Rumor: Wii successor to be announced at E3

Multiple sources claim that Nintendo is preparing a new HD console launch for 2012, to be unveiled this year at E3.


Rumors of a new Nintendo console have been circulating for years, and they're at it again, this time from Game Informer. Multiple sources at GI claim that the company is preparing to reveal its next console at E3 this year, if not before that.

Citing multiple anonymous sources, the report claims that the new console will run in HD resolutions, but it's unconfirmed how the hardware power will compare to PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. The HD output is said to be a move towards courting third-party developers, though, and the company is said to be showing publishers the system to garner support for a strong 2012 launch.

Contrary to rumors of an upgraded Wii, though, it seems that the sources claim this console will be more of a fresh start. "Nintendo is doing this one right. [It's] not a gimmick like the Wii," said one anonymous source.

Whether the Wii was a gimmick didn't seem to hurt its worldwide sales. Though the console has been losing steam over the last few months, its strong start and sustained success still place it as the top-selling current console. If Nintendo's next effort is more similar to its competitors, it may not have the same breakout success.

Meanwhile, IGN sources claim the console will be significantly more powerful than the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, capable of 1080p output, and backwards compatible with Wii software.

Some of these details echo a prediction from way back in 2008, in which industry veteran John Davison claimed a "Wii HD" would launch by 2011. If this rumor proves true, we'll give him partial credit for only being off by a year.

The timing is interesting, as just yesterday we reported on a rumor of a Wii price drop. We speculated that if true, it could be laying the groundwork for a new console announcement, and now this rumor is stating just that. We probably won't know for certain on the veracity of either rumor until mid-May at the earliest.

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    April 14, 2011 2:30 PM

    Comment on Rumor: Wii successor to be announced at E3, by Steve Watts.

    • reply
      April 14, 2011 2:33 PM

      2 words: Hell yes.

    • reply
      April 14, 2011 2:37 PM


    • reply
      April 14, 2011 2:44 PM

      Finally, a console that supports 1080P?

    • reply
      April 14, 2011 2:50 PM

      Summary: Multiple sources claim that Nintendo is preparing a new HD console launch for 2012, to be unveiled this year at E3.

    • reply
      April 14, 2011 2:51 PM

      as long as they keep making zelda and mario games that are fun i guess i'll keep buying them.

    • reply
      April 14, 2011 2:55 PM


    • reply
      April 14, 2011 2:57 PM

      Am I crazy or is Nintendo Fucked? The Wii exploded with hype, hype, and more hype. So many machines sold and then just sat.
      I have to imagine that the number of Wiis purchased and then never used (and thus won't buy the next piece of hardware) is way higher than people who never bought a Wii but would buy the next piece of hardware.

      • reply
        April 14, 2011 3:05 PM

        As long as people keep buying the same Nintendo franchises and acting like this

        They'll be ok.

        • reply
          April 14, 2011 3:09 PM

          I think how Nintendo got all of their money hats this time around were from people that had no fucking clue what a Wii was and just saw it on the news and bought it. I know I saw half a dozen instances of that in my extended family. However they never purchased another damn game.

          You saw a lot of this with the NES as well. We had family friends that had an NES that was never played except when kids were over and all they had was SMB/Duckhunt

          • reply
            April 14, 2011 3:33 PM

            Isn't that really enough to justify it for a casual purchaser who really only wants to use it every so often when somebody visits. It is a very social system after all. And a casual consumer may not feel the need to play it, or any other gaming system, very often.

          • reply
            April 14, 2011 3:46 PM

            Yeah and look how the SNES flopped

            • reply
              April 15, 2011 9:22 AM

              If the NES had any competition like Nintendo does with the Wii now I doubt the SNES would've done as well.

              • reply
                April 15, 2011 2:03 PM

                So much wrong with this statement.

        • reply
          April 14, 2011 4:30 PM

          Right, although in the specific case of Metroid it may not be that easy the next time around.

      • reply
        April 14, 2011 3:11 PM

        We bought the Wii a few Christmasses ago. Apart from a feverish month of playing it is barely used.

