E3 2017: Ubisoft Shows Off The Crew 2
Ubisoft's latest adrenaline-fueled experience aims to be the king of all motorsports titles.
Ubisoft's E3 press conference has begun, and the company is showcasing some of the many exciting games they have in the works. Among those titles is The Crew 2, a game that aims to push the motorsports genre to its extreme limits. Stephane Belev, Creative Director Ubisoft Ivory Tower, took to the stage to show off a trippy new trailer for the game that seems more than a little inspired by the likes of Inception:
Watching the trailer, it's hard to know exactly what sort of game The Crew 2 is aiming to be; however, it's pretty clear that there are a few fundamentals at the core of the game's design, and those fundamentals include speed, power, and performance across all wakes of motorized sports.
It's all not about racing, however: players will be able to drive around and enjoy the simple natural beauty of the game's lush environments using any means they like, from stunt aircraft to motocross bikes and even speedboats. Narrow rivers, sand dunes, ribbons of tarmac, and the skies themselves are available for players enjoy however they see fit.
Ubisoft hasn't given any firm release date for the game, but E3 attendees will be able to check out some first-hand gameplay at Ubisoft's E3 booth. Even better, Ubisoft is currently taking applications for beta access, and all the necessary information can be found over at the official Crew 2 website.

The Crew 2 is set to release for PS4, PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Xbox One X, and PC in early 2018.
Kevin Tucker posted a new article, E3 2017: Ubisoft Shows Off The Crew 2