Warner Bros' Wonder Woman game has reportedly been rebooted & switched directors
Monolith Productions' Wonder Woman game has allegedly cost $100 million amid reports of underperformance in Warner Bros' games division.
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Monolith Productions' Wonder Woman game has allegedly cost $100 million amid reports of underperformance in Warner Bros' games division.
Warner Bros. Discovery CFO Gunnar Wiedenfels said that the company is highly invested in making a successor to the 2023 Harry Potter game.
Curious about which characters are going to be available in Mortal Kombat 1? We've gathered a list of the characters confirmed for the roster so far.
Leave an online match before it's over and it will still count as a win for your opponent, plus your characters will get dishonorably destroyed.
The next generation of Mortal Kombat comes to PC and consoles in September 2023.
The 2.1 patch notes for MultiVersus include details about new playable character Marvin the Martian plus minor bug fixes for other characters.
GeForce Giveaways just got a hell of a lot more Orc-y.
Was anyone playing it anymore?
New characters, rewards and currency included.
Rockstead Studios has revealed its roadmap for Batman: Arkham Knight DLC, which shows the studio plans on releasing content until the end of the year.