        • reply
          April 14, 2011 6:24 PM

          So you probably aren't going to be itching to buy the next Nintendo product, right?

      • reply
        April 14, 2011 3:15 PM

        It's you. Nintendo isn't fucked, and probably never will be. People who bought a Wii and then let it just sit unused, that doesn't directly translate to sales lost for the Wii successor.

        I bought a Wii when they first released, and while I have used it's done it's fair share of sitting around unused. However, am I interested in an HD Wii successor with full backwards compatibility? You betcha. If this rumor ends up being true, their next console will have people lining up even more than the Wii for one simple reason: Zelda HD. Anything else impressive beyond Zelda HD is just gravy. Nintendo isn't stupid, and as long as they keep it that way they'll continue to sell whatever they produce like hotcakes.

      • reply
        April 14, 2011 3:38 PM


        • reply
          April 14, 2011 3:58 PM

          ^^^ this. Yes, you bought a Wii and didn't play it much. But the casual game couple down the street plays it a lot. And they buy those shitty shovelware games like the crap port of COD4.

        • reply
          April 14, 2011 4:21 PM

          This x 1000

        • reply
          April 14, 2011 6:10 PM

          your average 'non-gamer' is most likely playing smartphone games these days.

          people like my sister and her husband. they bought a Wii during the craze and now they only take it out once a year (if that) for a party game or two at family gatherings and holidays.

          • reply
            April 14, 2011 6:31 PM

            Especially kids and parents in general.

        • reply
          April 14, 2011 6:25 PM

          My inlaws, two different aunts, and 3 of my cousins -- 6 wiis that were bought on hype and NEVER get touched.

        • reply
          April 14, 2011 6:37 PM

          You did read the SMB post-mortem that was posted this morning, right? Publishers won't release games on the Wii anymore because it's too unprofitable.

          • reply
            April 14, 2011 6:40 PM

            i doubt you could draw any conclusions from that. it's hard for indie titles to get a retail release on any system

        • reply
          April 14, 2011 6:43 PM

          My parent's play theirs more than I do, and I play it fairly often still.

        • reply
          April 14, 2011 8:23 PM

          No doubt. When you consider the Wii has at least 5 games that have sold over 20 million a piece, it's definitely getting played.

      • reply
        April 14, 2011 4:15 PM

        Yes you're crazy. It's the most successful console of this generation...just not for core gamers.

        • reply
          April 14, 2011 7:21 PM

          I wouldn't even say core gamers. I think that gaming as a whole has gone away from the core gamers. It's all about how to make the most money out of each game. One example would be Deus Ex and Deus Ex 2. Do people honestly think that Deus Ex 2 was dumbed down for the core gamer, I think not. How about achievement points for going into the options menu.

          Honestly, I would at the most count maybe under a 1/3 of gamers who own a X360 to be core gamers. I don't consider the CoD :MW2 crowd of gamers as core gamers because honestly, they really couldn't appreciate games like Deus Ex, Homeworld, Civilization or Baldur's Gate.

          • reply
            April 14, 2011 7:29 PM

            true that.

          • reply
            April 15, 2011 7:42 AM

            Consider this response as me making out with your comment. You're absolutely correct, the CoD crowd are not the core crowd. The core crowd is more interested in other types of gaming besides just shooting things over and over.

      • reply
        April 14, 2011 6:31 PM

        I turned mine on for the first time since 2009 last month, and that was just to make sure component-to-hdmi passthrough was working on my new prepro.. Nothing on the system entices me in the slightest. To be honest, aside from MK and L.A. Noire coming out, nothing on the PS3/360 has me firing them up much either.

      • reply
        April 14, 2011 7:11 PM

        Honestly, I love the Wii, it has some of my favorite games from Mario Galaxy, Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime, No More Heroes and Mad World.

        My biggest issue with the system is not that the motion controls were a gimmick, but lazy developers didn't try to find ways to take advantage of this new way to make games immersive. Too many Wii games tacked on the motion controls as an after thought. Not as a new way to develope a game to interface with gamers.

