E3 2017: Yacht Club Games Interview With Sean Velasco and Nick Wozniak

The two developers stopped by to talk about games in general at the show, while adding a bit about what they have been working on. 


Shovel Knight developer Yacht Club Games is at the show, but not showing anything in particular. They are more getting the lay of the gaming land and taking a few meetings about potential games But that didn't stop Nick Wozniak and Sean Velasco from stopping by the Shacknews booth to talk about games they have played and offer impressions on the Shacknews "lodge." They do talk a little about the "more wacky" King Knight expansion at the end.

Check out the full interview below:

For more videos, including gameplay and interviews, visit the Shacknews and GamerHub.tv YouTube channels. 

You can also find all of our videos from E3 2017 on our Shack @ E3 2017 YouTube Playlist.

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