Destiny 2 Update 7.3.4 patch notes increase Crucible's heavy ammo spawn times
You won't be whipping out those machine guns and rocket launchers quite as much in PVP with the increased spawn timer on heavy weapon ammo.
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You won't be whipping out those machine guns and rocket launchers quite as much in PVP with the increased spawn timer on heavy weapon ammo.
All of the fixes and balance changes found in The Finals update 1.5.5.
Bungie has deployed its latest Destiny 2 update.
Bungie has deployed its latest Destiny 2 update.
Embark Studios has rolled out a small hotfix for The Finals.
Destroyer, Viper, Elektra also received adjustments in the latest update.
Bethesda has deployed a massive new patch for Starfield.
Embark Studios is also making balance changes in its first major update for The Finals.
Several bug fixes and weapon changes are present in the latest Destiny 2 update.