        Waggle isn't a gimmick or otherwise, Sony wouldn't have the Move and Microsoft with the Kinect. It's a new way to immerse gamers that developers just didn't seem to know how to take advantage off. They just needed to make a quick buck when it came out and that's why several companies had last minute shifted assets to try to make money of the boom that it made.

        • reply
          April 15, 2011 9:27 AM

          Yeah, I think most devs went about the whole system wrong (even Nintendo in some cases). Instead of building games for the controls, they tried to make the control system fit their games.

      • reply
        April 15, 2011 2:36 AM

        I didn't buy a Wii, but I'm interested in this next one

      • reply
        April 15, 2011 4:38 AM


    • reply
      April 14, 2011 3:09 PM

      Will it have post-1995 graphics?

    • reply
      April 14, 2011 3:15 PM

      Nintendo's next-gen will have to do a lot better than offer HD to stay relevant. Sure, Wii sold gangbusters during the current generation of consoles, but their one-trick pony in motion sense-based games is all used up -- both the PS3 and X360 have competing products out now. Plus, Nintendo has finally had to start dropping prices to spur interest in selling more consoles.

      • reply
        April 14, 2011 4:06 PM

        Seriously, keep the graphics as they are if you have to but give better resolution.

      • reply
        April 14, 2011 4:30 PM


        • reply
          April 15, 2011 9:28 AM

          Considering the console started off as an attachment for the GC this is more true than most people think.

    • reply
      April 14, 2011 3:51 PM

      I've owned every nintendo system (apart from the virtual boy) and Zelda is one of my favorite series.. However, as I've gotten a lot older, so have my preferences for gaming, and Nintendo just feels like a kids system. I've only played about three games on my Wii in the last two years and the thought of a new Nintendo system isn't too appealing right now. They will have to really blow me away with something amazing for me to buy it.

    • reply
      April 14, 2011 3:59 PM

      Honestly I have paid so little attention to Nintendo lately that I already thought Wii was under $150 bucks. We have been hearing rumors about a Wii HD for so long I wouldn't be surprised if they just made a new system all together. I am not down on a new system from Nintendo but I won't be interested if the games and 3rd parties are there. That means more then new Mario's and Zelda games because they just don't do it for me anymore. Also after 4 PS2's, 2 PS3's, and 5 Xbox 360's it better have no hardware failures and if the do , it better have a good way to transfer your downloadable games. Thats my two cents.

    • reply
      April 14, 2011 5:17 PM

      Anonymous source for the win. I'd like to create a gimmick that sells 85 million units.

    • reply
      April 14, 2011 6:37 PM

      If all my years of gaming have taught me anything, it is to not buy a console when it first launches. Especially this generation, launch buyers have been screwed by high prices and few games truly worth playing.

    • reply
      April 14, 2011 7:13 PM

      hmm i'm wondering if they are going to slack on hardware again or if they really are going to make a push past the 360 and ps3 in regards to graphics horse power.

    • reply
      April 14, 2011 7:20 PM

      So hey now IGN is saying it will be "super powerful" and Nintendo wants to get back the hardcore market:

      Also an announcement this month. Fucking weird that in one day this thing goes from "well maybe, you know, in some not that distant timespan" to "they're announcing it next week"

      I'd really wonder at the whole "Very powerful" thing, but it could be true. Won't touch whatever massive research team that costs a million dollars a day to run that MS has going for it's next console, but if it's enough it wouldn't have to.

      • reply
        April 14, 2011 8:19 PM

        I hope they use the money they've made from soccer mom's and Pokemon addicts to make a kickass system we can enjoy.

        • reply
          April 14, 2011 8:28 PM

          I certainly wouldn't complain NEW (as in, stop recycling the same damned formula) Zelda and Metroid please. Also, MOTHERFUCKING \m/SmashBros\m/

          • reply
            April 15, 2011 9:29 AM

            Hell, they could release one with decent online multiplayer, a less restrictive stage builder, and no trip and I'd pay full price.

    • reply
      April 14, 2011 8:12 PM

      Wont mean shit if they cant even get decent shovelware verions of popular titles/franchises. If the games are shit they are shit...maybe HD shit, but still shit.

