All Stories Tagged: Team Bondi

Supposed Whore of the Orient gameplay footage leaked

A minute of gameplay footage supposedly from Team Bondi's mysterious and ill-fated Whore of the Orient has stumbled onto the Internet, dazed and shivering as if emerging from an opium den into the harsh light of day. If it is what it's claimed to be, it's clearly from an early build, but does give a good gander at the sort of action it's aiming for.

Displaced LA Noire staff forms new studio

Former members of Team Bondi and KMM have started a new indie studio in Sydney, Australia, following the closure of the KMM game division last month. It's called Intuitive Game Studios.

Whore of the Orient to be 'similar' to L.A. Noire

Whore of the Orient, Team Bondi's follow-up to L.A. Noire, is apparently in pre-production and is aiming for a 2015 release, according to some job listing uncovered by super sleuth superannuation. The title will supposedly go into full production next year.

Field Report: LA Noire Touch Edition

Last week, Rockstar Games released a new version of LA Noire with touch controls. But you'd be forgiven if you didn't know about it--it's a touch version created exclusively for OnLive.

Hello, Meet Lola