X Rebirth continues the longstanding Egosoft-developed space series later this year
Publisher Deep Silver and developer Egosoft have announced the X Universe will continue in a new title later this year, dubbed X Rebirth. First screens and teaser trailer within...

Egosoft's X series gets a 'fresh beginning' in X Rebirth for the PC.
In the distant future, the X universe faces a period of profound and irrevocable change. While the universe stumbles towards an uncertain future, countless adventures await as new enemies rise in search of power. Enter a young adventurer and his unlikely female ally traveling in an old, battered ship with a glorious past - two people alone against the galaxy, playing a key part in the events to come.X Rebirth is set to launch for the PC during the fourth quarter of 2011.
Comment on X Rebirth continues the longstanding Egosoft-developed space series later this year, by Xav de Matos.
Thats the thing...I'd like to get a 'spiritual sequel' to Freelancer, instead of 4x strategy game, plus I enjoy piloting one ship and would like to have it controlled like Freelancer, if I could...
Maybe when I have time, I'll have to give it another try. Hope this game will be easier to learn, and would still allow some open gameplay while having a focused narrative/story.
Exactly- I tried so hard to like these games, but the 3 or 4 hours I put into them were nothing but "What the fuck do I do now?!?" I got the impression that the game clearly did not want me to play it, so I stopped. I'll give this next one a fair shot though, because I really do want to like these games.
This. Also, when I finally got enough going on in the world that I wanted to have some friendly warships, I got to reading about it and I was really turned off by how combat works when your out of system. It was years ago but I believe that AI ships couldn't hit shit with the big slow guns when it's being rendered, but when it's out-of-system the game just did the math assuming everyone got 100% hits, so you you had to outfit ships totally differently depending on if you'd be around or not.... also some of the factory satellites take over 24 hours game time to produce one item? That'd be ok in Eve, or if it was real time, but really how many people even play 24 hours???
I thought I read somewhere that they weren't going to do anymore X games after TC? Not that I'm complaining. After playing X3:Reunion, my first X game, and bullying my way through the learning curve I've discovered an amazingly deep and incredibly fun space sim.
I enjoyed Freelancer too, quite a lot, but people that say they love space sims and then complain that X isn't like Freelancer don't like space sims. Freelancer is an action game in space, there's nothing sim about it. X series are space sims and deserving of the genre. Sure, they're difficult to pick up, but just about any sim is. Take the time to learn to play a sim, and you're rewarded with a deep, complex game. -
Finally a game for 2011 to actually look forward to. I was pretty bummed that ME3 has been pushed way back. SWTOR's release date is open to debate. But another chapter in the X Series is akin to news that MS has decided to release a Freelancer 2. I can't wait to see a solid release date on this, and to be able to place an order for it. For all of the so called 'experts' who claim that this genre is a dead genre, I'll bet the folks at Egosoft are laughing all the way to the bank. I hope we can expect the same great graphics and fine gameplay that we have come to expect from the others in the X Series. This is awesome news indeed.