    • reply
      April 15, 2011 12:26 AM

      So when will Pachter come out and say, " I told ya ".
      I mean he was only off by 4 years.

    • reply
      April 15, 2011 3:27 AM

      Wont' even consider it unless they have a very strong network to back it up, cloud saves/streaming content etc. Live dominates this right now, and I think it's only going to get better.

    • reply
      April 15, 2011 4:31 AM

      Personally I'd like a new nintendo console this year that competes with the PS3 and 360 and is only on for a 5 year cycle before the next console. I get that 10 year cycles can lead to better consoles and prevent saturation of the market but seriosly devs have to make games for these 5 year old devices that in technology terms are out dated, SSD's anyone?

      • reply
        April 15, 2011 4:43 AM

        Your still going to be hard pressed to see them include SSD's since the cost point is still prohibitive, though that would be sweet.

        • reply
          April 16, 2011 6:20 AM

          oh yeah... great... They are begining to drop though so I suppose in then next gen in 5 years it's plausible right?

    • reply
      April 15, 2011 4:45 AM


    • reply
      April 15, 2011 5:43 AM

      Wii2/WiiHD had BETTER get online sorted out, big time, HDMI output, at least 720p, broad support for Wii-like controls and regular controls WITH plenty of true online support.

      • reply
        April 15, 2011 6:38 AM

        it seems like with the 3DS they have finally started to understand what people hate about friendcodes. It's not perfect, but it's a lot better

        • reply
          April 15, 2011 8:02 AM

          Right, exactly.

          While I don't completely agree with MS' approach for online game (forced pay for online playing), I also don't like Sony's recent changes in PSN+ -- it could turn into a pay to play as well.

          My guess is the big N is going for higher res graphics (between 360/ps3), keeping the form factor small, heat/noise levels low and (hopefully) go back to a cart situation (USB-like flash device please). Nvidia has a Tegra2 powering the iPad2 RIGHT NOW and by 2012 there could easily be something more powerful that fits into the same power envelope as well.

          All I really want is a new F-Zero GX with 1080p, 60fps and to play online with as little work as possible. Tack on a Mario Cart that just as easy to get online and support for a Wii-like control and have it NOT be the only interface pushed.

          • reply
            April 15, 2011 9:35 AM

            I'm hoping, controller wise, it's like the jump from the NES to the SNES, similar, but infinitely more comfortable and easier to use.

    • reply
      April 15, 2011 6:38 AM

      I just hope it uses Blu-ray and not some proprietary format yet again.

    • reply
      April 15, 2011 7:04 AM

      Prediction - Blueray, at least 2x the power of the 360, controller is an upgraded Wiimote with a multitouch pad somehow as an accessory or on the device. Main thing Ninty will focus on is online and improved tres party support.

      Also, i hate the new site. Barely go here anymore. The Shuga Shack is dead.

      • reply
        April 15, 2011 9:39 AM

        Just wanted to say that I hate the new site too, I find it way less friendly to just casually read and comment, and I too have spent far less time here since the change over. Nice to see I'm not the only one.

        • reply
          April 16, 2011 11:32 AM

          I too have spent a significantly smaller amount of time on Shacknews since the change to the "new" format. New is suppose to be progressive, an improvement, and overall better then the previous iteration. Yet, this "new" layout feels like a significant step back. And the worst thing is, I can't find a replacement for Shacknews. Can anyone recommend other sites, with awesome, interactive, editors. And a cool userbase?

    • reply
      April 15, 2011 7:21 AM

      Two possibilities:

      True Wii HD-> Just as the Wii was GC-hardware overclocked and dieshrunk, Wii HD will have Wii/GC-hardware further overclocked and dieshrunk with a new sensor/possibly a camera to enable higher precision than is currently possible with the Wii. This guarantees b/c through Gamecube, smaller sizes, and GC-level hardware that is upgraded to make 1080p the baseline. If so, disappointing to show up now after all these years.

