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inFamous: Second Son trailer showcases next-gen Seattle rain

"When I ask international friends what they think of Seattle, right off the top of their head," inFamous: Second Son game director Nate Fox muses in a new trailer, "They're like, 'Oh man! Rain!'" It's no surprise, then, that the PS4-exclusive superhero 'em up has some awfully pretty weather effects, and developer Sucker Punch is keen to show them off in a new trailer.

inFamous: Second Son trailer really likes explosions

If you play video games, there's a fair chance you enjoy cool explosions and particle effects, but inFamous: Second Son developer Sucker Punch may like them more even more than you. "Instead of just chooo-powkk! it's actually bwrrrooo!" explains one dev in a 'behind-the-scenes' trailer about new hero Delsin's smoke powers. "Fssssh whooooa!" adds another.

Hello, Meet Lola