THQ estimates one million units sold for Homefront
THQ has announced Homefront has sold an estimated one million units since launch across North America, Europe, and Asian regions.
THQ has announced Homefront has sold an estimated one million units since launch across North America, Europe, and Asian regions. The publisher noted it has shipped 2.4 million units of the shooter to retail since launching on March 15.
The number doesn't sound too unbelievable, since it's counting worldwide sales. We previously saw THQ estimating 375,000 in North America on the first day, so it's reasonable that the addition of Europe and Asia would push it past the million mark. The game also hit #1 on the UK's Chart Track weekly report.
After a launch that included mixed reviews and server troubles, THQ has been accentuating the positive. For our impressions of THQ's new shooter, make sure to read the Shacknews Homefront review.
Comment on THQ estimates one million units sold for Homefront, by Steve Watts.
I'm not sure how I'm supposed to feel about this. On one hand, it bodes well for Kaos remaining open and getting to do more games. On the other hand, it seems to prove that any modern-era shooter with enough marketing can move a million+ units, regardless of reviews. Both the new MoH and now HomeFront are kind of setting an oddball trend here with sales.
And that answers it -be interesting for once and tell us what's up with this hate you have towards THQ/KAOS/Homefront is? It's all fine to bag on things but your posts lack a lot of creativity and are filled with vitriol.
Because with this post you've graduated from hobbyist hater to "there has to be a reason behind this" - were you fired from there? Declined an interview? Inform us.
I love these bits - Monday, before Homefront gets released:
"Guess there's no good game coming out. I've seen enough of HomeFront youtubes to know what boring game play is in store for everyone. Even the multiplayer looks awful. THQ is dumping so much money into this games advertising, and it'll probably be a mediocre game. It's already gotten a 5/10 in a review so that's not starting off very well."
Hmm, doesn't sound like Batmanshack is a potential customer right? WRONG - he couldn't help himself and bought the game, even though he knew he hated it from Youtube videos- this post is 5 days later:
"I for one did not enjoy this game at all, THQ calls this game "Biggest title in the industry" (check All they managed to do is con everyone to preorder it in hopes for some GREAT game they promised and the game doesn't deliver. The games even got freezing problems with both 360/ps3 versions. If anything I'd rather not see people waste their money on this game, it's short, bad game play and a multiplayer that's just not worth it. But yet they are already working on a second one "promising a longer game", I mean are you serious? So thanks everyone for wasting 60 bucks on this one we'll make up for it next time! This isn't a troll statement it's just the truth about this game, don't buy it..."
My ass they didn't. Twice in the early part of the game they managed to weave a White Castle into the game story. "Get inside the White Castle!". And then in another battle, you fight it out inside a Tiger Direct store (I don't even think they have b&m stores in real life), and the path of the battle takes you right past a huge display of like 20 signs that say "TigerDirect".
that's kind of a silly assertion since Homefront also has a multiplayer mode. it's not like you only get the single player campaign. now if you don't want to play multi that's another thing but then you should probably wait until it's on sale or something if that's your deal. I would wager the majority of people who bought this game will get at least 20 hours out of multiplayer.
Well they were pushing the single player part of the game as the major selling point of the game. The problem is we're seeing stupid comments from developers along the lines of "gamers want shorter games these days" in an attempt to rationalize cost cutting attempts from rising development costs.
I find it terrible when these kind of games sell well because it perpetuates this concept that it's ok to keep pushing declining content and higher cost to the consumer and doubly so when it's a terrible publisher like THQ benefiting from it. It's not going to surprise me now if THQ uses this game a benchmark for the amount of content they can get away in future games.-
also I don't even know if that statement is true. Homefront is following the Modern Warfare formula of a really quick but absurd single player campaign with a multi-player mode that is really the primary focus of the game. I really doubt they could have released it with only the single-player and sold this many copies. Look at any number of single-player focused games, they are much longer experiences.
So i've heard this game is complete garbage from even casual players (looking to play a friends copy eventually). I guess this all goes to show you that video games have reached a all time low and gamers have such a ridiculously huge hard on for something new and exciting that they buy this garbage.
I guess in a way the video game industry isn't hanging itself, it's simply starving its audience so much that they will buy it up in droves in the false pretense that it may actually be better then the crap they already bought.
This works till their audience gets sick of it and simply leaves or until a big, bad, good game comes along and bankrupts all these crappy companies. Sadly the video game industry doesn't operate in such a way where anyone with such a idea could possibly make it come to light (the common pattern seems to be ideas are a dime a dozen and no one can possibly do things better then me). All you get is another tiny indie game that's good for a hours worth of play.-
I think maybe some of you guys should just stop playing games because you have nothing positive to say and frankly I don't think the proportion of bad games to good ones is really different from what it always was. you're just bumming me out. okay, Homefront isn't that great, awesome, why harp on it? just move on and find something good. and if you can't maybe consider another hobby? I always feel like there are too many cool games to play and I don't have enough time for all of them.
You've either been zoning out the last six years or haven't been playing games for that long. Even Rock, Paper, Shotgun has an article on cosolization (they called it consolitis) that you should look into.
I'm glad you still feel like a kid in a candy store when it comes to playing games, but some of us moved past the point of being amazed solely by eye candy. And, yes, Homefront has plenty of eye candy doesn't it?