Marvel Snap June 25, 2024 patch notes sets the stage for Alliances and Deadpool's Diner

This Marvel Snap patch includes feature updates and bug fixes, but no card balancing.

Second Dinner

Second Dinner has released the June 25, 2024 update for Marvel Snap. While this patch doesn’t include any card balance updates, it’s setting the stage for a slew of new features and modes coming throught the summer.

Marvel Snap June 25, 2024 patch notes

Source: Second Dinner

The following patch notes for Marvel Snap were shared on the game’s website today.

Patch Highlights

We’re getting Marvel Snap ready for a summer unlike any other!

This patch is setting the table for Deadpool’s Diner, Alliances, and more. Stay tuned as we’ll be sharing more about these in the coming weeks.


Character Albums are arriving in July, beginning with Deadpool and Wolverine. They are albums full of one character's variants that provide rewards for players who love to collect. Bonus progress will be given for any Bundle, Season Pass, Conquest, or limited time variants.

Collectible Borders are now available to appear in the Season Pass, the Conquest Medal Shop, and in Login Bonuses.

Art Effects

The following cards and locations received new or adjusted VFX:

  • Ice Box
  • Death
  • Knull
  • Black Cat


  • The following cards and locations received new or adjusted SFX:
  • Ice Box
  • Death
  • Knull
  • Black Cat

Card and Location Updates

This patch doesn't include any functional changes to cards or locations. We've been taking slightly heavier swings with OTAs on that front, in an effort to lean harder on them for our balance needs.

We do have a handful of small text updates to improve some of the wording within the game.


  • [Old] 6/8 - On Reveal: Activate the On Reveal abilities of your other cards here.
  • [New] 6/8 - On Reveal: Repeat the On Reveal abilities of your other cards here.
    • The word "activate" doesn't clearly communicate Odin's exact function, and it's the only instance of the word that appears in the game. It's been intuitive enough to avoid much confusion, but is an easy enough piece to improve.


  • [Old] 5/7 - On Reveal: Transform your other cards here into random cards that cost 1 more. (if able)
  • [New] 5/7 - On Reveal: Transform your other cards here into random cards that cost 1 more. (if possible)
    • Sersi was slightly off our default wording here for the parenthetical check on whether her ability can resolve, so we've updated her to match other cards.

The locations below were all using the word "first" to indicate "the first card played here once this location has been revealed," but given players often will play cards to blind locations we've found potential for confusion when the "second" card (or third, or fourth) at one of these locations triggers these effects. To that end, we've simply updated them all to say "next" instead.


  • [Old] Your first play here adds its Power to the top of your deck.
  • [New] Your next play here adds its Power to the top of your deck.


  • [Old] The first card you play here is destroyed.
  • [New] The next card you play here is destroyed.

Aunt May's

  • [Old] The first card you play here gets +3 Power and moves.
  • [New] The next card you play here gains +3 Power and moves.
    • This location was also slightly off the default for our "Power" verbs, and we corrected it accordingly.

Black Vortex

  • [Old] The first card you play here becomes a random 6-Cost card.
  • [New] The next card you play here becomes a random 6-Cost card.

Castle Zemo

  • [Old] The first card you play here switches sides.
  • [New] The next card you play here switches sides.

Bug Fixes

VFX & SFX Fixes in 29.x

  • Fixed an issue that was resulting in Soul Stone’s VFX displaying incorrectly
  • Fixed sync issues of cards with preview VFX enabled
  • Increased the volume of some VO lines in Indonesian and French

Other Fixes in 29.x

  • Opening up the Collection Track no longer starts you at the bottom
  • Signing out and back in to an account no longer rarely causes a bug to UI and matchmaking
  • Fixed an issue that was causing some Album reward types to trigger the Credits Full pop-up if at the Credits cap
  • Reduced the glow effect of the Cosmetics Shop text
  • Adjusted the framing of one of Killmonger’s avatars
  • Fixed an issue that was resulting in some rewards not displaying correctly on the Season Pass reward track
  • Toggling between the Discard and Destroy pages of the Graveyard no longer results in the assets overlapping
  • Reopening the Avatar UI immediately after closing it no longer results in the Avatar page being empty
  • Fixed an issue where the borders of Albums would often flicker upon entering the collection
  • Text in the Shop that were broken in some languages should now be properly localized
  • Adjusted the “Hold to Confirm” text in a handful of languages in order to prevent the text from clipping with other assets
  • Resolved a bug that could occur when using the Make Me a Deck function and then immediately clicking the Equip button afterwards
  • Fixed an issue that could see the “New” tag inadvertently applied to some variants that were not in fact new
  • Resolved a number of smaller UI issues that could occur on the Login Bonus screen
  • Fixed a rare issue when attempting to claim unearned rewards from the Season Pass

PC Fixes in 29.x

  • [PC] Fixed an issue when using the search and filter toolbar on the Avatar selection screen that would inadvertently preview an Avatar
  • [PC] Resolved an issue where repeatedly favoriting cards and variants could result in false duplicates displaying in the Collection screen
  • [PC] The “Hide Results” button should properly unblur the screen now

Existing Known Issues Fixed in 29.x

  • The “Matte Black” option in the Collectible Borders UI should no longer be difficult to see
  • When upgrading a card from its base directly to Infinity players should no longer see the “Make me a Deck” occasionally trigger
  • Fixed an issue when repeatedly Infinity splitting cards and then using “Make me a Deck” resulting in an error
  • While events are running, the Login Bonus UI should no longer be clickable through the Collection Level Track
  • Seasonal Music should no longer stop playing when changing languages through Settings
  • A Pig created by Spider-Ham targeting an evolved High Evolutionary card should now be properly considered as having no ability text by things such as Washington D.C.
  • Hard restarting your app in the middle of a Fast Upgrade should no longer cause an error to occur
  • The Set As Favorite UI should no longer become misaligned when swapping between languages

That's everything in the latest patch for Marvel Snap. For more Marvel Snap news, stay right here on Shacknews.

News Editor

Donovan is a young journalist from Maryland, who likes to game. His oldest gaming memory is playing Pajama Sam on his mom's desktop during weekends. Pokémon Emerald, Halo 2, and the original Star Wars Battlefront 2 were some of the most influential titles in awakening his love for video games. After interning for Shacknews throughout college, Donovan graduated from Bowie State University in 2020 with a major in broadcast journalism and joined the team full-time. He is a huge Scream nerd and film fanatic that will talk with you about movies and games all day. You can follow him on twitter @Donimals_

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