      Wii successor-> ARM-based CPU+Tegra 3-level/SGX/AMD custom GPU. CPU is faster than the Wii, fast enough to make up for any b/c hiccups, but GC b/c goes out the window. Fine by me. AMD GPU guarantees most incompatibilities are already taken care of there. This enables them to jump right over 360 and PS3 into superior performance. That is, until MS and Sony announce their own updated consoles not long after that are superior in every way.

      If Nintendo continues to price their hardware where they make money off each unit sold, then they have nothing to lose and everything to gain from moving into the next generation. Sony and Microsoft have everything to lose. Right now, they're both (finally) making money off of each unit sold, even if Sony's profit is far less. MS has Kinect helping counterbalance any losses by them making virtually twice as much on the device as it costs to build, minus R&D and marketing. Sony has Move, but Move isn't in demand like Kinect. Sony's cost to build is almost certainly greater by now than MS, though MS has/had the pesky 3 year warranty extension because of RROD, estimated at 1 billion (probably conservative?).

      So while Sony lost a lot of money selling their PS3's below cost (at times well below cost) in the beginning, MS lost a lot of money replacing a ton of 360's due to failures. Both would love it if this generation went on another two years to help recoup those "start up costs." Nintendo, OTOH, lost no money at the start and assuming they lose no money on selling these new units, can easily move into the next generation, especially if the software for the Wii is b/c for the immediate future.

      This strategy, however, would lead to them knocking the price of the Wii down to $150-ish (already rumored) and putting out a higher end piece of tech for more, giving consumers an option between SD for $150 and HD for $250-300. This is what Sony did with the PS1 when the PS2 showed up and the PS2 when the PS3 showed up. It worked extremely well from PS1 to PS2, but seemed to slow PS3 uptake when the PS3 showed up at $600 MSRP.

      I imagine Nintendo won't price their new console at $600.

    • reply
      April 15, 2011 8:43 AM

      I own 71 games for my Wii.

      ALL different and NO stupid "also ran" games.

      The Wii was and IS and excellent console.
      Just like every other platform out there you have to know it's strengths and its weakness.

      If you thought it was for your grandmother or only for your kids then you where too busy playing Call of Duty to notice anything else in the BIGGER world that is GAMING.

      I'm excited to see what Nintendo has to offer me this time around, as I am excited about most gaming news about any platform, cause see I don't give a rats ass about ANY company.

      I go where the games are.

    • reply
      April 15, 2011 9:02 AM

      "Meanwhile, IGN sources claim the console will be significantly more powerful than the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, capable of 1080p output, and backwards compatible with Wii software."

      So we are to believe that Nintendo is going from releasing hardware that is less capable than 5 year old PC tech on release(and the original Xbox) to releasing something that is actually competitive technologically?

      • reply
        April 15, 2011 10:22 AM

        Integrated hardware has taken significant leaps since the PS3/360 launched. The iPad2, today, can do 1080p with the Tegra2. Nvidia already has more powerful units lined up and once you decouple the idea of having a battery, then performance can increase substantially.

        • reply
          April 15, 2011 11:35 AM

          Yeah there has been a revolution with such hardware but my point is that there was MORE than 5 years of better hardware out when the Wii was released. So with the Wii they used SIGNIFICANTLY(as in multiple generations) weaker hardware than what was available at that time, so if the Wii's successor is significantly more powerful than the PS3 and 360 as IGN is reporting that would be a HUGE departure from their direction with the Wii.

        • reply
          April 18, 2011 9:51 AM

          The iPad2 uses a PowerVR graphics core if I recall.. and it outperforms the Tegra 2. Personally, I'm waiting on Nvidia's Stark processor.

    • reply
      April 15, 2011 8:27 PM

      HD and not having the worst designed online infrastructure ever like the Wii and i'm sold.

    • reply
      April 18, 2011 12:04 AM

      Wii biggest downfall ?
      Trying to sell $5 games for $50, almost all games except first party are poop rapped in plastics, yeah I know there are some exceptions, but damn, just think they actually made a proper shopping channel, and had most games at $3-5 then they would be a player again, to little to late at a to high price, sorry.

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