Double Dragon: Neon coming to PS3, Xbox 360
In addition to the upcoming Adventure Time game, WayForward has revealed yet another game in development: a new addition to the Double Dragon franchise.
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In addition to the upcoming Adventure Time game, WayForward has revealed yet another game in development: a new addition to the Double Dragon franchise.
Way of the Samurai 4, released last year in Japan and otherwise unmentioned for a US release, will hit PlayStation Network this summer. It will be published by XSEED Games.
In addition to the departure of studio co-founder Kellee Santiago, executive producer Robin Hunicke has also announced she's leaving thatgamecompany.
thatgamecompany's Jenova Chen announced that thatgamecompany's third game has become "the fast-selling game ever released in the SCEA region on the PlayStation Network."
In a tribute that thatgamecompany's popular title, Sackboy will be sporting some new togs next month.
The Lunar and Grandia series are some of the most beloved amongst hardcore JRPG fans. XSEED's new RPG, Unchained Blades, demands attention--if only due to the pedigree of the creators involved.
PlayMemories Studio is a downloadable program that allows you to view, edit, and share videos and photos directly from the PS3.
While Sony has upped its efforts on making the Vita a more secure platform, it appears that offering backwards compatibility with the PSP is biting Sony yet again.
Ratloop Asia is bringing their gorgeous 2D puzzle-platformer-shooter to the Vita.
Wheels of Destruction: World Tour is coming next week (March 27) for $9.99, developer Gelid Games has announced.