All Stories Tagged: SimCity Series, Page 6

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SimCity beta coming next weekend

A beta for SimCity is coming next weekend, and Maxis is accepting sign-ups for it now. It will feature a "one hour slice" of the game.

SimCity trailer demonstrates inter-city play

EA's banged on about how urban planners will be able to connect cities in SimCity, and now demonstrates that nicely in a new six-minute video. Each city can hook up with neighbouring cities, run by you or your chums, to import and export resources like electricity and policing, or just to be friends I guess.

SimCity delayed, now erecting on March 5

If you were thrilled by the recent lenghty demonstration of SimCity or the peek at its disasters, head on down to the shops now, buy a 2013 calendar, and draw a big heart around March 5. That's when Maxis's city-building sim will launch, see. It was previously slated to arrive in February.

Of course SimCity will have disasters

Like previous entries, the upcoming SimCity will feature disasters to unleash upon your virtual town. Meteor strikes, earthquakes, tornadoes, and UFOs have all been confirmed.

Hello, Meet Lola