All Stories Tagged: Tecmo Koei, Page 7

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Dead or Alive 5 free costume DLC brings alien Teletubby

A free pack of costumes for Dead or Alive 5 dropped today, with 11 new sets of glad rags to punch and jiggle in. Given how absurd Dead or Alive is, the new outfits are surprisingly sensible and unrevealing. Well, aside from the big silver space-Teletubby up there.

Inafune's 'Yaiba' revealed as Ninja Gaiden Z

Keiji Inafune's zombie-slaying ninja 'em up revealed last week under the codename 'Yaiba' is, in fact, Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z, starring a fallen ninja resurrected as a cyborg to slay Ryu Hayabusa. A collaboration between series creator Team Ninja, Inafune's Comcept, and Lost Planet 3 developer Spark Unlimited, it's being made for unspecified consoles.

Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage 2 announced

A few years back, Tecmo Koei stuffed manga series Fist of the North into its Dynasty Warriors mould and squeezed out Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage. A sequel was confirmed E3 with a trailer, but the publisher has nothing to say about the game beyond that.

Dead or Alive 5 bouncing out in September

Team Ninja's breast simulator-cum-fighting game Dead or Alive 5 will lollop onto Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on September 25, publisher Tecmo Koei confirmed today at E3. Come watch the E3 trailer and gawp at its new screenshots.

Ninja Gaiden 3 demo cuts in

Do you enjoy stabbing men? If so (and who doesn't?), you may have been put off by the lukewarm response to Ninja Gaiden 3, but you can now give it a go yourself, as a demo was released yesterday for Team Ninja's stab 'em up.

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