Fortnite Season 5 Gameplay Shows Off New Viking Ship and Village

Check out the latest new addition to the world of Fortnite: a viking-themed ship and village.


We here at Shacknews know a thing or two about viking culture — and no, we're not just coasting off details gleaned from marathoning the History television series Vikings. Still, we won't sit here and ramble on about mead halls or snekkjas; instead, we'll offer up some new Fortnite Season 5 footage showing off the game's new viking ship and village, the likes of which are holed up in the new viking-themed village found between Snobby Shores and Greasy Grove — the exact location where a mysterious anchor fell through the rift near the beginning of this month.

The Viking ship is clearly visible from the air, and it's sitting atop a brand-new waterfall that may tempt some players into jumping off — a fine course of action if having the hero die is somehow preferable. The ship also sits amidst a new village with a distinct viking theme, featuring straw-topped huts, rough-hewn lumber fences, a couple of fire pits, and other various decorative bits. As for loot and chests, the viking village doesn't really have much to offer, and its position on top of a mountain doesn't make it a particularly good hiding space, though dedicated snipers may find it to be a good perch assuming they can stay out of sight.

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