Only Took An Hour For World's First Finish of Destiny 2 Prestige Raid

The Prestige version modifies a collection of gameplay mechanics for the Raid, but didn't stop a skilled fireteam from flying through.


This week, Bungie introduced the new Prestige modifier for Raids in Destiny 2, extending the life and excitement of the extremely difficult team undertaking. The expectation for some is that the new heightened difficult would take even the best teams some time to overcome but, alas, a fireteam took down the Prestige Raid a bit over an hour after it went live.

The Redeem Clan completed the incredible task with very little time to spare because the next best team finished four minutes later, Polygon reports. Guardians Modern Tryhard, Ehroaar, I Indica I, Sweatcicle, Senio Snubby, and Gladd are forever recognized for this feat:

Redeem is a clan with a speedrunning history, earning World First titles for Wrath of the Machine Raid and other events in the original Destiny as well. Unfortunately, one the members of the team shared that he was exploiting something called the "coil glitch" during the run. Polygon reached out to Bungie to see if the title would be stripped from Redeem and a Bungie Community Manager had this to say:

“We have seen the reports that an ammo exploit was used today in the Prestige Raid,” Cozmo23 wrote. “This was not the specific exploit we were checking for and we don’t currently have the ability to detect it. Tomorrow we will release the top 3 finishers in the TWAB. You can make your own decision as to who should be celebrated.”

Charles Singletary Jr keeps the updates flowing as the News Editor, breaking stories while investigating the biggest topics in gaming and technology. He's pretty active on Twitter, so feel free to reach out to him @The_CSJR. Got a hot tip? Email him at

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