $20-$30 downloadable MP games that offer just as much, if not more value.
If you liked ET, you will love this. But those are the only people I can strongly recommend this game too. There are too many issues (not just technical, but poor design decisions), and not enough content to make this an easy recommendation.
The majority of reviews are off-base since they didn't (I hate saying this) "play the game it was meant to be played". I like Jeff's reviews on GiantBomb, but it sounds like he weighed his experience too heavily on the bots. Yes, they are a legitimate component of the advertised package, but in honesty its not what you go there to do. After reading a lot of reviews, it seems a lot of the reviewers only dabbled in a few live matches that were scheduled and the rest of their time was with bots.
Bethesda kinda fucked up. They shouldn't have gone XBOX only for the review copies. Secondly, this shouldn't have ever been a $60 retail game. I got it for $37 via the D2D deal and I'm still feeling as though this is not a rich value. They should have made this a $30 downloadable package on Steam and XBLA and left it at that. Splash Damage's team must be really small because I don't know why this took as long as it did to put together.
But in the end, since you loved ET. You will do right by this game. It is essentially ET with a new coat of paint. 2011 production values with 2001's design initiatives.-
Ya it doesn't help that they are pretty bad at some games. Jeff is typically competent at FPS's though. It just sucks that he was bitching about bots the whole time as god knows no one buys this game thinking, "Ya, I can't way to sit down and play this game offline the whole time."
Ya, the whole "seamless online-offline narrative" was a marketing bullet point so he deserves to ding them for the shitty bots, but I just get the overwhelming sense that these reviewers BARELY touched online. Even on the podcast it seems like they phoned in the online MP review sessions (not GB specifically but the way he talks about the other reviewers too. Ars harped on this too).
MP-focused retail games and MMOs are the two types of games that typically have poor representation in reviews. Go look at BF BC 2 reviews, and most of them spend 3/4ths on the SP campaign. I've put in 180+ hrs in that game and NEVER SEEN SINGLEPLAYER.
ETQW got dropped like a bad habit by Activision after release. Community mapping scene was killed by people who only wanted to play on ranked servers.
I suspect if they get enough sales to release an SDK, people will be able to make fun maps. They need to get the SDK out plus a map pack before BF3 hits, in addition to fixing these bugs pronto.
Game isn't ready, its releasing at the same time as other games, we have to move its date.
AI is god awful, Servers are pretty laggy, 90% of ATI users can barely play it, one level crashes everyones sound, invisible players bug and countless other things wrong.
We've got to move the release date, should we push it back or forward ?
ATI 5870 Radeon Mobility here. Game runs smooth and the multiplayer is quite fun. If you want a strong single player game then look elsewhere. The story is interesting, the cut scenes and voice over work are top notch, but it all unravels due to horrible bot AI. The sound being broken on the 'Refuel' map is annoying and will basically kill a server population as people bail when their sound cuts out. The invisible player bug is hugely annoying and can also result in people leaving a server in droves when it happens, which I've only seen on two occasions.
The game is awesome fun. If you have an Nvidia card, you can play it and it's a good experience in spite of some minor issues (the biggest being a bug that makes the sound cut out). It looks good, the framerate is high, etc.
Give it an hour or so to unlock some of the cooler toys and learn the maps. If you like ET style games, you'll like it.
If you have an ATI card you should probably wait and see what the next patch brings. Currently it sounds like ATI dudes are having very bad framerate, graphical weirdness and crashes. The first patch was a day 1 thing that primarily fixed a bug that would delete your save if you exited the game during the intro movie, and improved the crash reporting they were getting from Steam.
Hopefully the next patch hits soon. -
The game is good (I love it) but there are fair reasons not to like it. I think Sgt_Boomstick summed it up pretty well a few posts above, including the mixed reviews. -
I can sort of appreciate them wanting to end grenade spam that's so prevalent in Call of Duty style games, but it demotes the grenade to something to only use to knock down a group of enemies in a choke point or cove, and not as a lethal weapon. Hopefully they'll increase the strength and effect enough to make the grenades feel significant without unbalancing them.
Releasing a beta is not the same as a demo. And in most cases, demos actually hurt sales.
Even in this case, a lot of the 360dudebros who bought this would have tried the demo and realized it wasn't for them. So, even in the short term Splash Damage is a head by not creating a demo even with all of these technical hitches.
They are just royally fucked for their next game as this is 2/2 lemons they have produced.
I'm glad they're fixing the lag, since it makes the game almost unplayable on Versus matches. Hoever, they need to fix the AI as well. It only has two modes: Staring at their shoes in a firefight, or shooting you in the face with impossible accuracy. The game is really fun, when it works. But in its current mode, it's one of my biggest dissappointments of the year.
I'm really trying to like this, big SD fan. Loved Q3F, ET and ETQW... but wtf have you guys done to this engine? (as if the animation fps bs in ETQW was not enough.)
The engine chugs, everything tears and lags. Shows 120 fps feels like 20. Come on guys, wtf. Same shit with Wolf MP... did you use the same branch of dodgy engine?