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Comment on Batman: Arkham City Preview, by Xav de Matos.
I think Rocksteady acknowledges that possibility. Consider the first two sentences of Xav's closing paragraph: "Batman: Arkham City hasn't changed the core of the original game. Rocksteady instead opted to "enhance" the original game and add a greater scale to the experience."
They know why Batman: AA was a success, so they won't stray too far from the formula. If you think about it, AA laid the groundwork for a larger open-world game perfectly. Even though AA was--as Xav pointed out--largely based indoors, the outdoor areas were still put together quite well and didn't take away from the indoor regions. I trust that Rocksteady knows how to expand the game's scale while still focusing on what made AA so fun: being Batman.
Agreed. One of the reasons I just can't get into the Elders Scrolls series is that it feels like there's no motivation to do anything related to the actual plot. You start up the game, and it's basically, "Go save the world! Or, you know, just fuck with the townspeople. Whatever." and I'm just left with no desire to actually do anything.
I'm confident they will. The previewer over at IGN mentioned how the city is divided into 5 parts controlled by a different villain and that it felt even more like the Batman he know and loves (admittedly a collector of over 200 Batman comics).
With luck we may see a more comic (not comical) style of approach, say with each district a different adventure and stories to complete.
I'm only half way through the first game now and haven't enjoyed a game so much in a long long time. There's something about bringing characters to life from comic books into this game that hasn't transformed as well in any cartoon, movie or previous game. Asylum is a gem of game and I can not wait for Arkham City.
Typo: In the link for the screenshots:
should be:
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